The Fine Print (Dreamland Billionaires #1)(39)


She shakes her head aggressively. “Nothing.”

“Why are you protecting him?”

“I’m not. It’s old news, and I don’t want to make Zahra sad again.” Her bottom lip wobbles.

Wow. Ani really cares about her sister. While my brothers love me, I doubt they would let anything tear themselves up to protect me.

Ani knocks her shoulder into mine. “So why did you come tonight?”

“I was curious.”

“About my sister?” Her grin widens.

“About the meeting. I wasn’t sure if she was planning a coup d’état against me.”

Ani giggles. “Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me.”

“What secret?”

“You wanted to see my sister.” She says it in a sing-song way.

I steal the cupcake from her. “I’ll take that as payment.” I forgot what it was like to enjoy sugar but whatever Zahra put in these cupcakes has me craving more.

“Hey! Payment for what?!” She tries to swipe the cupcake out of my hand.

“For the emotional turmoil you’re bound to put me through by the time we’re done here.”

“It’s only day one. You still have months left.”

“Then you better bring a lot of cupcakes.”

I solidify myself as Ani’s buddy. Not because Zahra told me to but because I kind of like her.

Maybe Ani can give you a better understanding of who Zahra really is.

I grind my teeth together.

Or what if Zahra really is a nice person and you’re too goddamn bitter to accept that?

Something about that thought troubles me. Because if Zahra really is a nice person, it would throw my entire mentality off.

I shake my head. I’d be stupid to trust someone based on nothing but a few interactions.



Scott and I have fallen into a comfortable pattern as the weeks go by. He’s consistent with sending drawings every week, and I’m equally reliable at texting him first almost every day.

But on the rare occasions Scott messages me first, I’m hit with a wave of giddiness. And today, he breaks my happiness meter with a single message alone.

Scott: I saw this and thought of you.

My heart races in my chest, betraying exactly how I feel about Scott thinking about me. I open up the link he sent of a Buzzfeed quiz.

A Which Character From Pride and Prejudice Are You Most Like quiz.

I swear I almost fall out of my chair from swooning so hard. There’s no way he happened to come across this on his own. He must have outright been searching for a conversation starter and thought this was a good option.

I grin as I type up a response.

Me: Did you take it?

Scott: Maybe.


Scott: You want the truth or a lie?

Me: Always the truth.

His text takes a whole ten minutes. I’m afraid I scared him off with my response, but he comes back with a message I wasn’t expecting.

Scott: Elizabeth Bennet.

I curl over and laugh until my voice turns hoarse.

Me: Honestly, she’s the best character.

Scott: She’s a woman.

Me: She’s more than JUST a woman.

Scott: Obviously or else there wouldn’t be seventeen versions of her story.

Scott: Although I’m partial to 2005 Lizzy.

My cheeks ache from smiling so hard.

Me: You’ve been watching the movies?!

Scott: Yes.

Scott: But tell a single soul and I’ll find your HP address.

I smile at his attempt at a joke.

Me: Was that a joke?

Scott: If you need to ask, then I failed.

I release a heavy laugh.

Me: I’m only teasing.

I want to pull more information from him. No normal man watches Pride and Prejudice without some ulterior motives, and I have a feeling why.

Me: Why did you watch the movie?

The dots come and go over and over again before his next message appears.

Scott: I was interested in dissecting it from a purely scientific standpoint.

Me: You’re such a nerd.

Seriously, based on the few facts Scott has shared, I’ve come to picture him as a hot one. I mean the man still has a subscription to National Geographic magazine and watches Jeopardy religiously before bed. If he didn’t drop a few pop culture references and have the same kind of music taste as me, I would’ve thought I was being catfished by a senior citizen. I’m pretty aware that’s still an option on the table, but I’m holding out for the right moment to pressure Scott into meeting me. And today’s conversation is the perfect start.

Me: Did you come to any conclusions?

His reply is instantaneous.

Scott: Yes. You’re just as crazy as I had thought.

Scott: But it’s bordering on slightly endearing.

In other words, that’s practically a compliment coming from him. The warmth in my chest spreads through my body like a wildfire.

Lauren Asher's Books