The Duke's Alliance: A Soldier's Bride(11)

'I assume we are heading towards my home,' he said to Sofia.

'Not only that, he has ensured you do not walk into the well as you did this morning. That animal is quite remarkable. Did you introduce him to your horse?'

'Actually, I went out on Marron for an hour. Don't look so horrified, sweetheart, I was perfectly safe. You know what this means?'

'Then you are more likely to kill yourself sooner than later?'

He chuckled. 'That, of course, is perfectly possible. However, it means I am now more independent, will be less of a burden to you and everyone else here. Did Juan tell you I have recalled one or two details of my previous existence?'

'My mother told me, it's the talk of the square. I'm delighted for you. I pray that your sight will also return soon.'

He slung his arm around her shoulders. 'As do I, if you are as beautiful as I think, then I cannot wait to see you for myself. I have been wondering, what kind of fellow am I?'

'You have hair the colour of ripe corn, deep blue eyes and, if it wasn't for the scar running across your forehead, you would be a prodigiously handsome gentleman.' Her tone was teasing and he loved her for it.

'And you? Describe yourself.'

'I am taller than most young ladies, I am sufficiently rounded to distinguish me from a boy, I have dark hair and my eyes are a mixture of green and brown.'

'As I thought, quite beautiful. Did you know that you smell mostly of flowers?'

'And what else, pray?'

'Horses and saddle soap.'

She poked him sharply in the ribs with her elbow. 'That was most ungallant of you, sir, I am mortally offended.'

They were still laughing when they arrived at his modest home. Juan had overheard their banter and joined in the merriment. When they asked him where he had discovered Zorro he didn't answer straight away.

'Tell me, why the hesitation? Did you steal him?'

'Not really, but the person I bought him from might not have been his true owner. I didn't enquire too closely.'

'As long as money exchanged hands I am satisfied the dog belongs to me. I am hungry, something smells appetising. First, I wish to feed Zorro. Do we have anything suitable in the kitchen?'

'There's no need to feed him, he catches his own dinner. Take off his harness and he will go in search of it. He'll not run away. He's yours now whether you want him or not.'

Perry turned to speak to Sofia but she was no longer there. She had slipped away without saying farewell and this was unlike her. Something was wrong and he was determined to discover what it was.

Juan ate with him and then returned to his own home which he shared with half a dozen siblings, grandparents and parents. He supposed he should invite the young man to take one of the spare bedrooms, but he liked his privacy. The house was too small to share with anyone, even someone he liked as much as he did this young man.

Zorro was still out when Perry was ready to retire. He didn't know the exact time, but he was pretty sure it must be after midnight as the village was quiet. He had left the back door and gate unlatched so the dog could come in when he returned. Fortunately, the privy was only three steps from the kitchen door, the earth closet was in the lean-to next to the scullery and he could find his way there and back without danger of falling over.

A veranda ran along the back of the house, as it did for all the others in this row, and could be accessed through a door in the sitting room which was the length of the building.

He used the scullery as a washroom, it made things simpler for him. There was always clean water in a jug and a pottery basin standing close by. He stripped naked and washed himself from top to toe. Pity there wasn't a lake nearby he could swim in… Good God! That was something else he could do that he hadn't known about until today.

He groped on the floor and collected his clothes so he could take them up with him, then reconsidered. He would leave them out to be laundered and put on something fresh in the morning. With his boots in his hand and not a stitch on he walked through the kitchen and into the main part of the house. The ground floor consisted of a dining room and drawing room – if one could designate it with so grand a name. The flagstones in the hallway were cold beneath his feet as he headed for the stairs.

As he approached them he froze. Someone was pushing open the front door. Was it the true owner of the hound come to reclaim him?


Sofia decided that it would be better if she didn't speak to her mother about her plans for the night. Only if she found herself to be increasing would it be necessary to mention her misbehaviour. Perry was getting back his memory, shortly he would know who he was and be able to send word to his family. Then he would return to his previous life and forget he ever knew her.

She was determined to create memories that would carry her through the rest of her life tied to a man she was fond of and respected but could never love. Her night-time ablutions were more thorough than usual – his mention that she smelt of horse had rankled and she was determined she would smell only of flowers when she went to him.

Once she was clean she was faced with a dilemma. Normally she wore breeches and boots like the men but she could see removing them might be awkward. Then she smiled at her silliness – it didn't matter what she wore as he couldn't actually see her. There was no need for her to be embarrassed in the slightest.

Fenella J Miller's Books