The Duke Identity (Game of Dukes #1)(106)
“You didn’t do this alone.” Harry’s voice was calm, reasonable, and Tessa knew he was trying to keep Ruthven talking, to buy time. “How did you recruit De Witt and O’Toole?”
“In order to have my vengeance, I had to take everything from Black. Not just his life, a pittance compared to what he owes me, but his empire too. I chose O’Toole because he is Black’s strongest enemy. Or was, rather.” Ruthven’s voice dripped with contempt as he glanced at his dead partner. “No matter. He served his purpose. As for De Witt, I encountered him at a gaming hell. He was drunk, desperate, told me his sad tale of how he had the most powerful substance known to mankind, and no one wanted a thing to do with it. And I knew I’d found the missing piece.”
“Why did you use the hellfire on The Gilded Pearl?” Harry asked.
“The Pearl was a test. And a way to shake the foundations of Black’s power. To show that those under his protection were not safe, that his strength and rule were coming to an end.”
“I ain’t done a thing to you. I demand to be set free,” Father declared.
“In the name o’ revenge, you’ve shed the blood o’ innocents,” came Grandpapa’s gravelly voice. “This must stop. Kill me if you must, but let the others go.”
“You will not get off so easily.” Ruthven laughed again. “Why do you think I convinced O’Toole not to kill you at once and keep you alive? My men will soon have your precious daughter and granddaughter, and you will watch as they die by my hand. As I take away everything from you as you have done from me.”
Has the bastard captured Mama? Trembling, Tessa knew she had to stay focused.
“But first, I will rid myself of your present companions. They are annoyances,” Ruthven said.
Terror struck Tessa’s heart. Ruthven was raising his gun at Harry.
She had to act—now.
As Alfred tensed in readiness beside her, she gripped her dagger. In the next heartbeat, she leapt into the room, took aim, and let her blade fly.
Ruthven cried out in pain as the steel sunk into the shoulder of his weapon arm. He dropped the gun, and Harry dove for it, grabbing it, then spinning around. The earl snarled, trying to reach the knife embedded in him, but Alfred grabbed the hilt, tearing it loose. He held the bloody blade while Ruthven howled with rage.
Swift Nick darted from her pocket to her shoulder, hissing at the villain.
Harry aimed the gun at Ruthven. “Doolittle, tie him up.”
“You’re dead,” the earl shouted as Alfred tucked away the dagger and withdrew a rope. “All of you. My men have yours surrounded—”
“Be’er stuff that gob o’ yours, too,” Alfred muttered and gagged the villain.
Tessa ran to Harry. “Are you all right?”
“You’re supposed to be on the boat.” He looked at Swift Nick. “You, too.”
The ferret grinned.
“Never mind that. Let’s get everyone free,” she said. “Where are the keys?”
“O’er ’ere.” Alfred retrieved the keys from Ruthven, tossed them over.
Harry caught them. Tucking away his pistol, he went to open the cell.
Grandpapa came out first, and Tessa threw herself into his arms. “Oh, Grandpapa!”
“Later, my brave Tessie,” he murmured. “We ain’t got time now.”
“Yes,” she said tremulously, “they may have Mama—”
Harry’s curse startled her.
As did her father’s calm words. “Move away from him, Tessa.”
She whirled around, shock slamming into her. Her father now held the pistol, she saw numbly…must have filched it from Harry as he left the cell. Now he aimed it at Grandpapa.
“Anyone moves and Black dies instantly,” Father said.
“What the bloody ’ell are you doing, Todd?” Grandpapa growled.
“I’m sick and tired o’ your blustering, you old fool. Almost died on account o’ you. Well, now the tables are turned,” Father gloated, “and I got the power now.”
“Father,” Tessa pleaded.
On her shoulder, Swift Nick bared his fangs.
“Shut your mouth,” he snapped. “Now all o’ you, drop your weapons and kick ’em o’er ’ere if you don’t want Black to die.”
With clear reluctance, Harry and Alfred did as her father demanded.
“You too, girl,” Father said.
Her hand trembling, Tessa tossed over her remaining dagger.
Her father waved Harry toward the cell. “Now get in. You too, Doolittle.”
When neither moved, he cocked the pistol. “Do it, or he dies.”
Tessa saw the conflict on her lover’s face, and her desperation mounted.
“Please, Harry, just do as he says,” she said.
Slowly, Harry moved to the cell. Alfred followed.
Swift Nick hissed—and, in a lightning-fast move, Father yanked the ferret from her shoulder. She cried out as he slung Swift Nick into the cage with such force that the creature’s long body slammed into the back bars. With a moan, Swift Nick slumped to the ground.
Harry rushed to tend to the animal as Father locked them in.
“I’m doing this for us, Tessa. Once I get rid o’ this bastard, I’ll be king.” His face shone with terrifying greed, an expression that made him a stranger to her. “When I’m in power, you’ll ’ave riches beyond your wildest dreams.”