The Restaurant (The Nantucket Restaurant #1)(30)

“Those all seem like good ideas. We should probably run all this by Paul too, as he will have a say in everything,” Jill said.

Mandy nodded. “I agree. I figured we could discuss and then meet with him at the restaurant. He might have some other ideas and I have one too.” Mandy had been thinking of ways to get the word out more about Mimi’s Place and had an idea she was excited about.

“What are you thinking of?” Emma asked.

“Once we replace the carpet, do some redecorating and have a new menu all set, I thought maybe we’d have a big grand re-opening party and invite a lot of the local businesses and our regular customers too. We can do a cocktail hour type of thing, with a cash bar but provide complimentary appetizers so they can all see the place and try the food—and Paul can introduce any new items.”

“I love that idea,” Jill said enthusiastically.

“I do too,” Emma agreed. “And I can help with some of the social media marketing. I was thinking about starting a blog and linking to it on Facebook.”

“That would be great,” Mandy said and then paused before changing the subject.

“So, there is something else. Not about the restaurant.” She hadn’t been planning on saying anything, but she couldn’t stop thinking about the bill she’d found and she was curious what her sisters would think.

“I was doing laundry earlier and found something odd in Cory’s duffle bag.” She told them about the second cell phone. Emma and Jill exchanged glances and were both quiet for a moment before Emma spoke.

“You said Scott is his middle name? I hate to be negative, but given what I’m going through, there’s only one explanation that comes to mind. Have you considered that he might be having an affair?”

Before Mandy could answer, Jill chimed in. “Have you noticed anything different about him lately? Has he lost weight or started dressing better? And is he away more, late nights, working weekends?”

Mandy sighed. “Honestly, it never crossed my mind, ever, ‘til I found that bill. I thought things were fine, I guess.”

“Didn’t you say you dropped Cory off at the airport earlier today?” Jill leaned forward. “And he’s going to Vegas. Maybe it’s not just a work thing?”

“Hmm. He did seem unusually excited about going. But, to be fair, he’s never been to Vegas before. He’s always been a workaholic, but he is working more late nights at the office. He says he gets more done there.”

“If he’s there.” Jill said what Mandy had been wondering since she’d found the envelope.

“He has been hitting the gym more lately too. I didn’t think anything of it.”

“How are things with you two?” Emma asked.

“We’ve been together so long that I thought things were fine. Good enough. We don’t really do much as a couple and haven’t for years. I focus on the kids and Cory focuses on work.”

“You don’t do date nights?” Jill looked surprised.

Mandy laughed. “What is a date night? Usually when I suggest going out, Cory’s too tired and we settle on getting takeout and an hour later, he’s fast asleep on the sofa.”

“What do you think he is up to?” Emma asked.

“I can’t think of any other possible explanation. I was in denial about it all afternoon, but there is just no good reason why he’d need a phone under a different name.”

“Are you going to ask him when he gets home?” Jill asked.

“I put the bill on our bedroom dresser, so he will see it. And yes, I am very curious to hear his explanation.”

Cory called to check in a few times while he was away and Mandy had to restrain herself from asking about the bill. She wanted to do that in-person so she could look into his eyes and see his expression.

She’d had a lot of time to think about her marriage while Cory was away in Vegas. She still loved him and it was beyond painful to think of him with someone else. She didn’t want to believe it, but she didn’t want to be na?ve either. As she thought about the past six months she saw a few things differently. Like the extravagant gift he’d given her on her thirty-fifth birthday a few months ago.

He’d had a sleek, white Mercedes convertible delivered and when she stepped outside, the car was in the driveway wrapped in a big red bow. She’d been shocked. Even though they could easily afford it, Cory had never given presents like that before. She’d been thrilled at the time as it was so unexpected and it was a beautiful car.

But now she wondered if it was because he’d been cheating then and felt guilty. He’d worked a lot of late nights the week before her birthday. And he’d been grumpier than usual with her. He’d been short with her more recently, too, easily annoyed. But when she’d asked what was wrong, he’d said nothing, and that everything was fine. But obviously things were not fine.

His flight was due in at four on Thursday, but around noon, he called to let her know he’d be coming in later, and that he’d just grab an Uber from the airport and would see her around nine. That’s when Mandy decided to do what she’d been thinking about all week.

She went upstairs and opened the mysterious cell phone bill. There were only three phone numbers on it. She punched in a code to block the caller ID on her phone and dialed the first number on the list. The call was answered after the first ring by a woman with a perky voice. “This is Margie.”

Pamela M. Kelley's Books