Secrets Never Die (Morgan Dane #5)(35)

“Where did you get all this information?”

“Once I had Joe Martin’s name, the details were easy to find. The case was big news at the time.” Jenny’s fingers flew across her keyboard. “There were numerous articles, but the best source was a New York Times piece with interviews of unnamed former drug dealers in Newark. I’ll email you a copy. The New York Times’s website makes articles available as far back as 1851. It’s fascinating.”

Jenny’s mental illness often took center stage. It was easy to forget that she was an unusually intelligent woman. She managed to make a good living without leaving her house. She taught online computer classes and ran her own business in website design, maintenance, and security. She also did much of the virtual legwork on their big cases. Sometimes Sharp forgot how much she needed to be useful.

She continued. “Joe Martin is linked to multiple businesses. Some seem legitimate. He owns a flooring company, a chain of pizza parlors, and a clothing manufacturer. There’s a real estate holding company and at least a dozen shell companies through which he likely launders some of his drug money. Some of these businesses are now being run by Joe’s son, Aaron Martin.”

Jenny clicked her mouse. “Tina has kept a low profile since she moved to Grey’s Hollow. She has no criminal record in New York State. She has been employed at the hospital for eleven years. Before that, she worked in a surgical center.”

“What about her ex, Kirk Meade?”

“He’s a piece of work.” Jenny opened a new document. “Paroled a few months ago after serving three years for assault. Before that, he had a string of misdemeanors. Even before his incarceration, his employment history is spotty, with more gaps than actual working time. He currently works as a forklift operator for ABC Furniture.”

“He’s a lazy bum,” Sharp muttered. “No wonder he’s angry that Tina divorced him. He has to earn his own keep now.”

“Next up, Paul Knox.” Jenny’s voice softened. “I found nothing. He lived in Grey’s Hollow all his life. His twenty-five-year record with the sheriff’s department is spotless. Paul was as clean as a bar of soap.”

“But someone killed him. They must have had a reason.”

“But that reason might not have been something Paul did,” Jenny pointed out.

Did Paul have dirt on someone else?

“I have one more thing I want you to look into.” Sharp pulled out his notes on Brian Springer and told Jenny what he needed. “The neighbor said the property is owned by a brother or brother-in-law and is on a lake. I know it seems like a needle-in-a-haystack situation, but it’s all I have.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” Jenny made a copy of his notes on the copier behind her desk. She handed the original back to him.

Jenny took her hands from the keyboard and leaned back in her chair. “I haven’t started on Steve Duncan yet, but I’ll tackle his records tomorrow morning after Brian Springer.”

Duncan, Jake’s quasi guardian, was at the bottom of Sharp’s suspect list.

“Could you try and find any information on a man named Sam Jones who was arrested by the Randolph County Sheriff’s Department between six and twelve months ago? He sued the county and Deputy Brian Springer for use of excessive force.”

“Yes.” Jenny made a note.

Sharp stood. “Thanks, Jenny. No one is as thorough and quick as you.”

Jenny blushed. “I’m happy to help. I enjoy the work. I don’t like to be idle.”

“I’m sure we’ll have additional names for you to run as the investigation proceeds.”

Jenny followed him out of the room and walked him to the door. Once outside, he heard the dead bolt slide home.

Sharp texted Lance from the car, eager to share the news about Tina’s father. Then he headed for the office. As he stepped out of his vehicle into the heat and humidity, another spot of fatigue washed over him. What the hell? He was almost tired enough to break into Morgan’s coffee and donut stash.

Instead, he went inside, grabbed an orange from the kitchen, and took it to his desk. Jenny had emailed him detailed reports and photographs of everyone. He skimmed through them. Sometimes, a clue wasn’t so obvious as a criminal history. But nothing jumped out at him.

He downloaded the New York Times article Jenny had sent him. It was a lengthy piece, part of the newspaper’s expanded Sunday edition. His gaze dropped to the byline under the article headline and shock gave him a quick buzz of energy.

By Olivia Cruz

Excitement stirred in his gut. He tried to squash it and failed. He should not be looking forward to asking her for yet another favor.

But he was.

Chapter Fourteen

In the passenger seat of the Jeep, Morgan drummed her fingers on her thigh. One thought dominated her mind as she watched Lance walk across the sheriff station’s parking lot toward the vehicle.

Tina keeps too many secrets.

Lance opened the driver’s door and slid behind the wheel. Looking up, he frowned. “Is that Esposito?”

“Where?” Morgan’s gaze darted back to the sheriff station.

A dark-haired man in a slick gray suit crossed the asphalt.

“That’s him,” she said.

In the back seat, Tina sat bolt upright. “Who is Esposito?”

Melinda Leigh's Books