I feel like I'm floating as we walk to third period. Almost like in my dreams when I'm hovering above myself, watching myself walk. I feel like I'm not in control of my actions, I'm just observing them as they are carried out. Eddie opens the door and walks in first. I follow slowly behind her as I make my way through the classroom door. Will isn't here yet. Neither is Javi. I inhale as I take my seat. The bustling of the conversation among the other classmates is briefly interrupted by a crackling over the intercom.
"Layken Cohen, please report to administration."
I immediately swing around and look at Eddie. She gives me a half-hearted smile and a thumbs up. She's just as nervous as I am.
There are several people in the office when I walk in. I recognize the principal, Mr. Murphy, speaking with two men I don't recognize. When he notices me walk in, he nods and motions for me to follow him through the door. When I enter the room, Will is seated with his arms folded at the table. He doesn't look up at me. This doesn't look good.
"Mrs. Cohen, please take a seat," Mr. Murphy says to me as he seats himself at the other head, opposite Will.
I choose the chair closest to me.
"This is Mr. Chorizo, Javier's father," says Mr. Murphy, motioning toward the man I didn't recognize.
Mr. Chorizo is sitting across from me. He stands slightly and reaches across the table and shakes my hand.
"This is Officer Venturelli," he says of the other man.
He follows suit and leans across the table, shaking my hand.
"I'm sure you know why you're here. It is our understanding that there was an incident involving Mr. Cooper that occurred off of school grounds," he says, pausing in case I need to object. I don't.
"We would appreciate it if you could tell us your version of events."
I glance toward Will and he gives me an ever so slight nod, letting me know he wants me to tell the truth. So I do. For fifteen minutes I explain in honest detail everything that happened last night. Everything except for Will's poem.
When I'm finished with the details and the questions have all been asked, I’m released to return to class. As I get up to leave, Mr. Chorizo calls after me.
"Ms. Cohen?"
I turn and look at him.
"I just want to say I'm sorry. I apologize for my son's behavior."
"Thank you," I say. I turn and make my way back to the classroom.
A substitute is filling in for Will. She's an older lady who I've seen in the halls before, so she must also be a teacher here. I quietly take my seat. I can't think about anything other than Will, and if I'm about to be the reason he loses his job.
When the bell rings, the class begins to file out and I turn to Eddie.
"What happened?" she says.
I tell her what happened, and that I still don't know anything. I linger outside the classroom door for a while, waiting for Will to return but he never does. During fourth period, I realize I'm not in the state of mind to learn anything, so I give myself the rest of the day off.
When I turn onto our street, Will's car is in his driveway. I pull my jeep up to the curb and don't even bother pulling into the driveway. I throw it in park and quickly run across the street. As soon as I'm about to knock on the door, it swings open and Will is standing there with his satchel slung across his shoulder and his jacket on.
"What are you doing here?" he says with a surprised look on his face.
"I saw your car," I say. "What happened?"
He doesn't invite me in. Instead, he walks outside and locks the door behind him.
"I resigned. They withdrew my contract," he says as he walks toward his car.
"But you only have eight weeks left of student teaching. It wasn't your fault, Will. They can't do that!"
He shakes his head. "No, it's not like that. I wasn't fired. We just all thought it was best if I finished my student teaching at a different school, away from Javier. I've got a meeting with my faculty advisor in half an hour, that's where I'm headed."
He opens his door and removes his jacket and satchel, throwing them into the passenger seat.
"But what about your job?" I ask as I hold onto the door, not wanting him to shut it. I have so many questions. "So you're saying you don't have an income now? What are you going to do?"
He smiles at me and emerges back out of the car as he places his hands on my shoulders.