The Fine Print (Dreamland Billionaires #1)(71)

I shake my head and return to the conversation. Zahra and I switch back and forth, with her choosing the most outrageous questions for me to pick from. I’m not sure where she comes up with ideas like skiing in a pair of boxers or riding a jet ski across the entire ocean but her imagination is endless.

That’s why you hired her.

We spend the entire dinner in our little game, branching off into different conversations depending on what kind of answer we give.

Zahra considers her next set of crazy options when Lance steps into our proximity. He gapes at us, his eyes switching between Zahra and me. She hasn’t even noticed him yet, too immersed in her head.

I keep my eyes glued to his as I pull Zahra’s hand up to my lips and give her knuckles a kiss. She sucks in a breath and her cheeks turn the prettiest shade of pink for me. Lance’s jaw clamps down, making him resemble a squashed tomato with a mop of blond hair. He’s absolutely average in every sense of the word—from his Brooks Brothers button-down to his poorly pressed khaki pants. I’m sure I could find a dozen like him at the local outlet mall.

I place Zahra’s hand back on the table and stand to my full height. Lance has to tilt his head back to stare up at me.

I button my jacket before saying, “Lance Baker. I’ve heard about you.”

He stands taller like a peacock. “Mr. Kane. I wanted to stop by and say hello. Zahra and I go way back.”

My blood turns red hot, pulsing with each breath. Lance extends his hand and I merely stare at it with every ounce of disgust I feel toward him.

“She told me about your Nebula Land submission.”

He drops his hand by his side like a rejected stray. “Oh yes. I was shocked my proposal was accepted.”

My fist itches to familiarize itself with his face. This piece of shit thinks he can get away with stealing Zahra’s idea? It dawns on me that he believes Zahra kept quiet about the whole thing. What a piece of shit. He probably thinks she’s too nice to rat him out, and since he never got caught, there was no reason for him to worry.

Fuck him. I’ll seek out revenge in Zahra’s name.

“Oh, Lance. Hi. Weird seeing you here.” Zahra’s voice is wooden.

“I’m celebrating my anniversary.”

I keep my face blank despite the urge to tell him to fuck off.

Zahra’s entire body tenses. “Isn’t it considered bad taste to celebrate the time you started an affair?”

Lance’s eyes bulge. His already red cheeks take on a purplish hue.

Warmth seeps into my chest at Zahra’s straightened spine and steel gaze. It makes me…proud of her. Of the way she can stand up to others like she has to me.

I pull her into my side. I’m tempted to hide her for the rest of her life, protecting her from idiots like Lance who abused the kind of gift she is.

The wave of possessiveness hits me out of nowhere. I should be surprised, but I’m not shocked. I’ve always been territorial over everything. Toys. Money. Business ventures. And now…a woman. Although the idea is new, the feeling is not.

Lance turns his attention on me.

“Mr. Kane. I’m sorry to interrupt. I didn’t realize you and Zahra were in the middle of a business meeting tonight.”

“We’re not,” I offer in a dry voice.

Zahra shivers as I trace her arm with my finger. Lance’s eyes track the movement before ending at my hand pressed against her waist in an intimate gesture.

“Well, I’m sorry to intrude on this…outing.”

“Why did you then?” I counter, keeping my voice flat.

His mouth opens and closes again. I don’t bother waiting for his limited brain cells to make up some pathetic excuse.

I wave over the hostess. She comes over and places herself between Lance and me.

“Mr. Kane. Can I help you with something?” She keeps her tone light and professional.

“I’d like to send this man’s table a bottle of Dom Perignon on my tab.”

She beams. “Of course. What occasion are we celebrating?”

“His job promotion.”

The hostess disappears with a massive grin on her face.

Zahra’s body goes rigid beside me. I caress her hip, toying with the strap of lace through the fabric of her dress. Her body melts into mine despite Lance staring at us openly.

“Job promotion?” he squawks.

“It’s come to my attention that you have been a dedicated Dreamland employee for years.”

He nods with a grin. His eyes move from me to Zahra, and I’m tempted to shield her from his gaze. The way he looks at her makes me think he believes she talked him up to me.

He’s such a waste of good oxygen.

I’m absolutely disgusted by him. “You’re officially being transferred to Dreamland Shanghai to work with the Creators there. Effective immediately.”

All the blood drains from his face. “Shanghai? China?”

“It appears you have two reasons to celebrate tonight. Congratulations.”

He sputters some more. His discomfort makes me want to smile, but I hold back. There’s only one person who deserves my limited supply and it’s definitely not this degenerate.

I look down at Zahra, only to find her already staring up at me. The smallest smile graces her lips, but her eyes tell me everything. She rises on the tips of her toes and places a soft kiss on my cheek.

Lauren Asher's Books