Wild and Free (The Three #3)(167)

“I’m so gonna love being young forever,” she declared, and his smile got bigger.

There were many times in his life he’d thought that sucked.

Being the same, young forever, but doing it with her, finally, he was looking forward to it.

“Yeah,” he agreed, getting close.

When he got close enough, she put her hands on his chest and leaned into him.

“In case you’re keeping track, that’s something else I love about you. That you can give me that.”

Her words were kind of slurred, but they were still beautiful.

“Me too, bao bei.”

She tipped her head to the side again and asked, “You know, there’s something else I left off my list.”

He rested his hands on either side of her neck. “What’s that?”

She slid one hand down his chest, his stomach, to cup his crotch.

He pulled in a hissed breath, but his breath snagged when she gave him a squeeze.

“This,” she whispered.

“Baby,” he groaned.

Her other hand slid down and she undid his zipper.

“Mama feels like sucking cock,” she shared, her voice hot, her eyes bothered, all of it telling him she really wanted that.

“Not me gonna stop you,” he told her.

She grinned, cute and inebriated.

Then she dropped to her knees, pulled him out, and hesitated not a second before she commenced going down on him.

His head dropped back and he slid his fingers into her hair.

“Fuck, you’re good at that,” he growled.

She took that encouragement and did amazing things with it. She did them for a while and she gave them her all.

And she did it until he could take no more.

“You wanna swallow or you want me in you?”

She pulled him out, rolled his head with her tongue, and tipped her eyes to him. When she did, it was a wonder he didn’t come all over her lips. Her eyes were drunk. Drunk with booze and life and sex and love, wild and alive and carefree.

It was a close second, but it was nearly as good as the beauty she’d given him that afternoon in living room five.

“Your choice,” she whispered.

He took his choice, fast, so she only had time to gasp before he had her jeans over her ass, her torso bent over the back of a chair, and she was taking his cock.

She didn’t take it long before he leaned over her, prepared her neck, and sank his fangs in.

Her blood gushed into his mouth and she came instantly.

He kept at her, pounding hard, jolting her, forcing the chair forward, pushing her orgasm to the limit, his hand finding her tit, pinching and twisting.

She cried out, arching her neck, rearing her ass into his hips as he gave more, she took more, and she gave it all to him.

He swept her wounds with his tongue, drove a hand into the curls between her legs, and found her, still pinching and twisting her nipple, still driving deep.

“Keep coming,” he ordered roughly into her ear.

“’Kay, baby,” she whimpered, the words ending on a moan, her head still back, her mouth opened as the moan continued but went silent.

Her cunt gripped him and he kept working her, reaching for it, getting close.

“Keep coming, *cat,” he groaned.

“Yeah,” she panted, clutching him with her *, her breaths hitching as she rode the wave of a long orgasm, or the span of several.

He loved that.

Fucking loved it.

Giving it to her and knowing she had it in her to take it.

Now it was his turn.

He shoved his face in her neck and pulled hard on her nipple.

“I’m there,” he snarled as he drove himself in to the root and exploded.

It was raw, it was wild, it was phenomenal, so it took him time before his head cleared. After it did, he cupped her breast, lapping gently at the fast fading marks on her neck.

“Knew drunk sex with you would be the bomb,” she said quietly, her voice still breathy.

“Any sex with you is the bomb,” he told her and got silence for long moments.

She broke it, saying, “Yet another thing I love about you. That you think that.”

He shoved his face further into her neck and he actually felt the roughness in his voice when he asked, “Anything you don’t love about me?”

“Not yet.”


“You have an eternity to find something,” he told her.

“Figure it’ll take that long.”


His temptress, his mate, his woman.

The fates f*cking loved him.

“You sleepy or you got more in you?” he asked.

“I can go all night,” she answered.

“Not hard, since it’ll be morning in about two hours,” he teased.

She twisted her neck to look at him. “Then I can definitely go that long.”

Slowly, he slid out, and when she lost him, he bent in to touch his mouth to hers.

When he lifted his head, he whispered, “Then get naked for me, *cat. Wanna see how long you can go.”

“A challenge,” she noted.


“Accepted,” she declared, then pushed him back, shuffled two steps, and stood in front him, getting naked.

He watched, loving what he saw.

Kristen Ashley's Books