The Restaurant (The Nantucket Restaurant #1)(56)

“Jill, we’ve been friends for a long time, and then business partners, and there’s no one else I’d rather have as a partner in life and love. Will you marry me?”

“Of course I will!”

He slid the ring onto her trembling finger while the room erupted in cheers and clapping.

“Billy, I can’t believe this,” she whispered as he pulled her in for a kiss.

“Believe it. You’re it for me, Jill. I can’t believe it took us so long to figure this out. I don’t want to wait any longer.”

Jill smiled. She felt the exact same way. “You’re crazy, but I love that about you. I can’t wait to marry you, Billy.”

Chapter 26

“Your sister Jill is on the phone. She needs to talk to you and Mandy immediately. Says it’s an emergency.” Gary looked concerned as he handed the phone to Emma. Mandy was on her way back to the reservations desk and Emma waved her over.

“Jills on the phone for both of us.”

“Is everything okay?” Mandy looked worried.

“I don’t know. Gary said it’s an emergency.”

Emma held the receiver so they could both hear. “Jill, is something wrong?”

Jill laughed. “No, nothing is wrong.”

“What’s the emergency then?”

“Well, it’s not every day that your sister gets engaged.”

Emma almost dropped the phone while Mandy squealed. “Engaged! Tell us everything.”

Jill told them about Billy’s big announcement, which was followed by a completely unexpected proposal.

“You had no idea he was going to do that?” Emma asked.

“None. We’d vaguely talked about getting married someday, but I thought it was a long way off.”

“Are you ready for it now?” Mandy asked.

“I’m thrilled. Couldn’t be happier. And I think we want to have the wedding at Mimi’s Place, maybe in six months or so. Can you help me with that?”

Mandy smiled. “Of course. We’ll give you an amazing wedding.”

“Thanks. You guys are the best. I had to call you right away.”

“What are you doing now?” Emma asked.

“We’re heading out for after-work drinks with the whole office. Billy’s buying.”

“That sounds fun. Congratulations again,” Emma said.

She hung up the phone and looked at her sister. “Wow. That was unexpected.”

“Very, but it make sense. Those two have really been together a lot longer than most before getting engaged.”

“That’s true.” She looked up as Paul walked out of the kitchen and headed her way. “Thanks again for switching shifts with me.” Emma was planning to cook dinner for Paul, to celebrate his birthday.

“No problem. Cory has the kids this weekend, so I’d just be sitting home alone.” Mandy smiled when Paul reached them. “Happy birthday, Paul.”

“Thanks.” He turned to Emma. “I’ll see you in about an hour.”

Emma wanted to make Paul’s birthday special, as he’d done for hers. She knew she wasn’t anywhere near his level of skill when it came to cooking, but there was one thing she knew how to make really well. Swordfish was also Paul’s favorite fish, so she picked up two center cuts from Trattel’s seafood. When Paul came over, he watched with interest while she worked. She did it the way she’d learned in the restaurant on the Cape many years ago. Richard, the cranky broiler cook that had been there forever, had a magical touch with seafood and he walked her through his method.

Each piece of fish went into its own aluminum pie plate. She spread a thin layer of mayonnaise over the tops of the fish and then a dusting of seasoned breadcrumbs. The last step was to pour a quarter inch of water in the bottom of the pan to keep the fish moist. She slid the pans under the broiler and added a tin foil packet with asparagus she’d tossed with lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper. For a starch, she had another of Paul’s favorites in a saucepan on the stove, jasmine rice cooked in coconut milk.

Paul opened the bottle of pinot noir she’d picked up earlier at Bradford’s Liquors—it was a 2017 Charles Krug and a bit of a splurge, but the cashier raved about it and said it was a staff favorite. When she took her first sip, she had to agree. It was silky smooth and full of flavor. When everything was done, they brought their plates outside and ate on the patio. She and Jill had picked up some pretty deck furniture and when the weather was nice, Jill mostly worked outside and they usually ate there too.

The air was warm and there was a slight breeze. It was a perfect Nantucket night. Paul loved the swordfish.

“I might have to try this as a special. I like the water in the pie pan trick.”

When they finished, Emma cleared the plates and told Paul to stay where he was. She returned with the bottle of wine and a plate of dark chocolate covered strawberries, which she also knew Paul loved. He wasn’t much of a cake person.

She handed him a big gift bag too, with a bright red bow.

“What’s this?” He looked surprised and pleased as he took the bag and peeked inside. He couldn’t see anything though, because it was stuffed with colored tissue paper.

Pamela M. Kelley's Books