Up in Smoke (Crossing the Line, #2)(71)

When they exited the building, he headed in the direction of his car, but turned a corner when they were still a block from the parking garage. After half a block of walking at a fast clip, she saw his destination. An older-looking movie theater lit up a small section of the side street, boasting action flicks from the eighties and nineties. Die Hard and Death Warrant were missing letters up on the marquee.

Connor stopped at the ticket counter and tossed a twenty through the slot. “Two for Death Warrant.”

As soon as the tickets passed under the glass partition, Connor snatched them up and led her into the theater lobby. Apart from one senior citizen leaning against the concessions counter reading a newspaper, they appeared to be the only people with a pulse in the entire building. Connor nodded at the man and led her down a dim hallway, entering the last theater on their right.

One man sat by himself in the front row of the theater, barely bothering to look up as Connor and Erin bypassed him on their way to the back row. The movie was already in full swing, loud grunts and punches connecting with flesh signaling the fact that they’d walked in on a fight scene. Connor sat down in a seat just off the aisle and pulled her down onto his lap. She tried to capture his mouth for a kiss, but he spun her around until she faced the screen. The movement was so quick, she had to grip the seat in front of her for balance. Big hands closed around the hem of her skirt and yanked it up, leaving it bunched at her hips, before he drew her back against him. With only a thong separating her from Connor’s jeans, she could feel his thickness, pressing up between the cheeks of her bottom.

“Goddammit, Erin. It’s never enough.” He trailed his fingers up the inside of her thigh, stopping just short of her panties. “You tell me you’re in love with me, then beg me to f*ck you. Are you testing me to see how much I can take?” His hand finished its ascent, cupping her womanhood like a precious work of art, kneading the flesh gently. “All of it, Erin. All of it. But when you make me feel so damn much, I only know how to channel it one way. I don’t know how to make love. You deserve that, dammit.”

“I don’t know how, either.” She turned her head to meet his gaze. His serious expression tugged on the newly minted strings in her chest, but the gathering tension centered between her legs overrode everything. If he didn’t give her what she needed soon, she’d expire. Hoping to entice him, she took the hand that wasn’t occupied and slid it beneath her shirt, where it immediately clung to her breast. “Maybe fast and hard is just the way we make love, baby. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

His breathing grew shorter as she started to work her hips on his lap. “I need to give you what you deserve. You’re not everyone else. You’re mine.”

A thread of gravity in his tone told her to pay attention. He needed something here just as badly as she needed him. She had two people to think about now. Not just herself. “You want to try to go slow?”

The only answer he gave was to reach between them and undo his pants. He pushed them low on his hips and took out his erection with a gritted curse. Once again, he dragged her on top of his hardness and used a hand on her hip to circle her body. “Let me see how ready you are.” Rough fingers slipped beneath the waistband of her panties, two pushing inside her. Erin barely managed to hold back a sob as he held them deep. “Always wet, this delicious *. You were made to be filled up, weren’t you, sweetheart?”

“Yes,” she moaned softly. “By you.”

He bit down on her shoulder, just enough to make her whimper. “From now on, that’s a given. It will always be me, Erin. Every f*cking time.”

She could only live in her anticipation as he hooked both arms beneath her knees and lifted her off his lap. His erection prodded the inside of her thigh, hot and insistent. So close. He was so close to being inside her. “Oh God, please.”

“Reach back and guide me in where I belong.”

Erin was all but frantic to obey his firm command, trailing her hand down his ripped stomach to seize his huge erection. Physically incapable of waiting another second, she took his plump head inside her and slid down, impaling herself. Completion. Finally. Even though her body throbbed for relief in a hundred different places, demanding she move, it felt like she’d been reunited with her other half.

Connor let loose a string of curses at the back of her neck before wrapping her hair in his fist and jerking her head back until it met his shoulder. “Feel my cock inside you?” He maneuvered his hips back and forth. “My heart beating at your back? It’s all yours, Erin. I f*cking love you and it’s all yours.”

“I love you, too,” she breathed against his bearded cheek. “So much.”

“Show me.” His grip tightened in her hair. “Show me with your body.”

When he released her hair, Erin shot forward and anchored her hand on the seat in front of her. She found herself wild with the need to follow his instructions. Before, she’d been curious about the pleasure obeying him seemed to give her. Now, in this moment, she’d embraced it. Decided to live for it. She swiveled her hips and gloried in his groan. That’s right, baby. I own you as much as you own me.

His desire to go slow had her setting a deliberate pace, rocking her hips up and grinding back down. It was an X-rated lap dance that caused the inferno inside her to rage out of control. The fingers digging into her waist turned bruising. But she could feel him behind her, daring her to quicken her pace when he hadn’t given her permission. Clutching the seat for dear life, she tossed her hair over her shoulder and sent him a look that held nothing back. Maintaining the scorching eye contact, she danced on the tip of his arousal, lowering herself with painstaking slowness. A returned dare. At the very base, she jerked her hips forward and watching his jaw slacken.

Tessa Bailey's Books