Teaching Aleck (The Last Hangman MC #2)(13)

“I can’t help it. I’m scared someone is going to go after Charline to hurt us or me.”

“Look, she’s not related to you in any way, you made that clear that you didn’t want her and it’s probably for the best, at least for now. We don’t know if he was working alone, well beside Angel, and until we know for sure you should keep your distance from her. I know you need your fix of her, but for her safety do it,” he says with finality and keeps digging as Ayd and Ant walk towards us.

Fuck me!

Ayden wants to watch us put them in the ground. It’s seriously f*cked up, but we can’t deny her that. She’s been through hell and back, and this is apparently what she needs to move on from this living nightmare. And since we are all suckers for Ayden, we are going to give it to her as twisted as it is.


I drive back to the compound thinking about all that just went down, how things could have gone so much worse had we not gotten there in time. I know I shouldn’t think about this, but I can’t help it. This is killing me.

I f*cking hope Michael and Angel were working alone and didn’t have anyone else helping them out. It’s going to be a f*cking war if we find out someone else was behind it all. What bugs me is the fact that he knew when to act and take her away? How could he possibly know that we couldn’t get to her fast enough?

I need to know.

I need to make sure Ayden and Charline are safe.

I couldn’t forgive myself if something were to happen to either of them, again…



December 8, 2013

I can’t believe what happened to Ayden. I don’t know all the details, but I know it wasn’t pretty.

I feel responsible for what happened to her. She was taken away right after she dropped me off at home. Had she stayed home, it might not have happened! She’s been telling me, over the phone, for the past couple of days, that it’s not my fault, and that I shouldn’t worry about it, but I can’t help it.

From what I gathered, she’s been through a lot already, she didn’t need that. The weird thing is that it really brought Ant and her closer together. It’s nice to finally see them together again and happy, well as happy as she can be after a psycho kidnaps her.

It’s been a little over a week since the incident and I can’t wait to see her! She’s been hiding away with Ant. I’m not blaming her. I do miss her though.

Last night, we planned hiding for the entire day at her place and catch up while pigging on junk food.

On my way to her place, I stop at the store to get some food and at her mom’s bakery for some baked goods. I can’t wait to dive into those donuts!

I try to be as quick as I can. Call me paranoid, but Ayd being taken away plus those psychos the other day following when I left the compound, I’m keeping an eye out for anything suspicious and driving myself crazy in the process.

As I drive away from the bakery, I spot a guy on a bike following me. I have no idea if he’s part of the Last Hangman or not, but it is freaking me out.

I sigh in relief when I see the bike turn into another road as I keep driving to Ayd’s place.

I try to relax listening to the radio, Timber is playing and I can’t help but sing along and dance in my seat. Not a good idea when you’re accident prone like I am, but at least I’m relaxing. Soon enough, I pull onto Ayd’s street and park in the driveway, making sure I don’t scratch Ant’s bike. Not sure how pissed he would be, but I don’t want to risk it.

I gather all the bags and go to the door. I don’t have the time to ring the doorbell before Ayd opens the door and wraps me in a bear hug squeezing the life out of me.

“I missed you so much!” she exclaims.

“I missed you too Ayd.” I giggle hugging her back when Ant takes the bags from me. “How are you?”

“I’m alright.” She pulls away slowly and shrugs softly.

“She’s full of shit. She’ll get there she’s just a stubborn ass, as usual,” Ant chimes in with a trace of humor in his voice.

“Asshole.” Ayd punches his arm and he doesn’t budge one bit.

“You love me!” He gives her his panty dropping smile, her words not mine, and puts the ice cream away in the freezer.

“Only when you’re not an ass!” she yells at him and turns to me. “How have you been?”

“Well, still feeling a bit guilty for what happened.” I sigh and sit down next to her on the couch.

“Don’t! I can see why you would, but it’s not your fault. It’s no one’s fault but his, you’re not the one who took me away, you’re not the one who’s been hurting me for years. It was just bad timing. It could have happened earlier too if we hadn’t gone shopping so don’t feel guilty, please.” She holds my hands and I nod.

“I’ll try. I’m just glad you’re alive and okay. I was so scared when Ant called me to ask if you were still with me.”

“I know. I’m just glad nothing happened to you.” She hugs me again.

“Ah, stop it, you’re going to make me cry.” I hug her back.

“Women…” Ant sighs. “I have to attend some club business. Are you two going to be okay?”

“You love us and yes, we’ll be okay, don’t worry, Big Man.” Ayd gets up and kisses her man. How I wish I had this…Don’t get me wrong, I’m super happy for my friend, but yes I’m totally jealous of her relationship. The fact that Aleck has been ignoring me these past couple of days isn’t helping at all.

Muriel Garcia's Books