Vicious Minds (Children of Vice #4)(101)

Just like that I grinned too. “What if I need your blood for that kingdom?”

He searched my eyes before speak. “Then take it, without hesitation.”

“And if you need mine?”

“I will do the same.”

“Without hesitation?”

“Without hesitation.” He repeated and kissed my check. It reminded me of how Judas did Jesus. He kissed until his lips met my ear again. “I know who you are Calliope, I know how dark, distorted and broken your soul is, I know who made it that way. You and I are beyond the point of trust.”

I couldn’t help but lean into him, wrap my arms around his neck. “Kiss me.”

He did, his hand gripping on to my ass tightly.

All hell was going to break loose later, but right now I just wanted to forget everything and feel him in me.

J.J. McAvoy's Books