Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(48)
I needed to have a word with someone about that promised stipend and a trip to the local mall ASAP. Not that I had any immediate plans to be flaunting my underwear at anyone but you never knew when a hot guy might present himself. And so long as he wasn’t of the over-privileged, self-indulging, sadistic, devastatingly attractive Heir variety, I could be tempted.
Luckily, whoever had gathered toiletries for me hadn’t had such horrifying taste as the underwear selector, who I could only imagine was a seventy year old virgin nun. I’d even been provided with a makeup bag stuffed full of more cosmetics than I ever could have afforded before I came here. Not to say that my own collection hadn’t been as impressive - makeup was one of the simplest things to claim a five finger discount on at the local store. But it was a novelty to be given a collection that had actually been paid for.
I made quick work of applying my war paint, ready to face whatever today had in store for me from behind the safety of a generous supply of eyeliner and a sweep of plumb lipstick.
A single chime sounded on the Atlas and I glanced at it as a message flashed up.
Your daily horoscope is waiting for you, Tory!
Just what I’ve been waiting for - a vague set of sentences which might just relate to my day if I skew the meaning to fit whatever random things actually occur.
Good morning Gemini!
The stars have spoken about your day.
Today, you may find yourself on a collision course with a Sagittarius. Though this altercation may bring you peace of mind for a while, try not to forget the true obstacles in your way.
Today could well send you spiralling down various paths so be sure that each decision you make is one you want to stick with. Whatever stance you choose to take today will set the dice rolling and take the control out of your hands.
I rolled my eyes as I tossed my Atlas aside dismissively but it instantly started up its merry tune again. I grabbed it, jabbing it vaguely in an effort to shut it up permanently. That’s a strong hell no to your jingly morning bullshit. My efforts were rewarded as it fell quiet but I also somehow managed to open the FaeBook app.
I hadn’t really given it a look yet aside from a quick glance when Diego had told us about it. Social media participation insinuated the user had a social life and as of yet I could claim no such thing here at Zodiac Academy. Aside from Darcy I’d only really had semi-decent interactions with a few students and we certainly hadn’t made it to the pouting for the camera, taking a selfie stage of our relationship yet. Not that I’d ever really been the type for that anyway.
I gave the newsfeed a quick scroll and my heart leapt as I spotted a picture of my bare ass as I stood in the middle of the common room after Darius’s initiation prank. I guessed it would have been too much to hope that no one had thought to snap a pic while I was exposed like that but I’d spent every second since my exposure trying to pretend it had never happened and being confronted by it again made my pulse quicken.
There were three hundred and fourteen reactions and ninety-five comments and the post had only gone live an hour ago. I glanced at the name of the student who’d posted it. Milton Hubert. The name meant nothing to me. My finger hovered over the comments tab. I knew I shouldn’t tap it. It was better off not to know. Just close the page and forget it even exists. I tapped it. Idiot.
Milton Hubert: Things got hotttttt during the Ignis hazing! #wouldntsayno
Marguerite Helebor: Looks like the unwanted Heirs are already learning their place at the bottom of the pecking order. #whoresgohairless
Damian Evergile: Are you saying you’re a hairless whore or are you hiding a full bush beneath that pleated skirt, Margeurite?
Marguerite Helebor: As if you’d ever get beneath my skirt to find out, Damian Douchebag.
Damian Evergile: Not a whore then. Just sporting a vagina sweater. #muffscruff
Marguerite Helebor: Shut your face Damian! #basicbastard
Terrance Bonnerville: If both Vega girls look that good naked then I’ve just found my latest fantasy threesome. #idtaketwofortheteam
Barry Gurra: Nice on Damian!
Tyler Corbin: Next time he’ll get her on her knees too. #gaggingonit
My lips parted in a mixture of disgust and outrage as I read through more of the comments discussing me like I was a piece of meat. There were plenty of scathing and mocking responses from girls as well as the many, many lewd comments from the male students. There was more than one mention of a threesome including me and Darcy which made my lip curl back. Why did guys think that would be hot? If I told them to start making out with their sibling they’d be disgusted but because we were twins that somehow made that twisted idea of a fantasy okay?
I was a little surprised to see that none of the Heirs had commented, though I noticed Darius had given a laughing reaction to the comment about getting me on my knees. I guessed they thought they were above adding comments to other people’s posts.
My fingers poised above the comment bar as I tried to figure out whether or not I should respond. I knew deep down that anything I said would only stoke the flames but sitting back and taking this crap was just so not me...
Before I could make the decision, the post and all of the comments that went along with it suddenly disappeared. A message flashed up in its place and relief spilled through me.