The Fine Print (Dreamland Billionaires #1)(109)

I laugh as I smack his chest. “Well, I might have told him to fuck off.”

Rowan explodes. His laugh is heavy and harsh like he can’t get enough oxygen into his lungs.

I absolutely love it and I can’t wait to make him do it again.

“You’ve got to tell me this whole story from beginning to end.” He wheezes.

“There’s not much to say. Martha bore witness to me telling him off for being a lousy father.”

“You said this in public?”

“Yes?” Was I supposed to say it in some secret hallway?

“And what did he say?”


Rowan blinks. “You told my father how much he sucked as a parent and to fuck off and he said nothing?”

“Umm…was he supposed to?”

“I’ve heard him fire employees for breathing on him the wrong way.”

“That seems a bit extreme.”

“You don’t know him like I do.”

“Thank God. It’s those small blessings that get me through the day.”

His chest shakes from silent laughter. “I don’t even know what to make of this. My father would never stand for that kind of talk from anyone.”

He grabs his phone and texts his brothers about this latest update.

I drag a finger across his chest. “Maybe he already knew I quit.”

Rowan shakes his head. “I doubt that. I didn’t let Jenny file your notice, so you’re still considered an employee in every way that counts.”

“WHAT?!” I sit up.

Rowan tugs me back down and holds me flush against him. “I couldn’t let you go.”

“Yeah, well, you can’t hold my notice hostage because you felt like it. That’s illegal.”

He shrugs. “According to your contract, I can do exactly that until you complete an exit interview with me. That’s why you always check the fine print.”

My lips gape apart. “I thought I wasn’t special enough for fine print.”

“You’re so damn special to me that I don’t plan on letting anyone in your vicinity who isn’t family or female.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re too possessive for your own good.”

He flips us over so he can hover over my body. His hips roll into mine, pressing his hardening cock into me.

“How does this conversation turn you on?”

His lips drop to the spot on my neck he’s already marked and bruised. “Because why talk about being possessive when I can show you instead.” Rowan proves exactly what it means to be cherished by him, all night long.

His love is something a girl could get addicted to, so it’s a good thing I have the rest of forever to love him back.



My whole family lines up behind the massive red ribbon. Rowan’s brothers, who are as unfairly handsome as my husband, stand beside him.

Rowan tucks me into his body and kisses my temple. “Are you ready?”

A camera flashes, catching the moment. There’s a lot of press here for the official opening of Nebula Land. It might have taken us three years to complete, but it was so worth it. The moment guests enter the space, they’re immediately thrown into a completely different planet where Iggy the alien hails from. The ride Lance submitted got an upgrade and still remains a key attraction of the land, and I’ve come to accept it. Because without that billion-dollar hunk of metal, I might have never met the love of my life.

I imagine Brady is smiling down on us today.

“I can’t believe this is happening. Do you think people will like it?”

“They’d be crazy not to.” Rowan passes me the giant silver scissors.

“You trust me with a weapon like this?”

The moment he lets go, both my arms fall from the sheer weight of the metal.

“Okay, maybe not my best idea.” He places his hands over mine and holds them up to the ribbon.

“Those are heavier than they look in the movies.”

He lets out a soft laugh only I can hear. Another camera flashes in our direction.

“They caught you smiling on camera!” I gasp in mock horror.

“How much do you think I need to pay him to delete the image?”

“I’m not sure. Everything saves to a cloud now—”

“Are you both going to get this moving? I want to go on the rides!” Ani pops her head out from behind my back.

“What she said!” Cal calls from the other side of Rowan.

“We’re having a moment,” Rowan snaps back at his brother.

“We’ve all had to live through three years of your moments already. I’ve heard some of them too,” Cal calls back.

“Hello! My parents are right there.” I glare at Cal.

“They’re jealous,” Rowan whispers into my ear before placing a kiss on my cheek.

“Not really. You both are gross.” Ani makes a retching noise. She’s so full of it, especially when JP hangs all over her like an octopus.

Claire runs up to us with her kitchen smock half undone and her hair everywhere. “I made it!” She throws her sweaty arm around me before taking up a spot next to Ani.

Lauren Asher's Books