The Duke's Alliance: A Soldier's Bride(44)

He was busy pushing and pulling levers on the giant iron range. 'There, you will have sufficient heat to do your cooking and I to make the coffee.'

She took down a flat copper pan that would be ideal for the omelette and then went in search of the ingredients. she was no more than a few feet from her husband when he said something that made her ears burn.

'I forgot your slippers. You cannot walk about in bare feet down here.' He picked her up and placed her on the wooden chair by the long table that dominated the centre of the room. 'Sit here, sweetheart, I shall find us something to eat.' He removed the skillet from the heat – he obviously did not intend to cook anything.

Nevertheless, he found them a tasty meal of cold cuts, pickles, crusty bread and cheese followed by a hefty slice of plum cake. This was washed down with several cups of coffee. They remained in the kitchen, where it was warm, to eat it.

'That was perfect, thank you, Perry. Is there any more coffee in that pot before we go?' Suddenly the kitchen door swung open. They both turned, open-mouthed, to see the duke standing there.

'You are up late, Beau, we thought the house asleep.'

'As did I. Would you object to me joining you for your midnight feast?'

'We should be delighted, Perry is just making a fresh jug of coffee. I shall get you a plate and cutlery.'

'You will do no such thing, sweetheart, I shall do it.' Perry pointed to her lack of footwear and Beau smiled.

'In which case, Sofia, I shall collect my own utensils.' He nodded solemnly. 'An extraordinary suggestion from someone as grand as I.'

'Not half as outrageous as sleeping on the dirt as you did in Spain.'

Whilst they had more coffee Beau devoured his late supper with relish. Whilst eating he explained why he was up so late.

'Why don't I go up there in your stead?'

'I would be grateful if you would do so. Dealing with malcontents will be more your field of expertise, being a military man.'

Her pleasure in the evening was trickling away. She was to be abandoned, left to sink or swim in this draughty great house.

Then she was poked sharply in the ribs and slopped her coffee on the table. 'That was quite unnecessary, Perry, I was not sleeping, I was thinking.'

'I know exactly what you are thinking, idiot girl. Did you think I would leave you behind? We might as well travel about the country until our home is ready for us.'

'I should like nothing better. I have never been to the north of England and would love to see the lakes.'

'I had hoped you would both be here for Christmas, but you could well be snowed in before your work is done, little brother.'

'If we ride we shall be there in a few days, far quicker than travelling by carriage. The luggage and servants can leave tomorrow and will be there in good time. I have no intention of departing for two days. I need to spend time with my siblings and for Sofia to get to know them before we go.' He smiled at her before continuing. 'We shall be back long before the festive period, I have no intention of celebrating anywhere but here.'

'Do you do anything special at Christmas, Beau?'

'I thought this year we must have all the family staying, children as well, not quite a house party but an intimate gathering. We have much to celebrate.'

'I have never seen a house decked out in the old-fashioned way, with ribbons and garlands and greenery everywhere. I could arrange that for you, if you would permit me?'

'Whatever you want, my dear, this is your home now. You are its chatelaine until you move into your own accommodation which won't be until next May at the earliest.'

She tried to hide her yawn behind her hand. 'If you will excuse me, gentlemen, I am weary. Please, do not get up, continue your conversation. I shall see you in the morning.'

Perry's eyes flashed. She was going to see him considerably earlier than that.


His wife was in her own bed, but Perry was content to spend the night there with her. He could hardly carry her through the corridor and back into his own domain. It was dawn when they were both ready to sleep.

'Whilst we are away, my love, we will have time to get to know each other better. I want you to be happy and will do everything in my power to make this so.'

'As long as I am with you I shall be content.' She settled into his arms and was immediately asleep.


They were woken when her maid came in and dropped the tray holding a jug of chocolate and sweet morning rolls. The crash was accompanied by a squeak of horror at finding him naked in her mistress's bed.

He started to pull back the covers.

'Don't you dare. Poor Polly has had enough shocks for one morning.'

The maid had vanished leaving the mess on the floor. 'I shall put on my robe. I should have returned to my own chamber and not given the poor girl such a surprise.'

Sofia laughed. 'If she is to remain in my employ she will have to get used to seeing you here. Perhaps it might be wise to suggest to your valet and my maid that they wait until they are called each morning in future?'

'Excellent suggestion, sweetheart. I give you my word that by tonight we will have sleeping arrangements more suited to our wishes.'

He shrugged into his discarded robe, barely restraining himself from leaping back into bed with his darling girl, and strolled back to his chambers. After his ablutions he sat still whilst he was shaved and then dressed himself.

Fenella J Miller's Books