The Sister(28)

‘What’s up with her?’

‘She’s talking gibberish, and she doesn’t look at all well.’

‘I’ll be with you in a moment.’

While he was gone, Penny entered his office, carrying his mid-morning cup of tea. He’d carelessly left his private drawer open and Milowski’s file was out on the desk.

If it wasn’t for that boy! She put the tea down and read the first page, turning it onto the next, keeping one hand close to the saucer. If he came back suddenly, she’d say, ‘I just put your tea down for you.’ Blood pressure pulsed at her temples, each stolen moment increasing her chances of getting caught. What she read was enough to start her scheming; she glanced over at the open drawer. She’d never seen it left open before! The temptation was almost too much. If she was caught going through it, she would have no excuse. She’d find a way another time.

Later that afternoon, when the doctor was with one of his patients, she made a telephone call.

‘Mrs Milowski?’


‘It’s Penny, Dr Ryan’s secretary.’

‘Oh, is everything all right? We are still seeing the doctor tomorrow, aren’t we?’

‘Well, actually I was just ringing to make sure you’re still coming; only I noticed you hadn’t signed the consent form for the new stage of treatment the doctor is proposing.’

‘I’m sorry, you’ve lost me there.’

‘Well, Mrs Milowski, it appears the hypnotherapy isn’t working as well as he’d hoped; he wants to try a new treatment.’

She’d tolerated the hypnotherapy, only because it appeared to be getting results.

‘What new treatment?’

‘I’m not sure it’s my place to say.’

‘What new treatment?’ she repeated.

‘He is to take him to see a clairvoyant.’

‘Oh, is he now? Well see about that.’

Bruce never returned to Dr Ryan’s practice. Penny congratulated herself on the way she’d removed her rival for his affections. One day he’ll realise he’s in love with me.

Next, she would deal with the medium.

The following afternoon, Ryan quizzed her about the cancellation; she told him that Mrs Milowski had cancelled citing personal reasons. ‘She was adamant – saying she knew what you were planning to do, and if she heard anything further – she’d go to the press with the story.’

'Really?’ He viewed her suspiciously. ‘It all seems a bit melodramatic to me, and I have to say, confusing.’

‘Would you like me to get her on the phone for you?’ she said sweetly.

‘No, what would be the point?’

She found it hard to suppress her happiness at that moment, and turned away. When she looked back at Ryan, he had her fixed in the sight of his narrowed eye.

‘I have a job for you. I want you to prepare all the old files for archiving.’

She couldn’t conceal her indignation. ‘I’m on the verge of retirement, and you are asking me to do a junior’s job?’

‘That’s right, Penny.’

‘After all I’ve done for you,’ she fumed. ‘Okay, I’ll start with that one!’ She snatched at Milowski’s file.

The doctor closed his hand firmly over the edge of the binder and moved it out of reach. ‘Actually, you won’t. I’m keeping this file.’

She seethed with barely restrained anger.

Hell-bent on causing trouble, she dosed his tea with laxative, hoping when the urge to go came over him, he wouldn’t have time to lock his cabinet. He only ever left the cabinet unlocked when he was in his office, and he never left the key lying around. It was obvious that whatever the cabinet contained, it was important and highly confidential. A few minutes later, Ryan dashed by, heading for the toilet.

She rose quickly from her desk and let herself into his office. The keys were in the cabinet; she couldn’t believe her luck. With a window of opportunity at the most a few minutes, she opened the drawer. It had names in it she’d never heard before. Milowski was there, as was Solomons, but the others... All the folders were ribbon-tied and housed within individual sleeves. She lifted Milowski’s file out, and tugging at the knot that secured the ribbon, dropped the entire folder on the floor. Shit! Gathering everything up, she hurriedly assembled and retied it. Now, she’d be lucky to look at just one before he returned. Her nerves on edge, she found what she was looking for right at the back. How long had he been gone?

With her heart pounding in her ears, she withdrew the file and untied it. Starting at the end and working backwards, she found his inconclusive notes, which she read with great speed until her nerve broke. Rapidly retying the ribbon, she placed everything back as it was, returning to her desk. Ryan didn’t emerge for another five minutes, when he did, he was wearing a troubled look.

Penny took her diary and made an entry of all the points she remembered. The last was a reference to an unearthly black stone. She keeps the stone about her wherever she goes. It seems to invigorate her. I suspect it is the source of her power.

Penny smiled inwardly. Although she didn’t believe such things were true, she knew enough to know that if she were able to get that stone away from Vera, she’d be likely to implode. After all, she must be fragile to be in the care of a psychiatrist.

Max China's Books