"Car won't start?" Nick asks as he walks up beside us, explaining the reason behind Will's sudden guarded behavior.
"No, Mr. Cooper thinks I need a new alternator."
"That sucks," Nick says as he glances under the hood. "I'll give you a ride home if you need one."
I start to decline when Will interrupts.
"That would be great, Nick," Will says as he closes the hood of the jeep.
I shoot Will a glance and he ignores my silent protest. Will walks away and leaves me with Nick and no other option for a ride home.
"I'm parked over here," Nick says as he leads the way to his car.
"Let me grab my stuff first." I reach for my bag and my hand goes up to find the ignition empty. Will must have accidentally taken my keys. I leave the door unlocked just in case he doesn't have them. I don't want to add a locksmith charge on top of our already mounting debt.
“Wow. Nice car,” I say as we reach Nicks vehicle. It’s a small black sports car. Not sure what kind but there isn’t a spec of dirt on it.
“It’s not mine,” he says as we climb inside. “It’s my dads. He lets me drive it when he’s off work.”
“Still, it’s nice. Do you mind if we swing by Chapman Elementary? I’m supposed to pick up my little brother.”
“No problem,” he says as he turns left out of the parking lot.
“So, New Girl. You miss Texas yet?” Although it’s been a month, he still calls me new girl.
“Yep,” I reply shortly.
He attempts to make more small talk but I treat his questions as if they are rhetorical, even if they aren't. I can't stop thinking about the things Will said to me before Nick interrupted us. Nick finally grasps the idea that I'm not in a chatty mood so he turns on the radio.
We pull up to Kel’s school and I get out of the car so Kel can spot me, since I’m not in my jeep. When Kel notices me, he comes running up to me, followed by Caulder. “Hey, where's your jeep?”
“Won’t start. Hop in, Nick is giving us a ride home.”
“Oh. Well Caulder is supposed to go with us today."
I open the back door as the two climb in the small backseats. They immediately start oohing and aahing. The remainder of the short drive consists of transformer comparisons and Nick's car.
When we arrive at the house, Kel and Caulder jump out of the car and run inside. I thank Nick and follow the boys toward the house when I hear Nick open his door.
“Layken, wait,” Nick calls after me.
Ugh. Almost in the clear. I turn to see him standing in my driveway, looking nervous.
“Later this week, Eddie and Gavin and I are going to Getty’s. You wanna come?”
I definitely should have laid off on the obvious flirtation with Nick. I feel guilty, knowing good and well I’ve sent him the wrong signals.
“I don’t know. I'd have to run it by my mom. I’ll let you know tomorrow, okay?” I see the hope fill his eyes and wish I would have went ahead and turned him down. I don't want to give him any more false hope than I already have.
“Yeah. Tomorrow. See ya.” Nick gets back in his car and drives away.
When I walk in the house, Kel and Caulder are both at the bar with their homework out. "Caulder, do you live with us now or what?"
He looks at me with his big, green, Will-looking eyes. "I can go home if you want me to."
"No. I was just kidding. I like you being here, it keeps this little creeper away from me." I squeeze Kel's shoulders then walk into the kitchen and grab a drink.
"So is that Nick guy your boyfriend? I thought my brother was going to be your boyfriend."
Juice spews from my mouth as Caulder catches me off guard with his observation. "No, neither of them are my boyfriend. Your brother and I are just friends, Caulder."
"But Layken," Kel gives Caulder a mischievous grin. "I saw you kissing him that night y'all came home. In the driveway. I was watching from my bedroom window."
My heart jumps to my throat. I walk over to them and place my hands firmly on the bar in front of them.
"Kel, don't ever repeat what you just said do you hear me?"
His eyes get big and he and Caulder both lean back in their chairs as I lean forward across the bar.
"I'm serious. You did not see what you thought you saw. Will can get in a lot of trouble if you repeat what you said. I mean it."