The Sister(112)

He walked right up to him so close he could smell the cocaine on his breath. Lynch had only been on the stuff for a year or so, but he’d become increasingly unpredictable. His words came out all wrong. ‘Listen, Danny.’

A one-two-three combination crashed him to the floor. Lynch had him by the hair, pulling hard at the back of his head, forcing him backwards onto his knees; his right fist balled, hovering inches from his face.

‘Don’t ever 'Listen Danny' me again, you got that!’

Tony tasted blood in his mouth, his lips felt numb and swollen, teeth, loose and painful.

‘Yeah, I got that.’ He felt like a dog whose owner had just kicked it.

Lynch pushed him away. ‘Last chance; I ain’t playing f*cking games anymore. Where’s the rest of it?’

His former right-hand man protested his innocence.

‘How much money have you got in the bank?’ A vein on Lynch’s temple pulsed.

‘What’s this about?’

‘What’s this a-f*cking 'bout? You know exactly what it’s about; it’s about what have you done with my money,’ he snarled. ‘What have you done with my money?’ The vein grew into a throbbing cluster.

‘Danny, what’s going on?’ His voice was desperate.

Lynch erupted into a frenzied attack. Before Terry could do anything, he stabbed Tony in the neck, behind the windpipe. A geyser of blood spurted across the room.

Tony’s eyes bulged in disbelief. His hands floundered over the wound in a last desperate attempt to hold onto the blood oozing out between his fingers. His legs kicking and bucking involuntarily as if to escape the wound that was draining his life from him. Lynch stood impassive, covered in blood, watching.

In the bright sunlit room, with its crystal chandeliers and art on the walls, he inexplicably thought of the TV programme 'Through the Keyhole'. They'd never guess what sort of monster lived here.

Terry stood in a state of shock. He’d never seen his former boss quite so murderous before. Lynch was still holding the knife when he said, ‘Help me clean up this mess, and then I want you to deal with Billy Wharton.’

Chapter 97

With Kennedy increasingly distracted, the strain of getting nowhere fell heavily onto Tanner’s shoulders. Once he snapped out of whatever his problem was, he’d be looking for a fall guy, and he knew who that would be. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d worked a regular shift, and here he was again, working on a Saturday. Propping his elbow on the desk, he rested his head on the palm of his hand and closed his eyes. An irresistibly sleepy feeling wafted over him, and he floated away. The telephone had rung three or four times before it registered, he answered on instinct, without really knowing where he was.


‘Mr Quinn?’

It threw him for a second. Archie Brooks. ‘Oh yes, Quinn speaking. I was expecting a guy called Tanner.’

Brooks seemed hesitant. ‘What you was looking for…the fight. It’s happening this weekend, and it’s a big one, thousands will be there,’ he paused. ‘Newbury, Sunday morning; find a pub nearby. Wait in the car park. I’ll phone you the exact location, half an hour beforehand.’

Tanner suddenly felt nervous. In such a huge crowd someone, he’d arrested before would be bound to recognise him. They'd lynch him before anyone could bail him out. He smiled at the field day his reporter friend would have with that story. Cop On Unauthorised Surveillance Beaten To Death By Bare-knuckle Crowd!

She’d love it.

The DCI shook his head in disbelief. ‘I don’t believe it. With everything else we’ve got happening, this comes up now.’ He sighed. ‘And yes, you are the only one who can do it, Tanner, but I need you back here straight after. The arms shipment is due to be shifted tomorrow. We’re just waiting for Wharton to confirm arrangements.’

‘He’s talking to us?’

‘No, we have his phone tapped.’

‘Whatever happens tomorrow, sir, I’ll be back by evening. I have a feeling they won’t try to shift the consignment until nightfall.’

‘You’re probably right. Make sure you listen out for your phone in all the excitement tomorrow, I might need you beforehand.’

‘Okay, will do,’ he said as he stopped by the door. ‘Sir, have there been any developments with the Gasman?’

‘I’ve just gotten the results back and they confirm the same man raped Melissa Lake and Natasha Stone, but there’s bad news. The DNA isn’t on the National Database. We’ve hit a brick wall.’

‘He’s getting careless though, sir, he thinks he’s cleverer than us. I think we’ll catch him sooner than he thinks.’

‘I wish I shared your confidence.’

Kennedy’s phone rang. His eyes met with Tanner’s and flicked in the direction of the door. The DCI wanted privacy.

He closed the door behind him.

Chapter 98

The following morning, Archie Brooks called to say he’d arrived in Newbury.

‘You know what today is, boy? I’ll tell you – It’s April Fool’s day. Fools and their money, ready for parting – What do you say, Mr Quinn?’

Max China's Books