Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(19)

He chuckled, pulling away. “You really are from the mortal world. Don't worry babe, those powers will surface soon.” He nodded to someone behind me and a linen bag was yanked over my head, blinding me in an instant. I steadied myself against Seth as my breath quickly heated the air surrounding my face.

Seth released me and I tried to hold my nerve as I was left alone all of a sudden. My pulse raced as I waited for something to happen.

“If you don't pass my initiation you don't stay in Aer, got it?” Seth barked and his voice was so forceful I couldn't fight a flinch.

A murmur of ascent went up from the freshmen.

“You will reply with 'yes Alpha'. Let's try again,” Seth commanded. “Have you got that?”

“Yes Alpha!” the freshmen called but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It was just too degrading.

I was suddenly yanked against a hard body and I felt sure it was Seth. “Answer me, pledge.”


“Yes Alpha,” I forced out through my teeth.

He released me and I stumbled forward as he stepped away.

“MOVE!” Seth bellowed like a drill sergeant and hands snared my arms, pulling me along at a fast pace. A cold breeze gusted over me and the thumping of hundreds of footfalls filled my ears.

The air became noticeably warmer and I guessed I was inside the tower as I was guided across a hard stone floor. The toe of my Converses hit a step and I staggered, but the hands holding me kept me upright.

We started climbing a winding staircase, round and round and round. I was dizzy and hot and fear was making a good effort at making me freak out. But this was just a game. Even mortal colleges did crap like this. I just had to get through tonight. Pass their stupid initiation. Then hopefully I'd get a warm bed and a moment alone to process this whole day. It must have been well past midnight already and exhaustion was starting to seep into my bones.

Someone jabbed me in the back and I grumbled as I was forced higher and higher.

Finally, we stepped onto flat ground. My leg muscles burned and I panted heavily. Whoever was holding me didn't seem to be out of breath at all. In fact, I couldn't hear many people around me who sounded as exhausted as I was.

I'm not that unfit am I?

“Forward,” Seth commanded and I was guided across hard flooring, twisting left and right.

A cold wind hit me and a shiver ran through my body as I realised I must have been outside again.

“You're now at the top of Aer Tower,” Seth announced and murmurs of fear escaped the other freshmen.

My heart doubled its pace as the icy wind increased, pressing against my back.

“Line them up on the edge,” Seth growled.

The edge!?

My heart thundered as the two people holding my arms dragged me forward. I dug my heels in as some of the freshmen called out, “Wait!” and “I'm not ready!”

I was pushed forward then released and I felt myself teetering on a precipice, my toes hanging over the edge.

I lurched backwards in fear, but strong hands shoved me into place again.

“You are air born, pledges!” Seth shouted at us from behind. “The wind is your ally. If you can't harness it, you don't deserve to live here. Or at all for that matter.”

Terror clutched my heart and I shook my head as I realised what was about to happen. The wind gusted at my back again and a murmur of fear escaped me.

Someone sniggered and I was fairly sure it was Kylie. I gritted my teeth, hating feeling so vulnerable in front of everyone. But at least the other freshmen were beside me. I tried to reach out for the closest one, but my hand just flailed and I quickly pulled it back to my side.

Movement sounded around me, the shuffle of feet and the odd giggle.

How was this funny? I didn't know how to use my powers! Did the rest of the freshmen have some training? Maybe I was the only one who didn't. And if that was true I had to let them know.

“Wait,” I choked out. “I don't know what I'm doing.”

“You'll figure it out, girl,” Kylie called in encouragement.

I started to tremble, picturing the huge drop stretching out far below me.

“On the count of three you'll jump and if you don't stop yourself from hitting the ground, then you're gonna go splat. And if you don't jump, you'll be pushed,” Seth explained in a bright tone.

“What the fuck?” I snapped, suddenly losing it.

“One!” Seth called, ignoring me.

I shook my head, panic dashing my heart to pieces. I didn't know what I was doing. How could I catch myself with a power I'd just found out I had a few hours ago!? I rubbed my fingers together, trying to draw that rippling sensation to them again but it wouldn't obey.


A quiet, resolute voice in my head told me I had to do this. I couldn't be the weak link in this crazy group of students. School was always about hierarchy and if I failed at the first hurdle, I'd never earn my place here.


I took a breath, shut my eyes and placed every ounce of faith I had in myself.

I jumped.

My feet hit the floor. Someone ripped my hood off and raucous laughter filled my ears. It took me a painfully long second to realise I'd just jumped from a one foot step at the heart of a crowded room. All of the other freshmen had been pulled aside to watch me do it. Alone.

Caroline Peckham & S's Books