Serpent & Dove (Serpent & Dove, #1)(120)

“Oh, look at his eyelashes,” the second sighed. This one had the nerve to reach up and touch my face. I forced myself to remain still. To refrain from snapping its—her—wrist. “Do you have a sister, handsome?”

“He’s mine,” the third said quickly, batting away the second’s hand. “Don’t touch him!”

“I am the eldest,” the first interrupted. “So I get first pick!”

Behind me, Ansel and Beau choked on silent laughter. I longed to knock their heads together, cursing Madame Labelle for pairing them with me.

I adopted as pleasant a voice as I was able. “Mademoiselles, may I introduce my brothers?” I jerked them both forward by the scruffs of their necks, and their grins vanished. “This is Antoine.” I shoved Ansel toward one of them at random. I grabbed Beau next. “And this is Burke.”

The witch I paired with Beau wrinkled her nose. Though Madame Labelle had taken pity on him and removed his wart, he undoubtedly remained the least attractive of us. Undeterred—or just stupid—he shot the witch a charming smile, revealing a gap between his two front teeth. She stepped away from him, disgusted.

The first witch wrapped a hand around my arm, attempting to pull me close. “And what’s your name, handsome?”


Her fingers explored my biceps. “It’s nice to meet you, Raoul. I’m Elaina. Have you ever been to the Chateau?”

I struggled to keep my face polite. Interested. “No, but I’ve heard it’s beautiful.”

“As are its inhabitants.” Beau gave them a roguish wink. Everyone ignored him.

“You are in for such a treat!” The witch next to Ansel pushed past her sister to clutch my other arm. “I’m Elodie, by the way. Are you sure you don’t have a sister?” She peered behind me hopefully.

“Hey!” the third sister protested when she realized I had no more arms to spare.

“That’s Elinor,” Elaina said, dismissive. “But Elodie is right—you couldn’t have picked a better night to offer your services. Tonight is Modraniht, and tomorrow is Yule. Our Lady has planned a great festival this year—”

“We’ve traveled all the way from Sully to celebrate—” Elodie said.

“—because Louise has finally returned!” Elinor finished. She grabbed Ansel’s arm and followed us through the trees.

My heart stopped, and I stumbled. Two sets of hands moved eagerly to steady me.

“Are you all right?” Elaina asked.

“You look quite pale,” Elodie said.

“Who is Louise?” Beau asked, shooting me a sharp look.

Elinor’s nose wrinkled as she looked at him. “Louise le Blanc. Daughter and heir of La Dame des Sorcières. Are you daft?”

“Apparently.” Beau looked on with a bemused expression. “So, mademoiselles—what does our fair Lady have planned for us this evening? Food? Dancing? Will we get to meet the lovely Louise?”

“You won’t,” Elinor said. “You’re not coming.”

I stopped walking abruptly. “He goes where I go.”

Elaina pouted up at me. “But none of us want him.”

“If you want me, he goes.” I pulled away from her, and her lips puckered slightly. I mentally chastised myself. “Please.” I tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear and attempted a smile. “He’s my brother.”

She leaned into my touch, frown melting into a sigh. “Well, if you insist.”

We resumed walking. Ansel cleared his throat. “So—er, what can we expect tonight?”

Elinor grinned coyly. “You needn’t be nervous, Antoine. I’ll take good care of you.”

Ansel’s face burned crimson. “No, that’s not— I meant—”

Elinor laughed and nestled closer to him. “There’ll be the usual gifts and minor sacrifices. Our mother passed a few years ago, so we’ll honor our Lady in her stead.”

“And the Goddess, of course,” Elodie added.

“And then,” Elaina said, eager, “after the feasting and dancing, Morgane will make her sacrifice to the Goddess at midnight.”

Midnight. Numbness crept over my limbs. “Her sacrifice?”

Elaina leaned in conspiratorially. “Her daughter. Terribly wicked, but there you are. We’ll be witnessing history tonight, you and I.”

Elodie and Elinor both huffed protests at being excluded, but I didn’t hear them. A ringing started in my ears, and my hands curled into fists. Beau clipped my heel in an innocent gesture. I tripped, breaking out of the witches’ grip, before rounding on him.

“Sorry, Raoul.” He shrugged and smiled easily, but his eyes held a warning. “You’d think I could control my own feet, eh?”

I took a steadying breath. Then another. Forced myself to unclench my fists.




“Oh, look!” Elinor pointed to our left. A small group of people emerged between the trees. “It’s Ivette and Sabine! Oooh, we haven’t seen them since we were witchlings!”

Elaina and Elodie squealed in delight and dragged me and Ansel toward the newcomers. Beau trailed behind.

Upon closer inspection, I recognized Coco on the arm of one of the newcomers. Which left only Madame Labelle unaccounted for. When Coco cast me a furtive, troubled glance, I nodded in understanding.

Shelby Mahurin's Books