Shattered (LOST #3)(52)

“Some people get happy endings,” Sarah said. “Even if they have to walk through fire first.”

Silence. She closed her eyes, feeling weary all the way to her soul. “I need to speak with Detective West. I want to make sure he’s told Eddie that Molly is alive.” For the moment. But, no, she couldn’t think that way. Molly would make it through the night. She’d be stronger by morning. With every moment that passed, Molly would keep fighting. She’d survive.

“Eddie . . . Eddie was shot, Sarah.”

Her eyes flew open. “What?”

“Guards thought he was attacking one of the nurses that was there to check on him. One of those guards fired at him. I’m sorry, but he didn’t make it.”

It felt as if someone had just punched Sarah in the gut.

“Brent told me that Eddie was acting erratically, saying things that didn’t make sense.” He turned to the right. “It had to be the drugs, still in his system. The kid never had a chance.”

No, he hadn’t. Tears stung her eyes but she blinked, trying to stop them from falling. Brent had told Jax all of this? She was sure starting to suspect that those two were closer than they’d let on. She knew Jax supposedly had informants all over the city. Was Brent part of his network?

“Sarah . . .” His voice was a growl. “Eddie tried to kill you.”

“You said yourself”—her words were hoarse—“he was just a weapon that bastard out there used. Aim and fire . . .” Only now Eddie was gone. And Molly . . .

Live, Molly, please.

SARAH THOUGHT SHE was so damn clever. Escaping from his fire. Getting the girl out.

He’d figured Sarah would leave that girl behind as soon as the bomb exploded. Why not leave her? Molly Guthrie had been dead weight—literally. But Sarah hadn’t been alone. Jax Fontaine had been with her.

Jax. Did the guy even realize how he fit into the game? When he’d seen the two of them together—kissing in front of everyone—rage had consumed him. Jax knew what Sarah was. Fruit of the fucking poisoned tree. And he was going to touch her? Screw her?

Jax didn’t get it. Sarah was the one screwing with him. She was a master at the mind fuck. Like her father, she showed the world only what she wanted them to see. A true manipulator, all the way to her core.

He’d underestimated her. He’d thought taking Sarah out would be easy.

He wouldn’t make that mistake again.

He would show her—and Murphy—just how strong he’d become. He wasn’t helpless. He wouldn’t cower and beg for help any longer. Now, everyone would be begging him.

Sarah would beg.

Then she’d die.

As for Jax Fontaine . . . he smiled. Jax was a pawn that would be used. A pawn whose time had finally come.

Jax didn’t know it, but he knew all of Jax’s secrets. Every single one of them. He’d use those secrets.

Right now, Jax was protecting Sarah. Keeping his goons around her so that she’d never be vulnerable. But he’d get Jax to turn on Sarah. Before he was done, Jax would be serving Sarah up for death.

And Sarah would be screaming.

JAX SHUT THE door behind Sarah and secured his alarm. She stood a few feet in front of him, her shoulders slumped, her hair trailing down her back. As he watched her, Sarah moved forward a bit, and her fingers curled around the banister. “I feel safe with you.” She said those words as she began to climb up the stairs. “And that’s probably wrong, isn’t it?”

Behind her, he shook his head. Then he stalked toward her and picked her up. Sarah gave a little gasp of surprise.

“Nothing’s wrong between us,” he told her. His arms tightened around her. “You need to remember that.” He started carrying her up the stairs. She was so small and delicate compared to him. She almost felt too light in his arms.

She didn’t struggle in his hold. Sarah curled her hands around his neck and said, “I think you like carrying me.”

Guilty. He liked holding her. Sarah . . . fit.

“Just so you know, though, you don’t have to do this whole Rhett Butler routine to impress me.”

He laughed. Her words were so unexpected—after everything that had happened—the laughter just spilled from him.

And Sarah smiled.

Fuck . . . Sarah smiled. It was a real smile, one that made her dark eyes light up. He almost lost his footing right then and nearly sent both of them tumbling down the stairs. But he steadied himself and held her even closer.

“I’m already impressed plenty,” she said. “Promise.”

Get her up the stairs and into bed.

He concentrated hard. One foot. The other. He really just wanted to kiss her and fuck her, but he was trying to hold on to some control. For the moment. He knew, though, that when he got Sarah naked, his control would splinter.

By some miracle, they got to the top of the stairs. His cock was swollen, his muscles tight. He marched down the hall, but he didn’t take her to his bed. Not yet.

Take care of her. Sarah needed to see that he could be someone she could count on. Despite what the rumors said, he’d be more for Sarah than just a—completely unforgettable—fuck. For her, he’d be one hell of a lot more.

Always . . . her.

He took her into the bathroom. That had been one of the first rooms he’d had redone in that place. Now marble gleamed in the room. The tub—hell, the thing was big enough for five people, so it would easily fit him and Sarah.

Cynthia Eden's Books