The Fine Print (Dreamland Billionaires #1)(20)

When I get to the dreaded final slide with the drawing, I click it so fast that the black screen pops up not a second later. Jenny’s timer rings simultaneously, and I thank the big man upstairs for saving me. “Looks like I’m out of time.”

People clap and Jenny looks over at me with a massive grin and a thumbs-up.

“Go back to the last slide.” Rowan’s voice hits me like a bucket of ice water.

“Oh, it’s nothing important. Just a mock-up. And you have a meeting now anyway.”

His nostrils flare. “I wasn’t asking.”

Of course you weren’t. That requires the kind of manners you’re severely lacking.

His jaw ticks. “Now, Ms. Gulian.”

I mentally curse him in English, Spanish, and Armenian for good measure. “It’s really nothing.” I hide my shaky hands behind the podium.

“I’ll be the one to decide that.”

My teeth smash together as I bring up the drawing. I wouldn’t have included it if we weren’t required to have some kind of visual aid of our proposal. And of course, if I didn’t need another reason not to fit in, I’m one of the only Creators who can’t draw to save my life.

The self-doubt comes back again, picking away at the newfound confidence I built throughout my presentation.

Rowan runs a hand across his chin. “Your drawings could use some work.”

“I’ll be sure to get right on that.” My voice is doused in sarcasm.

The entire room goes silent. I wish I could slap a hand over my mouth and apologize.

Rowan appears unbothered. “Everyone better come back with better ideas next Friday. I was underwhelmed to say the least.”

Shit. The entire team’s faces mirror my own shock. No one dares to move, probably too afraid to do anything but stare at Rowan.

He tilts his head toward the projector. “Use Ms. Gulian’s presentation as a guide for what I expect from here on out. Minus the last slide.”

My cheeks heat.

“Everyone is dismissed except for Ms. Gulian.”

Something takes flight in my stomach at the way he says my name. It’s quickly doused by the reality of my situation. He wants me to stay alone with him. Here?

Team members funnel out of the room like the floor is lava. Rowan doesn’t move from his seat until the last member shuts the door behind them. He prowls toward the podium, giving me no room to escape his thousand-pound stare.

My back hits the wooden frame as I try to put distance between us. I don’t want to test my self-control around him because I feel like it’s a losing battle. After he embarrassed me in front of everyone, the temptation to wrap my hands around his neck and give it a squeeze is too strong to be ignored.

“If you talk to me like that in front of anyone again—”

“Let me guess. You’ll fire me. It’s a bit predictable for my taste but I respect it since you’re the man in charge.”

He stares at me like he can’t believe I spoke to him the way I did. Honestly, me neither. And I can’t exactly blame a bottle of wine for this level of bravery and stupidity. There’s something about him that makes me want to push all his buttons. I’m interested in seeing who the real Rowan is beneath all those layers of ice and indifference.

His brows scrunch. “There are worse things I’m capable of.”

A chill shoots down my spine. “Like?”

“I don’t think you want to find out.”

I pretend I’m unbothered by his threat despite my racing heart. “You better have a massive dick to back up that attitude or else people will be mighty disappointed.”

“Care to bring out a ruler and test your theory?”

“I left my magnifying glass at home, so maybe tomorrow.” I’m pretty sure the angel on my shoulder has left the building.

Something shifts between us. His eyes darken as they assess me. I’m not sure if he wants to choke me, fire me, or fuck me into submission. “Are you always this impossible?”

“I don’t know. Are you always this much of an asshole?”

One second he’s scowling at me and the next his lips are slamming into mine.

Wait, what?!

My brain goes haywire and my eyes shut as Rowan devours my mouth. Both of his hands clutch onto the podium behind me, trapping my body between his thick forearms.

He kisses in the same way he does everything else—with practiced precision and restrained power. I’m tempted to drive him wild because all that pent-up anger must go somewhere. I’ll happily volunteer as tribute.

I’m a lost cause to my inhibitions as I kiss him back. My hands fist the front of his suit and I hold on like I might fall if I let go.

This is so wrong. He’s your BOSS!

Rowan kisses away each thought. Our tongues lash out against one another in a silent battle. Kissing Rowan is a completely new experience. Toxic to the point of overdosing and erotic enough to leave me aching for more. A kiss filled with so much passion, it seems like he might die if he stops. Hell, I might drop dead if he keeps going.

But what a way to go.

Rowan presses his body into mine. I’m hit with a rush down my spine as he rocks his erection into me. I don’t need any kind of tool to determine he’s big. I moan and he sucks up the sound. He pushes harder, and I feel him everywhere.

Lauren Asher's Books