Wild and Free (The Three #3)(120)

I felt Abel’s tension, as well as Caleb’s, as Abel repeated, “You’re a traitor to The Three?”

“Yes,” the vampire said again.

“Did you provide information to the enemy of The Three about our meeting with the vampire Cosmo this morning?” Abel asked.

“Yes,” the vampire said.

Abel looked to Caleb and Caleb moved to the door. He went out. Stephanie came in and closed the door behind her.

Her eyes never left the vampire in the chair as her mouth hissed, “Is it him?”

“Yep,” Abel answered, his word casual, his tone and stance not.

I tried to decide whether to edge toward my man, which would mean passing an obviously pissed off Stephanie, but didn’t come to a decision before Stephanie pinned me to the spot by looking at me.

“Are you taping?” she asked.

I quickly looked to the camera, ascertained all was well, turned back to her, and nodded.

“How did you become aware of the meeting this morning?” Abel asked the vampire.

“My room is next to Ursula’s,” the vampire answered, and Abel’s eyes shot to me.

Dad’s vampire. He heard them talking during their festivities.


I gave Abel big eyes.

Abel looked back to the vampire. “You listened.”


“Did you use any electronic devices to do this?” Abel continued.

“I don’t need to,” the vamp told Abel something he knew.

“At any time did you use any devices of any kind to learn anything about The Three?” Abel pushed.


“Were you placed here by the enemy?” Abel went on.

“We aren’t the enemy; we’re true immortals,” the vampire stated. “True immortals know it’s against our nature to follow rules, be lorded by laws, forced to hide ourselves, our power, our dominance. We are all rulers. Kings and queens. Lesser beings are meals. Playthings. Drones. They exist to serve us and the time has finally come for the true immortals to take their rightful place as overlords of humanity.”

This speech gave me a shiver, but Abel didn’t hesitate. He just amended his question. “Were you placed here?”


“Are there others like you?”

“One, a vampire soldier.”

“What’s his name?”


Abel looked to Stephanie. She nodded and took off.

Abel kept going.

“Do you know of my abilities?”

“Abilities?” the vampire asked as an answer.

Abel didn’t answer him. He kept going.

“Do you know of any abilities The Three have?”

The vampire’s brow knit before he repeated, “No.”

“Have you been listening to The Three?” Abel asked.

“It’s difficult to get close to the quarters of The Three without being noticed. The brothers and cousin of the false king of the wolves are untrusting and annoyingly watchful.”

Well, thank God for that.

“So you’ve been trying to listen,” Abel remarked.


There was a sharp knock on the door, but before I could go to it, it was opened by Lucien.

He came in, glancing at Abel, Stephanie, and me before he closed the door, then turned his attention fully to the man in the hot seat.

Abel continued without hesitation. “Who do you believe the true king of the werewolves is?”

“The true king of the werewolves will be the true immortal wolf who takes the head of the false king or any of his family who try to oppose him.”

I swallowed at that, but Abel kept at him.

“Are you aware of any of the plans of those who call themselves the true immortals?”

“Only that the golem attack this compound tomorrow evening by sea.”

I pulled in breath and looked to the side, taking in Abel, Stephanie, and Lucien. Lucien’s jaw was hard. Abel’s eyes were narrowed. Stephanie looked ready to pounce.

“And how will the golem attack by sea with the compound’s security in place?” Abel pushed.

“The vampire soldier, Bjorn, will be on shift at that time and he supervises the cliffside security.”

Abel kept at him. “You’re aware of no other plans those who call themselves the true immortals have against this compound, the members of The Three, or humanity?”

“I am a spy for The True. I gather information and communicate it to those who will use it. I’m not privy to strategy. However, I’m expected to keep watch for Bjorn tomorrow night.”

Abel carried on, “Who put the cameras in the trees?”

“Humans working on the security detail for The Vampire Dominion. Being human, they are easily swayed by payments of large sums of money.”

I watched Abel’s eyes narrow further and knew why when he stated, “I’d asked if there were others and you spoke of no humans. Only this vampire, Bjorn.”

The mind-controlled drone of his voice held a hint of sneer when he replied, “You asked if there were others ‘like me.’ No human is like me.”

“Then we need the names of all the humans, and any other beings you know of, who are working for these true immortals,” Abel returned.

Kristen Ashley's Books