Wicked Need (The Wicked Horse Series Book 3)(47)

But then he stops, and my eyes open slowly. He spreads his legs, thighs on the mattress, and I watch over his shoulder as Logan crawls in between Rand’s legs. Using his hand, he guides the head of his cock to Rand’s ass, and with nothing more than a lowering of his entire lower body, he fills him up again.

Rand hisses as he’s pushed deeper into me, sandwiched in between Logan and me. His elbows go to the mattress, his muscles bulging and straining to keep most of his weight off me. We’re all still for just a moment, but then I can feel the outsides of Rand’s thigh muscles flex as he raises his hips, pulling out of me.

Just to the tip where he holds still, allowing Logan to pull out of his ass a bit.

Logan pauses… a brief moment in time where I wonder what’s going to happen next, before I scream out in pleasure when Logan slams into Rand, who then slams into me. Rand lets out a hoarse bark of surprise, and Logan groans as if he’s dying of pleasure.

“Oh, let’s do that again,” I murmur, trying to unclench my toes that had just previously been curled.

Logan gives a dark laugh, and Rand’s eyes glitter as he stares down at me with equal measures of naked desire and fulfilment.

The tilt of his head. The soft smile. The intent stare.

Fulfilment that he’s given me what I wanted.

And I melt again.

Then Logan starts f*cking Rand, who starts f*cking me again, and I come so hard, I feel obliterated. I have no doubt I can put myself back together again, but I’m just wondering what a reassembled Catherine Lyons will look like compared to the old one.

Chapter 17


“Are you excited about starting work today?” I ask Cat as she leans in toward my small bathroom mirror and puts on mascara.

She gives a soft, “Uh-huh” as she feathers the black goo onto her eyelashes.

I’m fascinated by everything she does to make herself up. Not to make herself more beautiful, because I don’t think the makeup and perfect hair does that. It just makes her beautiful in a different way. She could wear nothing on her face, as I’ve seen her do at night before she goes to bed, and still be just as lovely.

But I watch because she lets me and because I could watch her for hours doing nothing. Pish was already pissed at me for ditching work last Friday, as well as missing Monday and Tuesday of this week. But I pointed out to him that I never take vacation—which is true because there’s nowhere I want to be—and that shut him up. I also told him I was taking Wednesday too.

Which I did and enjoyed thoroughly. That was the day after the spectacular f*ck-fest that occurred between Cat, Logan, and me. Whereas I thought the three of us would go all night, turns out we all fell into an exhausted heap because of the massive orgasms that ripped through our little group. I think I dozed with my head on Cat’s chest and her playing with my hair. When I woke up, Cat was sound asleep and Logan was gone. I noted the way Cat was curled into me and I was spooned around her, and I figure if Logan saw that, he was being the good guy and jetted out of there so we could be alone.

So yesterday… Cat and I did nothing but relax and recover from the events of the last few days. She wasn’t going to start with Callie and Sloane until the next day as Callie was having a bunch of shit moved from a warehouse over to the campaign headquarters for them to organize.

Cat and I hung at the apartment all day, wore sweatpants, ordered Chinese takeout, and binged on Netflix. The only sign of energy either of us exhibited was while we were watching Jessica Jones. I was sitting on the couch, my legs propped on the coffee table. Cat was lying on her side, her head on my thigh.

Just as Jessica and Cage were getting it on for the first time, Cat shifted, rolled, and came up on her knees beside me. With her face still turned toward the TV screen and watching Cage take Jessica up against the wall, she palmed my crotch with her hand and started rubbing.

My breath froze and I held still.

Deliriously happy she initiated not only because my cock was about to feel really good, but also because Cat was embracing her sexuality in a natural manner. She was doing something she wanted to do with no one prodding her or expecting anything.

So she blew me right there while I watched Jessica Jones. Well, f*ck… couldn’t watch it. Couldn’t concentrate on anything but her wet mouth on me, so we had to rewind.

“What’s the smile for?” Cat asks.

I blink away the memory, coming back to focus on her watching me in the bathroom mirror as I lean against the doorjamb. Not sure why I’m still loitering because I could have left for work already, but like I said… very much enjoying the view.

“Just thinking about that blow job you gave me yesterday on the couch,” I tell her truthfully.

She beams back at me in the mirror as she puts the cap back on her mascara. “It was really good, wasn’t it?”

“Best ever,” I murmur, and I think it was. But then again, each encounter with this woman just keeps getting better and better.

She turns, placing the mascara in a black, quilted bag laying on my cramped vanity. Resting her butt against the counter ledge, she places her palms to either side and says, “Listen… I want to reach out to Kevin and demand a copy of the signed will he says supposedly exists.”

“I thought we were going to wait for Bridger—”

“I’m tired of waiting, Rand,” she interrupts. “I’m sorry… but this is my life and I want to get this settled so I can move on.”

Sawyer Bennett's Books