Serpent & Dove (Serpent & Dove, #1)(133)

To my beta readers, Erin Cotter, Margie Fuston, Megan McGee Lysaght, Lindsey Ouimet, Kylie Schachte, Emily Taylor, E. K. Thiede, Carol Topdjian, Kimberly Vale, and Christina Wise—I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to read early versions of Serpent & Dove. Your feedback—both the praise and the critique—was vital in shaping this story.

To my phenomenal editor, Erica Sussman—I’ll never find the right words to thank you for your unending patience and vision. As a writer, there’s always a small fear in handing your story to someone else. After our first brainstorming session, however, that fear disappeared. I trust you with my story completely—from my characters to my magic system to my world building. You are a true rock star. Thank you for loving this story as much as I do.

To my team at HarperTeen, Sarah Kaufman, Alison Donalty, Jessie Gang, Alexandra Rakaczki, Ebony LaDelle, Michael D’Angelo, Bess Braswell, Olivia Russo, Kris Kam, and Louisa Currigan—Thank you for believing in this story. I’ve been blown away by your skill time and time again, and I consider myself unbelievably lucky to be surrounded by such a talented team. Thank you for fulfilling my lifelong dream.

About the Author

Courtesy Shelby Mahurin SHELBY MAHURIN grew up on a small farm in rural Indiana, where sticks became wands and cows became dragons. Her rampant imagination didn’t fade with age, so she continues to play make-believe every day—with words now instead of cows. When not writing, Shelby watches The Office and reads voraciously. She still lives near that childhood farm with her very tall husband and semiferal children. Serpent & Dove is her debut novel. Visit her online at

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