Up in Smoke (Crossing the Line, #2)(35)

Erin swallowed her doubts and anxiety, focusing on healing what had been damaged between them. She leaned close and dragged her right breast across his damp lips. Something broke inside him. His hands freed themselves from behind his head and turned to fists in midair. He licked his lips once before fastening his mouth to her breast and sucking, moaning roughly in his throat.

The dreaded sound in her head stirred, like she’d poked the nest with a stick. It was quiet, though, tentative. Watchful. She couldn’t deny the reactions going off one by one throughout her body, muscles stiffening with the need to propel herself out the door. Her hands shot out to grasp both of his wrists. If he attempted to touch her now, it would be too much.

Connor watched her through eyes bright and feverish. His lips moved sensually as they sucked, like waves lapping against the shoreline. He released her nipples with a pop, rolling his lips together as if to savor the taste. “It’s too much for you. I can see it.”

“No, it’s not.” Her voice shook with determination, but she could see that Connor wasn’t convinced. Dammit, he hadn’t given her enough time to get used to it. He didn’t appear willing to try again, either, as much as he appeared to want it. She would have to convince him. Keeping their intertwined hands poised at their sides, Erin rose up on her knees and let her breasts hover in front of his face. Connor growled, his hips rolling beneath her, nudging her core with his erection. Slowly, she pressed her chest against his face and swayed, essentially burying his face between her peaked mounds. “Did you like being in my mouth last night?”

His breath shuddered out, sending hot puffs of air over her sensitive skin. “You know I f*cking loved it. I’ve never come that hard in my life. I shot off between those sexy lips, didn’t I?” His intense gaze collided with hers. “You took it just like a good girl is supposed to.”

“Yes.” She whimpered when his open mouth raked over her nipple…and there was no noise inside her head. No fear. Only thick, decadent heat. Her pulse started to hammer, echoing in her ears. She needed him to use his mouth on her, but he was still holding back. “Can you suck me that good, Connor? Or maybe you don’t want to return the favor.”

Her back hit the steering wheel, blasting the horn in a cut-off honk. Connor’s body didn’t pin her, but the fierceness radiating from him kept her rooted against the wheel. Still, there was only a minimal amount of panic. His wrists were still manacled by her hands and he was making no move to extricate himself. “I try to go slow, to protect you, and you challenge me in return? That’s a dangerous game to play with me, sweetheart.”

“You’re not dangerous,” she breathed. “Not to me.”

“No? It depends on your definition.” He brought his mouth over her left nipple and gave it one long lick. His voice was even, but his pupils had dilated and blocked out all the green. “Let me show you mine.”

Erin moaned as he drew her nipple into his mouth, pulling on it hard. He released it and flicked it with rapid strokes of his tongue, before moving his attention to her other breast. An insane throbbing started in her belly and spread to the flesh between her legs. As if he could sense her sudden burning need for friction, he widened his thighs, forcing hers to do the same. The move left her aching core suspended over his ready bulge, hardness she knew would slake the growing pain if she could only reach it, but she couldn’t. Connor’s mouth worked her nipples, tugging, sucking, licking, even raking his teeth over the delicate buds.

“God, I’ve been starving for these perky handfuls. I wanted to sit you down on my lap in that conference room and suck them in front of everyone.” He drew quick circles around one nipple. “I thought about how they would shake when I pounded the ever-loving f*ck out of you. How they’d look dripping with my come. I’ll find out someday soon, won’t I, sweetheart?”

“Yes,” she sobbed. The tug in her stomach had turned into a merciless squeeze, making her damp center clench, clench. The need for release had never been so overpowering. Her body shook under the effort to withstand it. If she could just bring her thighs together or get closer to his lap… “Please, I-I need your lap—”

“I don’t want to return the favor, is that right?” He repeated her words back to her, before blowing on her nipples, shooting a bolt of shimmering pleasure to her midsection. “If you sit down on my hard cock right now, when I can finally taste your tits on my tongue, I’ll come in my jeans, Erin. And we’re not allowing that today. You’ll have to suffer with me.”

“No,” she cried out, but the denial over the thought of his self-imposed suffering got lost in her desire to climax. One thing at a time. She needed to assuage the relentless throb…couldn’t think straight until she did. “Connor, I need you so bad.”

His answer was to suck hard enough on her nipple that his cheeks hollowed. And then he pushed his thighs even farther apart on the seat, leaving her more exposed than before. Erin’s vision dimmed, then went achingly bright. Her heart beat like a tribal drum, thighs shaking violently. Need something. Need something to touch me. Before she could decipher her own intentions, she brought Connor’s hand between her legs, shoving it against the damp seam of her patnies and pressing.

Connor’s body jolted beneath her, a loud growl ripping from this throat. The heel of his palm ground tightly against her, bringing the delicate seam into contact with her clit. “Oh my God. Right there. Please, don’t stop. Please.”

Tessa Bailey's Books