Vicious Minds (Children of Vice #4)(15)

I took a quick shower, rinsing my hair before stepping out wrapped in a fluffy towel. When I got back to the room the maid was gone, but my clothes made it from the living room to the bed. Lying next to my dress was a small card which read in Spanish: Women, if you need help, call and we will come…he does not own you.

I fought back a laugh as I dressed, hoping my coat would cover the marks on my chest. Before I stepped out of the room, I glanced back, grinning to myself. That was fun.

In the en suite, the maid looked up as I made my way out of the room. I lifted the card asking if she left it, knowing she could be the only one. She nodded frantically, waving her hands for me get out of the suite as fast as I could. Part of me wanted to tell her I wasn’t a victim. I was just fucked so good and so hard it felt like too much pleasure on just one person. But I didn’t want to stifle her mission so I just smiled and nodded to her before leaving.

Chapter 3

“Though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil, for I am the evilest motherfucker in the valley.”

~Alex Garland


Bogotá, Colombia

Friday, June 29th

I sat at the dining table, watching the screen as they grabbed her right off the corner in broad daylight. When she stepped out of her house, they grabbed her arms, lifted her legs, and threw her into the van. Switching to the feed inside the van, I glanced over my shoulder to see Tobias watching the feed with a frown on his lips before he shifted his gaze to me.

“Did she do something?” he asked me.

“She did.” I motioned for him to hand over the information he had for me.

“So you knew she was trying to play you from the beginning?” he went on, placing photos as well as bags of cocaine on the table in front of me. “But you slept with her anyway.”

I didn’t answer him, instead flipping through the pictures quickly and tossing them to the side. Taking my steak knife, I cut open each of the four bags in front me, pouring a bit from each one. Slowly I cut them into lines before lifting my lens, looking at each one carefully.

“Where did these two come from?” I questioned, tapping my fingers on the two whitest bags in front of me.

“It’s from the Rocha Cartel, their emblem is the open mouth gorilla, their current leader is Miguel Munha.” He handed me a photo of a short but muscular man, tan skin and with curly hair. “Is something wrong?”

“Don’t you even try it bitch!”

I glanced up at the tablet to see one of the men hit the side of her face with the butt of his rifle. Her head whipped to the side, and she stilled a moment before sitting up again, licking the blood from her lips.

“What happened?” the driver asked.

“She was trying to cut the hand ties,” the other replied, reaching behind her and pulling out a small razor blade. “Where fuck did she even pull this out from?”

“You try anything else and we’ll kill you here! Do you hear me?” the driver roared.

She didn’t reply.

“Do you have anything else on you? Or should I search you?” the other questioned.

Still, she didn’t speak.

“Are they bringing her here?” Tobias queried, leaning in to see they were, in fact, on the road to our safe house.

“Search her,” the driver said.

I glanced back down at the cocaine and then the picture of Rocha before tossing the knife down and rising from the chair, taking my phone with me.

“Everyone has already headed back to Chicago, correct?” I moved towards the kitchen.

“Yes, the jet should be leaving in the next hour,” Tobias was still looking at the screen. “She’s very calm. Which cartel does she work for?”

“Have you noticed that you’ve been asking me more questions than I have been asking you?” I observed, tapping out a text before pouring myself a glass of water.

He finally tore his eyes from the screen and looked my way. “I noticed that when I was about thirteen.”

“And when will you notice that I am not fucking Google and stop bloody questioning me?” I finished my water before walking back to him. His eyebrow rose, and I dropped the glass in my hand, letting it shatter on the ground beside me. “Clean it up.”

He stood still for a second before bending down to pick up the shards of glass.

“We are not children anymore, Tobias. We are not equals. You and I are not friends, we are not co-workers. You work for me, you serve me, you are at my feet, and you are there happily. Aren’t you happy, Tobias?”

He inhaled and looked up at me. “Over the moon, boss.”

“You should be. There is a long list of people who want to be at my feet and not under them. If you forget your place, if you forget who asks the questions, you’re going to end up like that glass, one moment, needed, relied on, and the next minute shattered, useless, trash. It will happen so fast, you will not even have a chance to beg forgiveness. This is your first and last warning. Am I clear?”

“Yes, boss.”

“Good.” I walked back to the table. “I just messaged the pilot; the jet is waiting for you. Take the Benz and head over there. You’ll be going back to Chicago with everyone else. I’ll let you know what I need you to do when you land.”

J.J. McAvoy's Books