Second Chance Pass (Virgin River #5)(95)

And there was Nikki. The dark-haired beauty wore a closely fitting pale pink dress with a demure slit up one side, not visible unless a soft breeze caught the silk and lifted it. Her black hair fell down her back in a breathtaking contrast to the pastel. She wore a beautiful smile for her best friend’s vows and had no idea how closely she was being watched.

The vows were exchanged quickly, without a single mistake, and it was finally time for Paul to take Vanni into his arms and cover her mouth with a searing kiss that suggested he wished they were alone. The gathering cheered and applauded the bride and groom until they had no choice but to break apart.

As the couple made their way slowly through the gathering and toward the house where the party was laid out for the celebrants, Joe saw his chance. He grabbed a glass of champagne off a tray and pressed his way toward Nikki. He offered it and said, “You look very beautiful today.”

“Thank you,” she said, accepting the drink.

“There should be dancing at this party,” he complained. “Otherwise, how am I going to get my arms around you?”

“Are you flirting with me?” she asked him.

“I am. I think it’s the dress.”

She laughed at him.

“It’s an amazing dress,” he went on.

“Into fashion, are you?”

He shook his head. “I wasn’t before today.” He put out a hand to escort her. “Let me take you to a party.”

Not long after the food was put out, Walt realized he’d misplaced Shelby. He looked around the house and yard and then, on an impulse, he went to the stable. He found her there, all dressed up and fancy, stroking Plenty’s neck. She looked over her shoulder at her uncle and smiled. “It’s been years since I’ve seen this girl.”

He stepped toward her. “Looks like she remembers you.”

“I don’t know about that, but Liberty’s as self-centered as he ever was. And I sure like this new guy, Chico. I can’t wait to get back on a horse.”

“You know where they are,” he said. “Visit us whenever you can. Ride. Enjoy the summer along the river. It’s wonderful.”

“The whole place is wonderful, Uncle Walt. It lives up to all the pictures you brought.”

“I’m a lucky man.”

She turned around and leaned back against the stall. Plenty nuzzled her hair, making her laugh. “You’re going to have an extra bedroom when Tom’s gone to boot camp and West Point,” she said. “I’ll have to fill it up for you on weekends.”

“I would love that, honey.”

“Vanni says Paul’s building them a house. He’s going to start right away—try to get them in by Christmas even if there’s still a lot of work to finish.”

“That’s his plan as I understand it.” Walt chuckled. “I think he’s anxious to get his new wife out from under my roof.”

Shelby stepped toward her uncle. “I’m not sure yet what I’m going to do next. Probably go back to school, but it’s really too late for me to get accepted for the fall semester. Besides, I think I need a little more time to unwind. To think about what direction I might take.”

“Fortunately, you have lots of time.”

“I’d like to spend it here….”

His eyes widened in disbelief. Hopefully, he said, “Do you mean that, honey?”

“You’ll be lonely without Tom. I can help with the horses.”

He reached out and stroked her shiny hair. “What about Bodega Bay?” he asked gently.

“I’ve decided to let it go,” she said. “I’ll be sure the work on the house gets finished, but I’ve already talked to a Realtor. I’m going to sell it, Uncle Walt. I think I want to move on. I don’t think it will take longer than a couple of months to sell. It’s a good little house.”

“Sure you don’t want to just rent it for a while? Keep a grip on it just in case you decide that’s where you belong? You’ve been there your whole life….”

“I know. I think it’s time for a new life. Don’t you?” She smiled. “While I’m thinking about where that new life is going to be, I’d like to be here with you, with my family. If it’s okay.”

“Shelby, nothing would make me happier. Honey, I never even dared hope you would come here for a long stay.”

“I hope you still feel that way when I’ve been underfoot for a while. I’m leaving early tomorrow, Uncle Walt. I’m going to shop my way back to Bodega Bay. I haven’t bothered with things like new clothes in years.” Tears came into her eyes. “Do you have any idea how happy that would make my mother?”

Walt pulled her against him and held her. “Shelby, sweetheart, I have an awful lot to be proud of, but I don’t think anyone in my life has made me prouder than I am of you. You’re an amazing young woman.”

Joe tried to keep tabs on Nikki throughout the party, even though she spent a great deal of time mingling among the guests. When it looked as if she wasn’t engaged in conversation, he found a way to get next to her, ask her if she was having fun, how long she would stay in Virgin River, when did she have to get back to work—anything that would keep her attention, keep her talking. Apparently he hadn’t lost his touch; she seemed to enjoy his flirting.

Robyn Carr's Books