What Lovers Do(96)
“Take a friend.”
“I don’t have that many friends here yet.”
“Take a sedative.”
“I don’t like how they make me feel.”
“You’re being difficult, love.”
“Strong. I’m being strong-willed. That’s why you hired me.”
“I hired you because you’re active yet submissive.”
“Pardon me?”
“Don’t act offended. Who lets a guy get away with, ‘I want to take your leg off,’ on the first date—before so much as a kiss?”
“You were handsome.”
“Yes. Now you’re just bossy, and that’s not very attractive on you.”
“Next Wednesday. Ass on the plane, love.”
“Bossy cow.” I sighed, plugging in the dryer.
“Mmm hmm.” He disconnected our call.
I aimed the hairdryer at my phone and blasted it on high with an evil glare.
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For a rom-com, this was a painful labor of love. From storyline, to controversial dialogue, a million blurb revisions, and book cover dilemmas … this project challenged me more than I ever could have imagined. I’m thrilled to say I’m overjoyed with the end result, and I want to thank my village who helped me get to the end.
To my family, thank you for keeping smiles on your faces while I had repeated breakdowns.
Jenn, thank you for holding my hand through every step of this, for listening, for encouraging, for being honest, for weathering the storm of changes with me.
Thank you, Nina, for long talks, brutal honesty, and top secret confessions about life and the hoops of fire we jump through to navigate the ever-changing world of publishing. You and your team at Valentine PR are superb!
To my beta readers and proofreading team (Leslie, Kambra, Monique, Amy, Sian, Jenn, Shauna, and Bethany), you are the reason this book exists. Without your feedback and hard work, I might have let this one die on my computer. I’m so glad you helped me find my way back to all the good words, even if half of them were typos.
A big thank you to Max, my editor and publicist, for always finding time to read my manuscripts while working tirelessly with Kate to get my stories out to the world. I think this will be an exciting year!
To my awesome cover designers, Jenn and Estella, thank you for two beautiful covers for this story.
Finally, to my promotional teams of loyal readers and ALL the amazing influencers who have taken a chance on me, your generosity and creativity bring me to tears with every book release. I’m so honored to have you in my life. It is and always will be surreal.