Without a Hitch(52)

Phoebe gently nudges my back, forcing me to break the spell. I just need to actively avoid him for the next twenty minutes.



A bby steps into the sanctuary wearing a white gown that makes her look like a goddess. My heart stops. Time stands still. I can’t look away.

“Why is she wearing a wedding dress?” I hiss to my sister when I can finally compose a coherent thought. My chest itches and my neck becomes unbearably hot. There’s a lump in my throat. Am I getting sick for the first time in fifteen years?

“Well, actually that’s Phoebe’s dress, so I’m honestly not sure.” Nova tilts her head to get a better look at me. “Are you okay?”

Ignoring her, I scan the small group milling about, trying to pick out anyone who may step up to the altar with her. There’s a couple. A group of three women. An older couple sits in the corner. But I can’t picture her marrying anyone.

“Is she getting fucking married? Right now?”

Nova steps in front of me. Her sisterly senses could rival Spider-Man. “What’s going on here, Loch? I thought you were just hooking up with Abby, but your expression right now? Your tone? That makes me think you see her as more than just a hookup.”

I tug on my earlobe, a nervous habit I thought I’d kicked in college, but I’m finding it hard to breathe as panic sets in. “Who could Abby be marrying?” I straighten my vest three times before lifting my gaze to meet my sister’s. Sweat builds on my upper lip as I entertain visions of throwing Abby over my shoulder and running out that door.


I force my gaze to focus on my sister’s worried expression, but I have the worst case of cotton mouth, and it’s hard to form words.

“Phoebe is wearing Abby’s bridesmaid dress. I’ve heard that the Dannerys don’t approve of this wedding, so just let things play out for a minute, okay? If she’s getting married, you’ll have your chance when the priest asks if anyone here has any objections.”

That has a grin slipping through the panic. I can picture Abby’s pissed-off face as I charge the altar and take her with me, away from whatever asshole she’s standing next to. Hell, I’ll stand next to her.

Full. Fucking. Stop.

I need to get my head on straight. I did not just have a fleeting moment where I actually considered standing up with Abby to make her mine legally. Did I?

“I so wish I were a mind reader.” Nova giggles. “Whatever caveman thoughts are causing that furious, slightly anguished expression, I need to know.”

I open my mouth to respond, but no words come because Abby is on the move. She and Phoebe march down the aisle with an unfamiliar man in tow. “Who the fuck is that?” Scanning the small crowd, I find Phoebe’s new husband slipping through the back door.

Nova follows my gaze as the three of them step outside into the morning light. My feet are moving, and I can hear Nova laughing behind me. “At least they aren’t married.” She’s happier than she should be at my misery.

“What the hell is going on?”

Outside, I find Abby posing with the man like they were just married. Phoebe smiles politely next to them as a small group talks loudly on the street. I vaguely hear murmurs of “Thank God it wasn’t Phoebe!” and “We still have time.”

Time for what?

Studying each of their faces in turn, I recognize similar features in Phoebe. Nova’s words about Phoebe’s family not approving of her relationship ring true in the bitter expressions of these strangers.

I feel completely detached from reality as the church bells ring. Like I’m not actually here, but watching from a distance. My feet are stuck in place as Abby takes the stranger’s hand, smiling like a bride, and leads him down the stone steps.

“Did I miss something? Did Abby just get married?”

“It sure looks that way, but we were in there. They…I…I honestly don’t know, Loch.”

Abby smiles over her shoulder, and our eyes lock. For the briefest of moments, I can read her mind. I hear all her fears, hopes, and dreams. I wonder if I can be everything she needs in that split second.

Then she gives the smallest shrug, tosses a bouquet over her shoulder that Nova catches easily, and steps into a waiting car.

She’s gone before I can get to her. Just like our last night together, she left me before I could find our beginning.

I’m left feeling empty and hollow on the streets of Boston. A sadness I’m not accustomed to threatens to unman me. Generally, I’m not a man ruled by emotions or feelings, but here I am with eyes that feel too hot and words that stick in my throat.

Feelings I didn’t have, even after the fiasco with Christine, rack my body. With Christine, it was all rage and revenge. With Abby, it’s…fuck me. This hurts.

There’s a flurry of activity all around me. I’m vaguely aware that Nova has said good-bye to Phoebe, and the street clears. I stand still.

“I’m not sure what’s going on, but one thing I’m sure of—Abby is a wedding fixer. She comes in to make sure these weddings go off exactly the way the bride envisions. That will make it much easier to find her,” Nova mutters.

“What?” I bark and immediately regret it. I don’t raise my voice to Nova. Not ever. Not even when she was ten and used my condoms for balloon animals. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”

Avery Maxwell's Books