Strange Medicine (Dr. Maxwell Thornton Murder Mysteries #1)(30)

My face warmed. “I’m a cop. I’m naturally suspicious.”

He shrugged. “I just thought we had a deeper connection. I guess I was an idiot.”

I was moved by his vulnerability, and I decided to reward him with some truths of my own. “I do feel connected to you, Maxwell. And it’s a problem. I have a job to do here. A man was murdered, and I don’t have the luxury of ignoring obvious facts because I like you.”

“I’m not asking you to do that.”

“But you kind of are. Be honest, if you were me and the circumstances were reversed, wouldn’t you have to ask these same things?”

He tilted his head as if really considering my question. Then some tension left his shoulders, and he nodded. “Okay. I see what you mean.”


His gaze was enigmatic as he watched me. “I’d also be wondering if you’d only fucked me to establish an alibi.”

My cheeks felt hot as a niggle of guilt hit me. “Those are your words, not mine.”

He chuffed. “Admit it… that went through your mind though, didn’t it?” He sounded unemotional. “Of all the nights that I could invite you to dinner and screw you, I pick the one where a dead body shows up in my yard.”

I held his stare. “Fine. Yes. It occurred to me.”

His subtle flinch was the only sign my admission hurt. “I knew it.”

“And since we’re being so honest with each other, if it turns out Ned was murdered around the time I was at your house, that will be something I have to consider.”

He gave a short, humorless laugh. “That’s not why I had sex with you.”

“I like you enough to hope that’s true.”

Pressing his lips tight, he looked angry. “I can’t decide whether I respect your honesty right now or if I hate your guts for it.”

I sighed. “I hope you don’t hate me.”

He hardened his jaw and glanced up at the ceiling. “How soon will you know time of death?”

“I asked the ME to rush things. I’m hoping we’ll know later today.”

“I worry that you need someone to pin this on and I’m the unlucky candidate.”

“I don’t operate like that.”

He swallowed hard, and he sounded breathless when he spoke. “Are you going to arrest me now?”

My stomach churned with stress. “I probably should. A body was found at your home, and the murder weapon was in your hand.”

“Until the blood comes back as Ned’s, you don’t know that was the murder weapon.”

“True. But I definitely have probable cause to book you. It’s the obvious next move.”

His smooth veneer cracked finally as he snapped, “Then fucking book me, and stop dancing around the issue.” His mouth quivered with anger as he finished speaking.

I understood why he was upset, so I didn’t react. I just held his angry stare until he seemed a little calmer. “If I don’t arrest you, you still can’t leave town. Do you understand? You’re a person of interest, to say the least.”

“I’m not guilty, so I don’t have any reason to run,” he said through tight lips.

His furious stare made my heart hurt. But I forced myself to say, “If I catch wind of you trying to go back to LA or anywhere else, I’ll arrest you immediately.”

“I’m not a stupid person. You’ve made your point. Am I free to go?”

I leaned toward him. “I know you’re pissed, but I want you to know that I’m giving you a break right now. You probably don’t see that clearly.”

“Oh, I see things clearly, Sheriff.”


“Am I free to go or not?” His voice was cold.

I stood, feeling frustrated. “I thought you said you understood my position?”

“I do.”

“Then why are you mad at me for doing my job?”

He narrowed his gaze. “Because, Royce… understanding your position doesn’t magically make this not feel like shit. Excuse me if I don’t jump up and down and thank you for dragging my ass in here like some lowlife murderer.”

I sighed. “I’m sure the evidence will exonerate you.”

“I guess we’ll see if that’s true or not.” He stood slowly. “Or maybe whoever is trying to frame me will be so good at it, you’ll be forced to arrest and convict me. You know… because it’s your job.”

“I’m not enjoying this any more than you are.”

He raked a hand through his hair. “I’m tired and I just want to go.”

“I’ll drive you.”

He shook his head. “No. I’ll walk.” He moved to the door. “I need the fresh air.”

“I’ll let you know if anything comes up that helps clear you.” My voice was husky. “To give you peace of mind.”

He glanced over his shoulder at me. “Thanks.”

I had the oddest compulsion to follow him, even though it was obvious he didn’t want to be anywhere near me. “Maxwell—”

He stopped at the sound of my voice. “What?” He didn’t turn toward me.

“Just… trust me.”

S.C. Wynne's Books