My hand twisted in the fabric of my dress. “You need to. I can never go back to my old life. I’ve seen and done too much.”
“I’m far from the woman you knew. I’ve changed in more ways than you could imagine.”
“Jesus, Pais.”
“I want you to be happy,” I said as a tear slid down my cheek. “Fall in love, get married, have kids, and be happy. You know, that whole American Dream your parents came over here for.”
“What did he do to you? What did that * do to you?”
I wanted to call him out on the * comment, but it was true. Being in love with the guy didn’t get rid of that.
“I did what I had to do in order to survive. I’m on my own now and…I’m in love.”
“With who?” By the tone in his voice, I had a feeling he’d guessed the answer. “Don’t tell me him.”
“I can’t say.”
“I need to know.”
“Look, I know you want more answers, but this is all I can give you. I loved you, Digby, and part of me will always love you, but in order for me to live, everyone has to believe I’m dead. I can never be with you again.”
It felt like his proposal all over again, emotionally draining with me having to break his heart.
“I wish things were different, but I promise I will do what I can to keep you safe.”
“Thank you, Digby,” I said, trying to choke back my tears. “Goodbye.”
I didn’t wait for a reply before hitting the button to disconnect the call.
Tears streamed down my face as I walked into the mall, through the herd of people coming and going. Some were waiting for reservations, others for the nightly celebrations to begin.
They didn’t know me or my pain. What I’d seen and done. They didn’t care that I willed my tears to stop so they wouldn’t look at me. So that I could blend in.
Just another cow, making her way through a weathered path.
I located the restrooms and sent the burner phone on its way to fritzville, giving it a goldfish farewell.
A final goodbye to Paisley Warren.
Esther’s pie was fantastic, per usual. After our lunch, she sent slices home with me in little plastic containers. Mostly old butter packaging.
It worked and gave me easy to carry containers for work to make my coworkers jealous.
I let out a moan as I took a bite at my desk, earning a glare from Sue. “Next time, buy her two bundles and bring a pie here.”
I chuckled and nodded. “Okay.”
“Hey, Lacey.”
I spun in my chair, fork in mouth, to face the receptionist. “Hi, Amanda. What’s up?”
She fidgeted with the cord that led to her headset, a blush spreading on her cheeks. “Well, there’s someone here to see you.”
“Me?” I asked, my brow scrunching as I looked at her. Everyone I knew in my new life was sitting somewhere in this office. Minus Esther.
“He’s really good looking, and…he says he’s your husband.”
I rolled my eyes as I let out a little laugh. “My hus—” I couldn’t even finish the word when it dawned, my eyes widening.
I jumped out of my seat, tossing the pie down as I pushed past her to run down the hall.
It had to be.
I skidded to a halt just inside the lobby, nearly crashing into the doorway. “Six!”
His back was to me and when he turned, my breath caught in my throat. Dirty blond hair, familiar brown eyes, and the body I knew so well.
Tears sprung in my eyes as I ran to him and jumped up, throwing my arms around him. “Six.”
He stumbled back a bit, but his arms wrapped around my waist and after a minute, he buried his head in my neck. “Lacey.”
“I wasn’t sure I’d ever see you again,” I whispered into his ear.
“I made you a promise, didn’t I?”
I nodded and pulled back a little. “Yes.”
He rested his forehead against mine and stared into my eyes. “And now I have all the time in the world to consume you, little by little.” His gaze flickered down. “But there seems to be more of you.”
I stepped back and bit my lip as I smoothed my hands over my dress, revealing my little baby bump. “I didn’t have a way to contact you.”
He stared down in what I could only tell to be horror, before locking eyes with me. “A baby?”
I nodded. “Without my birth control and you coming in me all the time, it was bound to happen. I just didn’t think I’d be alive.”
In a tentative move, he reached out, his fingers flexing as he neared, and placed his hand against my abdomen. Just then she kicked, bumping the spot where his hand was. His eyes widened and he swallowed hard.
“Let me go grab my bag and we’ll go…home. We can talk about it there.”
He nodded, expression blank.
Telling an assassin he was going to be a father was easier than I thought, but I worried about his reaction. Would it change his mind? Would he leave me again?
My heart hammered in my chest, and I hoped in the few minutes I was gone that he wouldn’t leave.
“Who is it?” Sue asked when I returned to my desk.