“Comfort,” I said as I buried my face in the top of the rabbit’s head.
I couldn’t take comfort in Six, and there was nobody else.
Me, my bunny, my heartbreak, and my tears.
Crying not because of my situation, but for the loss of the person I was, all the lives in my wake, and the death of a good friend. The remaining amount of my time before I was another casualty was approaching, and I mourned myself.
Everything was changing.
Six’s hips slammed against mine, causing me to arch under him and a moan to rip its way out of me.
Mouths devouring, taking, enticing with lips and tongues. Frantic, soul-eating kisses as each thrust wiped my mind, emptying out all thought.
For two days he let me mope, caught up in his own head as he talked to Five and tried to locate Jason.
Six was a man of few words, but his body spoke volumes. His hands were rough, his touch strong and hard, and he used them to turn me into a shuddering mess, begging for him.
He pulled my legs up, resting them on his arms while his hands pinned me down. Forcing me to take every slam of his cock pounding my *. Making me feel so much my skin tingled, muscles protested, and I forgot everything and everyone but him.
My Six.
I tensed, frozen before breaking, convulsing beneath and around him. Eyes locked, there was nothing but lust and desire as I came.
He sped up, making me thrash in his arms. It was too much, too intense. I hadn’t come down at all, and he was driving me insane.
His sweat covered forehead fell to my neck as his muscles strained, teeth digging into my skin, holding in a scream as hips flexed forward, bottoming his cock out. I could feel each twitch inside as his come filled me. A few shudders and his grip relaxed, his arms slipping from under my legs, and landing beside me as the weight of his chest pressed against mine. My legs had no strength and relaxed down to the bed, my arms still in the position he had them pinned.
We were both breathing heavily, both coming down from a euphoric high, our bodies limp.
I didn’t know if he knew what he was doing, if he understood, but I felt awake and out of the fog that held me for days.
Fucking magical dick.
“You the man,” I said in my mushy, congealed blob state. There would be no moving for a while.
He didn’t say anything and no sound came out, but his chest did give a slight shake and I felt his lip twitch against my neck.
The lovely post-coital bliss was interrupted by his cell phone going off. With as much weight as he had resting on me, I was shocked at how fast he pulled off and out of me. Then again, we were sweat slicked up, and all he had to do was give a little push and the puddles could propel him across the room.
“Yes,” he said into the receiver. There was a moment’s pause as the person on the other end spoke. His face showed no emotion. Was it Jason? “Yes…Fine.” He hung up the phone and I stared at him, waiting. “We need to shower and get dressed.”
“I can’t move.”
He said nothing, just walked over and grabbed onto my ankle, pulling my legs off before bending over and tossing me over his shoulder.
“Shit!” I let out a little laugh that turned into a moan as I stared down at his firm ass. I wanted to smack it or pinch it, but before I could he set me down in the tub and turned on the shower.
A scream rocketed out of me as the cold water sprayed down on me and I tried to jump out, but he held out his arms and blocked me. Even in my freaking out state, I heard the little chuckle he made.
“You think this is funny?” I asked, my arms folding over my chest as I shook in the starting-to-warm water.
He didn’t say anything, just nodded as he climbed in. It was tight in the small space, but we managed.
“Did you have to make such a mess?” I asked as I cleaned between my legs.
I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Of course he would answer with that.
It took a little longer to wash off sharing the shower, but a few minutes later we were getting dressed and heading out the door.
“Where are we going?” I asked as we pulled away.
Due to his antics, I’d forgotten to ask who was on the phone.
“We’re going to meet Nine.”
“Nine? He’s here?”
Six nodded.
“How? Why?”
“He knew I was coming here and by the news, thought I might still be in the area.”
Instead of another outlying shit-tel, I was surprised when the strip view became larger and larger until we were pulling into the parking garage of the Venetian.
“Boy, he stays in nice hotels,” I said as I climbed out of the car.
“He’s always been a bit flamboyant.”
Hand in hand we weaved through the casino floor. His steps were confident like he knew exactly where he was going, which was good, because the place was a maze and I swore at one point we’d gone in a circle.
Sitting in a central bar was a man who hadn’t changed a bit in the weeks since I’d last seen him. In fact, he looked the same as when I first met him almost two months ago. Unlike Six, the only difference I saw in Nine was the green eyes I’d seen in Paris versus the brown of Tennessee.
“There you are!” Nine gave a broad smile and held out his hand. “So good to see you again.”