Sweet Tooth (Little Cakes, #11)(9)
“Not normally, but I thought I’d take you to our farm and you can see where all the fresh vegetables are grown and probably see a few tame bunnies,” he offered.
“I’ll need to do some prep work on the next day’s dishes and clean the restaurant before I can go,” she warned.
“Let me put my number in your phone. You can call me when you’re thirty minutes from being ready to walk out. I’ll make deliveries while you work. Think you’ll be done around five?”
“If I skip a cupcake tomorrow. Yes, five would work,” she answered as she held out her phone.
A second later, she snatched it back and narrowed her gaze. “You’re not a serial killer, right?”
“I’m sure they would answer just as I’m going to… Of course I’m not.”
When she rolled her eyes at him, he added, “I promise to bring you home safe and sound. Besides, a serial killer wouldn’t have tame bunnies at the farm. Especially rascally rabbits who planned to overrun the farm before they were provided a safe area and their own mini garden.”
“Besieged by bunnies, huh?” she asked, double checking if she had his number already in her phone. “Look, I already put your cell phone in earlier.” She called it quickly so he would have her number.
“I’m becoming fonder of bunnies by the moment.” His expression told her he was no longer referring to the four-legged, furry creatures anymore.
“I guess like me, the other bunnies like the farm-to-table model too?” she teased, trying to keep the conversation light as Tom saved her number.
Elizabeth caught sight of the time on her phone. “Oh, it’s getting late. I have to be up early in the morning. Could you take me back to my car?”
“Of course. Let’s go.”
The afterwork traffic had dispersed as Tom negotiated the large vehicle back to Nibbles & Bites. “Which is your car?” he asked.
“That white sedan over there.” Elizabeth waved her hand toward the far section of the parking lot. “Just drop me off in front of the restaurant. I need to change my shoes and pick up my bag inside.”
Tom changed course and parked in front of the store. “Take your time. I’ll wait and make sure you get to your car safely.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” she rushed to assure him.
“I do,” he answered simply as he slid from the truck and rounded the hood to open her door and lift her to the sidewalk.
“I’ll be back in a flash,” Elizabeth told him and zipped on her skates to unlock the front door and disappear inside. In a few minutes, she returned wearing sneakers with a satchel slung over her shoulder.
Tom jumped from his truck to walk her to her parking space. His powerful hand fit comfortably in the small of her back as his natural body heat radiated toward her. She shivered next to him.
“Cold?” he asked, turning her toward him.
“Maybe a bit.”
Tom wrapped his arms around her and pulled Elizabeth against his hard torso. She rested her head on his shoulder and allowed herself to absorb the delightful feeling of his hands rubbing her back. The thought that this could all be a lark—something that couldn’t last—burst into her mind. She sniffed to stave off the tears that threatened.
“Little girl, are you okay?” Tom asked, leaning her away from his body to examine her face. “Why do you look like you’re about ready to cry?”
“Can this actually be true?”
“It is true, Bunny. We’ve found each other. Do you want to know why I’m so sure?” he asked, smiling at her.
“Y-yes!” she stumbled over the word.
“I’m certain we’re made for each other, just as I’m sure your favorite stuffie is in this satchel,” he said, tugging at the strap over her shoulder.
She couldn’t stop the smile that curved her lips as she unzipped the top to reveal her best friend in the whole world. “Hortense, meet Tom. Tom, meet Hortense.”
“Good evening, Hortense. I apologize for interrupting your nap but needed to reassure your person that dreams can come true. Now, it’s time for a goodnight kiss and Elizabeth will drive super carefully home and text me when she’s there safely,” Tom told the stuffed hippo.
“I will,” Elizabeth promised.
“Good girl. Give me a kiss before you go. I’m going to miss you.”
Elizabeth rose to her tiptoes to press her lips to his. Tom pulled her close once again and deepened the kiss, leaving her breathless a few seconds later when she dropped back to her feet to blink up at him.
“Go home, Bunny. Pay attention as you drive,” he reminded her as he opened her door.
When she was tucked inside and buckled up, Tom stepped back to allow her to back out. Waving goodbye, Elizabeth drove to the parking lot exit and stopped for traffic to clear. Her gaze automatically returned to Tom, and she watched him jog back to his truck. She shouldn’t have admired his muscular butt, but she did and giggled as she merged onto the road.
“I am so bad, Hortense.”
Chapter Five
When his phone rang early in the morning, Tom stared at the name for a fraction of a second before answering.
“Elizabeth, are you okay?” Tom asked, trying to keep his tone light as his heart sank in his chest. Was she calling to cancel?