Walker (Bowen Boys, #1)(4)

Corrine looked at Khan who seemed to be ready to murder someone, anyone who dared to speak to him. She looked back at Walker and knew that he might be able to hold his own with his brother, but Khan was the leader of them now and as such would be naturally stronger than his younger brother. She looked back at the girl who had no idea how much trouble she’d caused by simply being a victim. “I’ll stay here with her and Dylan will bring the truck back. We’ll take her to the hospital and leave her there.” He started to protest, but she cut him off. “You don’t want her then you will not make yourself nuts with her being here. I’ve spoken and you’re going to obey.”

She sat on the ground next to the girl and held her hand. She was cold, but her pulse, while slow, was strong. Corrine didn’t know what to do about her being Walker’s mate. She could see his point about Khan, but she doubted that he’d harm her knowing what she was to his brother. However, she would make it difficult. When the truck pulled away she looked at her second son and hurt for him. Then looked back at the girl.

“You poor thing. So much love could be yours but for the hatred of another of your kind. She hurt his brother and now…” She looked at Walker again. “And now you’re going to be hurt more, I think. Or maybe you’ll be the one to bring him around.”

Twenty minutes later the truck pulled up. This time there was only Dylan in it; the other had apparently stayed behind. The mattress was covered this time and there was a medical kit beside it. Along with a few blankets, there was some bottled water and some of her old rags.

Corrine watched as the girl was lifted by Walker and put gently in the back of the truck. He stiffened when she cried out and her heart hurt for them both. As soon as she was lifted into the bed beside the girl they were off. She told Dylan to take them to the emergency room. Walker told him to take her to his house. Dylan nodded and started the engine. Corrine wondered where they would end up. She wasn’t the least bit surprised to see that they were headed to the house. Things were about to get interesting for them all. Walker was in for the time of his life. She only hoped that the girl beside her could fix it.

Chapter Two

Lynne felt as if she was coming up for air when she woke with a rush. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears, fearing the unknown and that the Ingram boys had found her after all. She really had hoped that the panther would have found her, knowing that for whatever reason, he would have made her death quick. Before she could linger on that thought she heard a noise and looked toward it.

“Hello, dear. How are you today?” Lynne watched her approach what she now realized was a bed. “I know you’re probably hurting very badly, but you’ve been here for several days and I wanted to make sure your family knew you were all right. Can you tell me who you are?”

She did hurt and was hurting more by the second. As parts of her body began to scream at her, she looked around the room the best she could. It didn’t look like anything that the Ingram’s might live in. This place was much nicer and a great deal cleaner. Lynne tried to focus on the woman’s face and got the impression of dark but graying hair and a friendly face. It took her two tries to answer her.

“There’s no one.” She closed her eyes against the overwhelming pain. “Not even a cat.” The laughter from the woman startled her and she peered at her through what felt like sand and fuzz.

“No, you don’t own a cat. We would have known that right away.” She came closer and sat down on a chair that Lynne had just noticed and took her hand. “You’re going to be fine, my dear. You should try to rest again. Next time you wake up, I’ll have you some broth made.”

Lynne closed her eyes and started to drift again when she suddenly remembered something. “Don’t let them hurt that cat. He wasn’t hurting anyone. And please don’t give me back to them. I don’t want to die by their hand. They’ll make me suffer.”

“They won’t get to come near you again. You just rest, and the cat? He’s just fine too. A little on the ornery side, but going to be just fine.”

Lynne heard her, but didn’t think she’d heard her correctly. She couldn’t hold her eyes open any longer and let herself drift away. She knew fleetingly that something was taking away the pain, but didn’t have time to think about it before she was in a black void.

The room was bright with light when she woke the next time. Or at least the time that she was awake for more than a few seconds. She’d been laying here thinking about how much she hurt and wondered where she was when a noise sounded close to her. Opening one eye, she saw an older man sitting in the chair that had been occupied by the woman from before.

Lynne had seen her sometimes when she’d wake screaming in pain before. She’d not meant to do that, but her own voice was what had awakened her. The woman had comforted her, soothing her with softly spoken words. Lynne had no idea what they were, but had slipped away when she’d taken her arm. Lynne knew she was giving her something for pain and whatever it was made her feel very good. The man clearing his throat had her looking at him.

“You’re safe here. My mate and I have been caring for you for ten days now. I don’t know how long those men had you, but you are safe here with us.” His voice seemed to rumble from his chest. “Can you tell me who you are?”

Kathi S. Barton's Books