The Sister(209)

Stella’s eyes brimmed with tears. ‘How did hearing that help me?’

‘You can’t hide behind the not knowing now, can you? I used to ask people if they wanted the truth, but you know something. Sometimes you’re better off without it. The truth has the power to hurt as well as heal. Open another tin of worms, what for?’

The former nun removed her gloves and revealed a polished black stone. ‘One more thing to do, Stella. I’m going to put this in your hand. Hold it out for me.’

Rosetta raked the sands, levelling them across the tray with the edge of her hand. ‘You sure you don’t want to do this with me, Miller?’


‘You might see something, I already can. Three women in your life, Miller, and only one is any good for you.’

‘Is that right?’ He grinned. ‘Is one of them a stranger, tall and dark?’

‘See for yourself.’ Her eyes flashed green and brilliant. ‘Make sure you choose wisely.’

He laughed,.‘I can’t see anything. Your mother switches me on and off like a video link.’

‘She does? How does she do that then— wait, what’s that?’ She defocused and stared across the surface. ‘You see that cross? They’re coming.’

The weight of the stone surprised her. Stella had the sensation of something drawn out from her, as if she were donating blood; the feeling lasted for the briefest moment and then was gone.

Sister retrieved the stone and held on to it, smiling an enigmatic smile. ‘You always said you needed more than anecdotal evidence and that you needed an experience of your own and nothing short of a miracle would change your mind.’

Stella stared at her transfixed.

‘You also said if there were a God, if there was such a being, then he was the God of grief and sadness, disappointment and loneliness. You just ploughed your furrow through life, dealing with whatever it threw up, looking forward to the next hundred yards,’

Stella couldn’t take her eyes off her.

‘Yours was not life, it was a mere existence. A condition bestowed on you by something that happened before you were born.’

‘How do you know all that? I wrote that in my diary when I was seventeen-years-old, and then I ripped the page out and threw it away. How could you know?’

‘The only thing that matters is that your sister is back to where she was before she was taken. She has the memories you shared with your mum and dad, inside her now. She understands they’ve gone, and she understands she was away, but she has no concept of time. In her head, she missed nothing at all. Kathy’s time starts now. Can you understand that? You must help her. After all, she is your sister.’

Stella gazed at the autumnal pattern in the carpet.

Rosetta burst through the door. ‘They’re coming!’

The Sister smiled. ‘I know.’

Chapter 155

Reacting to the gravity in Rosetta’s voice, Stella got to her feet, frowning apprehension. ‘Who’s coming?’ she said. ‘Will someone tell me what’s going on?’

Sister remained calm, seated. ‘Miller, go. Take the sisters with you.’

Worried lines appeared on Stella’s face. ‘What’s happening?’ she asked nervously, looking at each of the others in the room, she waited for an answer.

‘The Church, not the Catholic Church – another one – they’re coming for her,’ Miller said, taking her arm and steering her out of the door. ‘Go and get Kathy. She’s upstairs, right?’ He looked at Rosetta. She nodded.

Stella lingered, uncertain. ‘What do you mean they’re coming for her?’

‘I’ll explain later. You need to get Kathy,’ he repeated and then turning, he said, ‘Come on, Sister, let’s get you out of here.’

She smiled serenely. ‘Miller, Rosetta will drop you all to Waverley, you can get the train back to London. Rosetta, is your emergency bag packed?’

‘It’s been packed for days—’

‘Good, now get these people out of here.’

Miller squatted in front of her by the table. ‘Are you not coming?’

‘If I do and they catch up with us, there will be blood. Just go. You don’t owe me anything.’

Without taking his eyes from her, he said to Rosetta over his shoulder, ‘Bring the car round.’

She looked to her mother for confirmation. ‘Do it, Rosetta,’ she said.

‘What are you doing, Miller?’ Rosetta said.

‘If she’s not going, I’m staying with her.’

‘Miller, you cannot. I have to do this on my own. It’s one of the things fate has always had in store for me. Get your bag, Rosetta.’

‘You can’t make me leave, besides I have a plan,’ he said.

She raised an eyebrow. A light shone in her emerald eyes and the hint of a smile graced her lips. ‘I guessed you might.’

Rosetta left the room for a few moments and reappeared carrying a small suitcase. Kathy stood behind her, bleary-eyed, next to Stella.

‘I hope you know what you’re doing, Miller,’ Stella said.

He stepped forward and embracing her, whispered in her ear, ‘I’ll see you soon.’

Max China's Books