Vicious Minds (Children of Vice #4)(91)

With a smile on her face she said, “When you’re about kick with your right leg you pull your left arm back. You should train more so something like this doesn’t happen to you again.”

This bitch. “I’m…going…to kill you…”

“You don’t have that kind of power. But I never want to discourage anyone from their dreams so keep at it. Who knows, in forty years you might make me break a nail. Good luck.”

With the softest touch she was able to push me onto my ass. She walked around me, and I tried to move but I couldn’t. I wanted to rip her eyes out. She was worse than Dona.

I watched as she walked back past me again, this time putting her heels back on. She’d gotten everything she’d left in the elevator.



Light-headed, I opened the door to my room only to see the guards outside my door now all laying in the hall. In the middle of it all stood a woman looking down at her phone. She glanced up at me, her eyebrow raised.

“Isn’t this Wyatt’s room?” she asked, confused.

“Who are you?” I retorted. The men on the floor were still breathing. If she wanted to actually kill them, I’m sure she’d already have done it.

“Calliope Seraphina Orsini, Giovanna’s mom. You don’t look well.” There was concern in her voice and she looked me over.

I stared back at her and nodded. “I have the flu. I’ve been asleep most of the day, so I haven’t been updated on whatever the hell is going on right now. However, it looks like we aren’t doing very well.”

She giggled and tilted her head at me as if I were some adorable child. Or her little sister. “Not at all. But in your family’s defense, I’m very hard to stop, and it seems your cousin isn’t really in this to win; he just enjoys making me play this little game of his.”

“That sounds like the man you had a child with. So, on that note, good luck, I’m going go back to sleep now.” I nodded to her.

“Good night,” she said as I closed the door. I didn’t move, instead listening against the wood of the door for her footsteps when I heard it…



“No, Helen, I haven’t moved, because I know you’re going to want to stick your head back out. And that’s going to make me think you’re up to something, and I really don’t want to have to put you down too. You seem like you’ve already had a rough couple of days.”

“Is the concern in your voice real?” I asked.

“No. I just met you, why would I be concerned?” she answered honestly. “However, it doesn’t make what I said any less truthful.”

She was right, and if she’d gotten this far into the manor it meant either Ethan was letting her come or she really was that hard to stop…maybe a little of both. My hand still ached. My head was on fire and the world was spinning, so I locked the door and loudly let her know I wasn’t coming out.

The odds of anyone who wasn’t family walking the halls of this house against our wishes and living to tell the story were slim to none. An enemy walking through our house was a death sentence. Even when we had parties, people never went where we did not allow. For her to walk through this house the way she did…it meant she had no fear. But was that her nature or just confidence in this situation?

“Ugh, my head,” I grumbled, crawling onto Wyatt’s bed. Just as my face hit the pillow I froze.

The only way she’d know this was Wyatt’s room without ever being here is if she had blueprints. But there was only one set of blueprints and they were sketched by Ethan himself.

How the hell?



“Hello?” I said into my cellphone.

“Are you okay? Don’t open the door.” Wyatt spoke quickly.

“I’m fine, but why?”

“Calliope, Giovanna’s mom is outside my room. She just took down the guards there.”

“I know. What do you mean just? She left a few seconds ago.”

“What? I’m watching the cameras now, the door just opened—”

“Wyatt, that already happened. Something must be wrong with the camera…shit.” I muttered, sitting back up remembering how I saw her on her phone. “She’s hacked into my network and delayed the time on the feed, Wyatt! She’s at least thirty seconds ahead of all of you. What is going on? Is she a hacker?”

“Try assassin.”

I pulled the phone from my ear to just stare at it. Placing it back I said, “I’m sorry, you’re going to have to repeat that one more time. I think my brain was rebooting.”

“A.S.S.A.S.S.I.N, assassin,” he spelled and repeated for me. “Ethan is letting a crazy woman walk through our house, putting our guards to sleep. Why? I don’t fucking know!”

I tried to think. Again, if this was such a big deal Ethan wouldn’t care if I was half dead, I’d be fixing the damn cameras.

“Wyatt…do you think they’re flirting with each other?”

“In what universe did anything I say sound like flirting?” he replied, baffled.

I couldn’t answer that because it did sound weird.

“Besides, he doesn’t even remember her.”

J.J. McAvoy's Books