Sweet Obsession (Nights Series #4)(24)
With Ash settling into his new life at the university in Singapore and their relationship coming along in leaps and bounds, Luke had never known such happiness.
His dick stirred as Ash completed his final lap and climbed out of the pool, sunlight dancing on his glistening, honey-colored skin, and toned limbs. Not only was Luke utterly and blissfully content, he had also never been so completely and utterly sexually satisfied.
Luke discovered he had a high sex drive when he was still in his teens and had bedded plenty of women and men over the years to fulfill his formidable carnal needs. Yet the gratification he found in Ash’s arms was something new to him. More than the searing pleasure of being inside Ash’s body, more than the fierce orgasms they achieved every time they made love, what Luke treasured above all was the sense of completeness he found in Ash’s arms. He had never felt so whole in his entire life. It was as if they were two pieces of a puzzle, made for one another from the day they were born and destined to be together for eternity.
The fiery ardor of their first night together had only gotten stronger in the last two months, with Ash as eager to explore his burgeoning sensuality as Luke was keen to teach him. Seeing Ash discover what a sexual being he was had become Luke’s new addiction, as was watching the young man climax. It was a craving that had been too long denied, a secret obsession that consumed Luke whenever they breathed the same air.
Ash dried himself with a towel and headed toward him, oblivious to the filthy thoughts crowding Luke’s mind. “Morning.” He rose on his tiptoes and dropped a chaste peck on Luke’s lips, his steel-blue gaze bright. “I thought I’d take an early morning swim before we started our day. What time is John’s housewarming party again?”
Luke placed his coffee on the garden table, looped his arm around Ash’s waist, and pulled him in tight before swooping down to take his mouth in a searing kiss. Ash moaned and eagerly parted his lips, letting Luke in. Their tongues clashed deliciously. Ash dropped the towel and gripped Luke’s shoulders, his glazed eyes fluttering closed under the sensual assault.
Luke was rock hard by the time he ended the kiss.
“It starts at two,” he murmured, his pulse racing erratically.
John Peace, Luke’s secretary, had finally given in to his long-suffering partner’s wishes and bought a place with him.
“What do you have to do before then?” Ash asked hoarsely, his hips twitching and his erection digging into Luke’s left thigh.
Luke swallowed a groan.
You. I want to do you.
Although Luke wanted nothing more than to take the young man in his arms and go straight back to bed to fuck the living daylights out of him, some urgent paperwork needed his attention. Being the head of the billion-dollar Rutherford Industries and the only surviving heir of the Rutherford dynasty meant hardly a day passed when Luke didn’t have something to do for work, even on a Sunday. Not that he minded it. He would never have driven Rutherford Industries to the dizzying heights of success they had achieved since he took command of his family business had he not truly been passionate about the job.
Still, Luke always made sure to find time for Ash since he’d moved the young man in with him. Like having dinner together every night even if it meant Ash coming over to his office in Marina Bay and bringing the meals their housekeeper, Xin, prepared for them when Luke was having a late night at work. Or their lazy Sunday mornings when they would have breakfast out on the sun deck and relax in each other’s company.
“I need to look over some documents,” Luke said reluctantly. “You?”
Ash grimaced.
“I have a couple more hours to do on an assignment due tomorrow.” He wrinkled his beautiful nose. “Remember that international architecture and design competition I told you about—the one in Madrid? Well, my supervisor at Stanford and my new professor here entered me into it without telling me first. The deadline is in six weeks. I have to work on that project as well as all my regular coursework.”
Luke’s heart swelled with pride. He’d always known Ash was incredibly talented. The fact that the people around Ash were acknowledging this in their own way thrilled Luke like few things could.
He dropped a kiss on Ash’s forehead and tipped his chin up.
“You can do it. I believe in you.”
Ash smiled, his eyes sparkling with happiness. His expression faltered a moment later. “Shit.”
“What?” Luke said, tensing up.
Ash tugged his lower lip between his teeth and dropped his gaze to Luke’s mouth. “I really wanna have sex right now.”
Luke groaned at the sinfully sensuous look on Ash’s face. This kid will be the death of me.
“Don’t,” Luke muttered. “I’m only barely holding on myself.”
Ash’s eyes widened when his gaze dropped to Luke’s glorious erection tenting the front of his pajama bottoms. He grinned and ran his index finger along Luke’s hard length.
“What a brave trooper.”
Luke shuddered, his cock jerking at Ash’s teasing touch. “You’re playing with fire, Ash,” he warned gruffly.
Ash looked up at him, his eyes darkening, his expression utterly unrepentant. “We gave Xin the day off, right?”
Luke nodded, not trusting himself to speak.
Ash’s lips curved in a seductive grin. He raised his hands to his hips and took off his swimming trunks.