Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(67)
Kylie's mouth dropped open and I couldn't help the little thrill I got at seeing her knocked down several pegs. Even if it was by a potential psycho.
“But sir!” she gasped.
He flicked his hand and the remaining leaflets were snatched from her grip and torn to shreds, cascading over her in a shower of pink confetti.
Oh my God he could probably do that to me if he wanted to.
Then why hasn’t he yet?
Laughter rang out around us and a small snort escaped me as Kylie turned bright red and rushed back to her seat.
Orion slammed his coffee cup on the desk and the room fell quiet as he glared across the sea of faces before him. His eyes lingered on me for half a second and I lifted my chin.
You don't scare me.
Except crap, maybe you do.
Orion turned to the board, writing on it with his digital pen.
I blew out a breath. Man did this guy know how to give a pep talk...
He snapped around to face us, seeming extra pissy today (which was saying something). “Every star sign in the Zodiac holds its own attributes. Good and bad. They can influence your nature. But they do not make you different or special. They make you Fae.” He tapped on the board and my Atlas flashed up with the first image in our lesson notes. The Zodiac appeared: a beautiful circle in which all of the star signs interconnected.
“All Fae are a part of this,” he continued, his tone suddenly softer. “And we all share two defining celestial beings in common.” He pointed at the centre of the Zodiac. “The sun and the moon. They bind us. And no Order, no eyeliner, or blue hair-” he gave me a pointed look as he stepped into the aisles and I pursed my lips. “Or beanie hat.” He took a swipe at Diego's hat but he grabbed hold of it, glaring up at Orion in a challenge.
The Professor smirked, “Makes you different,” he finished. He headed deeper into the classroom and I kept my eyes on the board as he continued.
“There are twelve signs, I expect even our royal Vega Heirs know what they are. So let's hear them.” He was suddenly behind us, a hand on each of our shoulders.
My skin tingled from the imprint of his palm and I refused to turn my head to look at him. “Go ahead, Miss Vega,” he commanded.
“Which one?” Tory and I said at the same time.
“Blue.” He tapped me on the shoulder. “Vega number two can come with me.” He nudged Tory and she rose to her feet with a frown, casting a look my way. I gave her a sympathetic glance as Orion led her to his desk and sat down in his chair. “Palm,” he ordered and she hesitantly placed her hand in his. He started doing a reading and I wondered if it was the same one he'd done on me the other night. “I don't hear Zodiac Signs filling my ears.”
I ground my teeth at his rude tone and the sound of giggles carrying from Kylie and her friends.
I called out the names to him in a flat tone. “Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn.”
“Good, five points to House Aer,” Orion said and I could have sworn my jaw nearly hit the table.
Maybe he’s covering his tracks. When they find my mutilated body Kylie will say, “He can’t have killed her Principle Nova, he gave her five house points just a few hours ago!”
Orion jotted down notes as he read Tory's palm and she squirmed uncomfortably under his touch. Her posture alone told me how much she hated him.
He finally released her hand and passed her a slip of paper. “These are your Element scores. The higher the number, the stronger your power. Your principal magic is fire.”
“Oh...right.” She nodded, moving to walk away but he caught her wrist and dragged her forwards.
A wave of horror crashed into my chest as he dug his fangs into her wrist.
She gritted her teeth, sagging forward as he drained her power and stopped her from using her magic to throw him off.
“Oh my God, sir!” Kylie gasped, but he ignored her, continuing to feed from my sister.
“Stop it!” I snapped at him, raising a hand in a wild act as I prepared to slam a blast of air into his face to push him off. Tory threw me a look, shaking her head in warning and I released a noise of distress.
When Orion finally released her, she staggered away from him with a dark expression. He rose to his feet, seeming in a better mood as he continued to chat about star signs.
As Tory walked back to her desk, my attention was snagged by a notification flashing up on her Atlas.
You’ve been mentioned in a FaeBook post, Tory!
My heart stammered as I clicked on my own Atlas, tapping on the app to find the post. Tory dropped into her seat at the same moment as I found it.
Kylie Major: Looks like Professor Orion is tapping in to someone else’s Source. #sharingiscaring #hairsgonnacare
Attached to the post was a picture of Orion feeding from Tory's wrist. My sister shot a vicious look at Kylie over her shoulder.
Comments popped up at the bottom of the post and I bit into my lip as I pointed out the top one to Tory.
Caleb Altair: W.T.F???????????????????????????
Ranjeep Shan: @Calebaltair – this is not okay bro…
Tyler Corbin: Had a front row seat for it. #Orionwentdeep