The Auction (Club Indulgence Duet, #1)(85)

It's a bomb exploding inside me.

I should have picked for her.

No. It's wrong. This isn't my decision. This is her career.

For God's sake, she can't work with somebody who reminds her of her father.

But Noah...fuck.

"Okay, but you don't have any bad feelings about Noah? Nothing in your gut is saying that maybe he's the wrong one?"

She shakes her head. "No, and Noah's younger. I don't know if Jack will be alive my entire career. Won't he be retiring in a few years?"

I can't argue with her, nor can I say it hasn't crossed my mind. But I figured we'd deal with that issue when it happened. My pet is smart. I should have guessed she'd also be concerned about the same issue. Still, I don't like it. I stay silent, with my chest tightening.

"He can't work forever. Right? And how old is he?" Blakely fires.

I finally admit. "No. And you're right. He's in his late sixties."

She wrinkles her nose and cautiously declares, "If you're making me choose, I pick Noah."

I clench my jaw, counting to ten.

"You don't like my choice?" she asks worriedly.

I silently vow to have a little chat with Noah about the rules, as well as an extra clause I'm adding to the contract. I answer, "No. Noah's fine. If that's who you think you need to work with, then that's what you should do."

I can't believe I'm saying this shit.

"But you look upset," she says.

I rise and lean over her. She looks up, and I see the worry in her eyes. I assert, "Don't stress about this. I'll call Noah and give him the news. I have work to do at the office. I'll text you when I'm on my way home."


"What are you going to do all day?" I ask.

She smiles. "Sing."

I grin and kiss her again. "Write something nice about me."

She laughs. "Maybe I will."

I lightly tap her head. "I gave you a lot of material on our honeymoon, didn't I?"

She laughs again. "Maybe."

I kiss her again. "Okay, pet, I have to go. Have a good day."

"All right, you too."

I leave the house and call the attorney I use for personal matters. It's another contact Hugh doesn't know about.

Marco booms, "Riggs!"

"I don't have a lot of time to chat, but I need a sexual harassment clause added to Blakely's contract. The one that's with Noah," I relay.

"Okay. Has he done something?" Marco questions.

I keep it vague, replying, "Not yet, but I won't put it past him."

"All right. When do you need it by?"

"The next thirty minutes would be great."

He groans. "Jesus, Riggs."

"Can you not get it done?" I push.

"I'll get it done. Check your email in a bit."

"Thanks." I hang up and dial Noah.

He answers, "Riggs. I hope you have good news for me. I've been waiting."

I assert, "We have some things to discuss."

"What now? I thought we got all the details worked out?" he questions.

"There's one quick thing that we have to discuss. It shouldn't be a big deal. If you agree, Blakely is willing to sign with you," I inform him.

"Great. I'll be at the diner on 45th and 8th. Can you meet me in an hour?" he asks.

I internally groan. It's going to take me the entire hour to get through traffic. But I state, "See you then."

I fight through the smog and rush hour traffic and arrive at the popular breakfast spot. Noah's in the back corner, sitting in a booth.

I slide in across from him.

He sticks his hand out. "Riggs."

I take it, squeeze it hard, and shake it. "Noah."

He pins his eyebrows together. "What's going on?"

I announce, "Let's put it this way. We both know my wife's probably the most beautiful woman you're ever going to lay eyes on."

His eyes widen. "Your wife?"

"Yeah, my wife," I firmly state.

He stutters. "O-oh. Congratulations. When did this happen?"

"A couple of weeks ago."

He nods. "Right. So what do you want to discuss?"

I sit back in the booth. "There's a new contract in your inbox. Why don't you take a look? Section eighteen. My attorney just added it."

He picks up his phone, reads the screen, then glances back at me. "Why is there a sexual harassment get-out-of-the-contract clause in here? I've never done anything inappropriate with Blakely."

"Yeah, and you're going to keep it that way," I declare.

He crosses his arms. "Riggs. I want her for her talent. I'm going to take her to the top."

"You better, or I'll find another way to get out of this contract because that's where she belongs," I warn.

He affirms, "I'll get her there."

I grin. "Great. Then you won't have any issues signing that contract."

He huffs. "You can't be serious. I'm not an amateur. I'm not going to put the moves on her."

Maggie Cole's Books