Wild and Free (The Three #3)(151)

He gave them all chin jerks, then immediately turned his attention back to Gregor.

“And I’m here…?”Abel trailed off on a prompt.

“They wish to leave,” Gregor told him.

Abel shook his head in confusion and reiterated, “And I’m here…?”

“We don’t want them to leave,” Gregor explained.

Abel gave him a hard look, then looked to the women.

“You don’t like vampires,” he stated.

“How old are you?” Ruby rapped out her question.

“Two hundred and five,” Abel calmly gave her his answer.

“Right, then you weren’t alive at the time, and you’re likely too young to know, that vampires—”

“Did a bunch of bad shit to witches and you’re pissed,” Abel finished for her. Ignoring her eyes lighting with fury, he went on, “I get that. I’d be pissed too. That was whacked. So whacked, I’d hang on to it for centuries just like you’re obviously doing. But, just sayin’, it’s not real safe out there for anyone supernatural or even remotely involved in the supernatural life. It’s safe in here. You wanna take your chances out there, all I got to say to that is…your funeral.”

“Ruby, Jezza, Flo…Yuri’s vowed to keep you safe,” Aurora added at that juncture.

“I believe, my sweet, I vowed to keep you safe,” Yuri drawled, and she jerked her head around and back to look up at him.

“And, by extension, my sisters,” she declared.

“It doesn’t work like that, Aurora,” he explained.

She turned fully to him. “Well, vow you’ll keep them safe.”

His tone didn’t change when he replied, “I will not.”

“Yuri!” she cried. “You’ve vowed to keep me safe. I don’t know why you can’t do the same for them.”

He bent slightly toward her. “I like you.”

He left it there. Then again, him leaving it there said it all.

Abel’s lips were again twitching.

She leaned into him and hissed, “I can’t believe you!”

“All right, all right,” Gregor broke in, and Abel looked to him to see his gaze on the other witches. “I’ll vow to keep you safe. Does that work?”

“Works for me,” Barb said instantly. “Now, when’s breakfast? I’m starved.”

“Barb!” Flo exclaimed.

Barb turned gentle eyes to her sister and said softly, “Video.”

All the witches suddenly started looking at anything that wasn’t breathing and shuffled their feet.

They’d seen the videos.

This surprised Abel. He cut his eyes to Aurora, who was still glaring up at Yuri, then to Yuri, who was looking at Abel.

“Barb saw it before I could stop her. Aurora has not seen it, nor will she,” he declared.

“Keep that oath, brother,” Abel muttered.

Yuri dipped his chin.

Abel looked to the other witches. “Stay. You’d be fools to go out there. These *s we’re dealin’ with are cold as ice. Don’t know you and still know you’re a lot better people than they are, seein’ as it would be hard not to be. So it’d suck you not bein’ on this earth.” His looked to Gregor. “That’s it. I said my bit. Now, if you’ll let me know when that potion’s done, I’d appreciate it.”

On that, seeing as he didn’t have time for that shit considering the fact he had to prepare to find out where his brother was, he walked out.


Abel was training as wolf with Callum, Ryon, Calder, and Caleb when he saw Xun heading their way.

He communicated this to his brothers, turned, jogged to his clothes, and jumped to man.

He had his jeans on, the others around him having turned into man and also dressing, when Xun made it to them.

“Patricio took a day-trip this morning,” Xun said as an opener. “Gregor put a human on him. He drove about a hundred miles out, had his meet, they took his head.”

“Jesus Christ,” Abel snarled.

“Guess they’re not taking any chances,” Calder muttered.

“That’s it?” Callum asked.

“The guy we sent after him couldn’t get close enough to hear what they were saying. He just reported the conversation didn’t last long before things got bloody. Figure they weren’t real big on the rest of those concubines gettin’ rescued last night and decided cleanup crews were necessary.”

All the missions had been successful the night before and a further twelve had been rescued utilizing local intel on turncoat vampires.

That still left hundreds in the hands of the enemy, though they’d had no more videos or any other communication, such as threats or ransom demands.

“’Nother bit of news,” Xun went on. “That Gastineau phantom has been in touch.”

“And he said…?” Abel asked.

“Said he’s on it,” Xun answered.

“Nothing more?” Callum pressed.

“Nope, just that he’s on it,” Xun told him.

Abel looked to Callum. “You got any clue what that means?”

“My read, the phantoms don’t like their queen held captive, but they aren’t asking for allies to assist in rescuing her,” Callum replied.

Kristen Ashley's Books