What Lovers Do(81)

“Yeah. And I was totally kidding, man. I’m sure being the only employee on a busy day isn’t exactly easy.” He hands me a debit card before I give him the total.

Jimmy Houser.

I swipe his card. “How long have you known Sophie?”

He shrugs, entering his PIN. “I don’t remember. It’s been a while. I’m trying to remember when I moved in with her?” He twists his lips and narrows his eyes. “Can’t remember. Anyway, what’s your name?”

“Shep.” I hand him his receipt.

“When I get home, I’ll tell Sophie that Cersei and I saw you today.”

I nod, unable to muster so much as a fake smile. “Yeah, you do that.”

After he leaves and things die down a bit, I grab my phone and download several dating apps. Either I hook up with someone ASAP or I adopt more dogs. I’m not sure if there is any sort of group therapy for people who use pet adoption to soothe their grievances in life. Can I “find a meeting” around me?



I decide it’s time for a heart-to-heart with Shep, but not until we tell the rest of the family. Not until I have a bigger bump. I need him to see me, really see me. Pregnant me. Then he can make a decision. We can no longer pretend reality doesn’t exist in Shep World, even if I miss that escape.

Mom loses her mind. She’s overjoyed.

Mason’s parents are a little more reserved. After all, their grandchild is in the womb of a woman who is not married to their son. They need reassuring more than once that I did not have sex with Mason. The egg was Chloe’s. The sperm was his.

Dad and Taryn share the same sentiment as Mom, but not without the light bulb going on. Yes, it’s why I wasn’t drinking or eating fish.

A month later, I’m showing with a fitted tee. A cute little bump. I decide it’s time to visit Shep, but not before telling Jimmy. He’s close to finishing his place. I never imagined us reaching this level of amicability, yet here we are.

“Hey,” I say to Jimmy as he packs a sandwich for his dinner before heading off to his house. He’s finishing the entry tile. The carpet gets laid next week. Then … he’s moving out of my house.

He glances up and smiles, glances back down, then does a double take. Zeroing in on my little bump, his lips part.

“It’s not yours,” I say before he jumps to any conclusions.

His eyes flit to mine, and he nods slowly. I’m proud of him. The Jimmy who riffled through the trash, searching for tampons, would not have given me a chance to say anything before jumping to conclusions.

“When I knew things weren’t going to work out between us, which was long before you accepted it…” I smirk and he can’t help but concede with a smile “…I offered to be a surrogate for Chloe and Mason. I’ve been sworn to secrecy, but now family knows, so it’s no longer a secret.”

He returns his gaze to my stomach. “Jesus … I’ve been the biggest asshole ever.”

“You have.” I chuckle. “I’m going to walk up to Wag Your Tail. I’ll be back later. I’m sure you’ll be gone by then. So I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Oh!” He fills a big bottle with water. “That totally reminds me. It was probably a month or two ago, but I met the owner when I stopped in there with Cersei to pick up treats.”

“Oh?” I say cautiously. “Was anyone else working that day?”

“Nope. Just him.”

“Her,” I say. “Marta, the owner, is a woman.”

Jimmy shakes his head. “No. It was a man. Shit, what was his name?” He squints for a second.


“That’s it!”

“He’s not the owner.”

“Said he was.”

“No.” I shake my head. “You must have heard him incorrectly.”

“I didn’t.” Jimmy shrugs. “Maybe he was lying.”

Why would Shep lie about that?

“Did he recognize Cersei?”

Please say no.


“Did he uh … ask about you?”


“What did you say?”

“I … I don’t remember. It’s been a while.”

“Well, try, Jimmy.”

He shakes his head. “I don’t know. I probably said I was your boyfriend. And before you get upset, I just said it because I wasn’t sure what to say. He asked if I was the dog walker.”

“Jimmy …” I press my palms to my cheeks. “Why?” I mumble, dragging my hands down my face.

“What was I supposed to say? I’m sorry. Really.”

“Just … never mind. I’ll … I … I have to go.” I grab Cersei’s leash, attach it to her collar, and bolt before Jimmy can say any more. He’s said and done enough.

A month or two … Shep’s been thinking I’m with Jimmy for a month or two. I feel sick, and it has nothing to do with the baby.

When I get to the store, it’s crowded. Just my luck. Riley’s at the register and Shep’s showing someone how to work the wash station. In a matter of seconds, my bravery is crushed. What am I supposed to say when he has a store full of customers?

Jewel E. Ann's Books