Wild and Free (The Three #3)(19)

“Right, well, don’t ever do it to me again,” I hissed.

“You were freaking and needed to understand,” he explained.

“You made me bark like a dog!” I shouted.

He lifted his hands in the air and flicked them out impatiently. “Delilah, serious as f*ck, would I tell you I could control minds if I intended to control your mind?”

That made sense.

Which sucked.

“Don’t get rational with me when you just made me bark like a dog,” I snapped.

“I didn’t harm you,” he returned, dropping his hands.

“That doesn’t matter.”

“I’d never harm you.”

My back shot straight at his tone, a tone that made the words he said burrow inside like they were writing themselves on my soul as a never-ending vow.

“You need to know me,” he said, his voice gentling. “You need to understand what I am, what I can do, who I am. I’m giving that to you. I’m doing it honestly. Nothing held back. You need that. We need that.”

He was right.

That sucked too.

“I think you might get all this is gonna take some getting used to,” I noted in my defense.

“Yeah, I get that,” he replied.

“It’d be freaking awesome if it wasn’t so f*cking weird and didn’t come with people trying to kill us.”

I saw his body relax and his mouth get soft before he agreed quietly, “Yeah.”

“You want honesty, I’ll give it back to you,” I began. “All if this is totally flipping me out and I’m hanging on by a thread here.”

“How can I help that?”

He asked the question straight out and instantly, and after he did, my eyes fell on my purse on the table.


I looked back to him. “We’re connected, aren’t we?”



“No clue.”

“Doesn’t it freak you?”

“No, ’cause for the first time in my life, with you finally in it, I feel whole.”

Oh my God, he felt like me.

He felt like me.

I closed my eyes and let myself feel it, something I’d never felt in my life until him.


Even in all the crazy, it felt marvelous.

I opened them again.

“Is there more about the world I don’t know? Like, does Superman exist?” I asked.

“Vampires and werewolves roam the earth. It’s a possibility,” he answered.

I smiled as I asked, “Could you kick his ass?”

“Absolutely,” he replied.

“Cocky,” I muttered.

He tipped his head to the side. “You want bacon and eggs?”

“Do I have to drink the eggs raw?”

His brows shot together. “Fuck no.”

“Then yes.”

His mouth still soft, he shook his head and reached his hand out to me. “You get the bacon, I’ll get the eggs. We’ll make breakfast, eat it, and you can tell me about your dad.”

I looked into his eyes.

Then I looked to his hand.

Finally, I reached out my own.

His closed around mine and he gently pulled me to the kitchen.

He let me go to get the eggs.

I took care of the bacon and commenced in telling him about my dad.

Chapter Four

Bigger than Anything You’ll Know


After breakfast, Abel washed the dishes, I dried.

I was putting the last dish away as he was walking to the milk cartons, talking.

“I’ll go upstairs, shower at Jian-Li’s, then go out and get something to—”

He stopped speaking and I turned to him to see his eyes to the door. He moved that way, opening it and standing in it. A couple of seconds later, his brothers, all of them, came through, one of them miraculously carrying my bags.


“For a biker babe, your woman does not pack light,” one of the brothers said as he came in and dumped my bags. He had blond-tipped spikes on top of his short, cropped hair, and he was wearing jeans and a tee that said, Wake up. Kick ass. Repeat. He was shorter than Abel (though, it would be difficult not to be, seeing as I reckoned Abel was at least six foot four). He was taller than Chen, but his other brother was taller than him. He was also taller than me. They all were, seeing as I was five-six.

And he was the one who had chopped the dude’s head off last night.

His eyes came to me. “Yo, I’m Xun.”

“Uh, hey, Xun,” I replied.

“I’m Wei.” I heard and my eyes went to the last one I hadn’t met. The one who might have sacrificed his bike to take out two vampires to save his brother.

He had a faux-hawk, which looked awesome on him. He also had on jeans, but his tee indicated he liked the band Korn.

“Hey there, Wei.”

“Hey, Delilah,” Chen called, and I looked to him.

Chen had a spiky ’do too, but his included ragged bangs that cut across his forehead. This morning he was in a skintight, red Under Armour shirt and black track pants.

If I had to choose, I would pick Xun’s shirt as my favorite, though Chen’s was the hottest.

Kristen Ashley's Books