Sebastian (Bowen Boys, #5)(4)

“Yes, yes I do. And please call me George. And Corrine, this is Corrine.” His mate nodded. “I would like to learn how to do a search on things. That’s primarily what we wanted it for. Sebastian said we could do our household budget on it as well.”

She nodded. “You can do just about anything on this. He’s got it rigged up so that if you wanted to, you could pretty much make a movie, write books and send them out, or even download and watch movies if you wanted. He’s got you set up really nicely.”

“He’s a good boy. All our sons are.” They walked back out to the car and got in. She played around with the computer for the better part of the hour-long drive back to Khan’s house, where they were staying this week while their house was being built.

“You said you wanted to learn to do some searches. You mean like on Google and stuff?”

George told her that they did. “We also want an email account. We’re very new to this. I mean, we’ve only just gotten cell phones in the last few months and learned how to take pictures.”

George looked at Corrine when she laughed. “We’re not very good at sending pictures on it as yet, but we do have lots of them. We have grandchildren, you see, and we get to sit for them all the time.” Ama nodded and smiled. “Then there is that site that we heard about on the television. Where you can pay all your bills at one time and not have to worry about them getting there on time.”

“You might want to stay clear of them. Those sites are set up just for people like you. They’ll pay out for you and right into their own account.” She was putting the computer back in the box as she continued. “Most of the sites that you might want to pay online have their own payment programs. I’ll show you how to set them up, but you’ll enter the information if you want to use them. I won’t mess with your credit cards or bank accounts other than to show you how to set them up.”

George nodded. This was much more than he’d hoped for and told her so. “We thought you’d just show us how to turn it on and then find us Google. We’re ever so grateful for this.”

“I’m sure your son will be thrilled to death to know you picked a perfect stranger to help you. I know I would be.” She grinned at him. “You’re not going to tell anyone, are you? I mean what you think you know about me. What you know about me. I’m not sure how your touch over all the other times I’ve been randomly touched has…you can’t tell anyone about me.”

“No, of course we won’t. We told you we wouldn’t and we won’t. Not even if we are asked directly by the boys.” He looked over at Corrine as he continued. “We’ll just say we hooked up at the deli and you agreed to help us. Not a lie. We did see you there.”

George listened to his mate tell Ama about their grandkids as he tried to work through what she was. A faerie. Even as a younger man, he’d heard about them but had never thought to see one, much less meet one. Then as he got older, he’d heard that they’d been all killed. Humans hadn’t understood what they were and had murdered them before they had changed into what this woman was. Nothing in the world was as strong as they were, and now there was one right in front of him that was going to show them how to use a computer.

She was lovely. Her hair was nearly white it was so blonde, and her eyes the greenest he’d ever seen. Her skin was nearly flawless, if you thought of her sigil as a flaw. But he didn’t. And now that he’d touched her and had been acknowledged by her, George and his mate could see her completely. Humans would never be able to see her the way that he was right now.

The marks that were covering her eyes weren’t there before. Now they could see the mask that was formed over them that looked like something one would get at Mardi Gras. The way it caught the light and sparkled made him think that she wasn’t just a faerie but something more. He wondered how much more of her was marked when the limo they were riding in came to a smooth stop. She stopped him before they got out.

“You know that no one but you two can see me, right? I mean, they will see me but not the way you two do. Until I make it known to them, all they see is what everyone else can see, a woman who likes to be tattooed.” George and Corrine both nodded. “If you tell anyone, do you understand what will happen?”

“We die.”

Chapter 2

“Oh, and your mom and dad were in, too.” Sebastian looked up from the mountain of notes that Debby, his assistant manager, had given him when he returned. “They had me talk to some woman. I think she said her name was Amazing or something like that. She said that she was giving them lessons. I thought you said they were coming here for them.”

“I thought so, too.” He reached for the phone to call them as Debby left the office. He’d been gone for less than three hours and had nearly fifty phone messages, and he’d not even checked his email yet. He shook his head, glad for the business, but he was beginning to feel like he needed a vacation—and soon. When someone answered his dad’s cell phone, he asked what she’d said again.

“I said George Bowen’s phone. Is that who you called?” He was taken aback by her answering it first of all, and by her biting tone. “Are you there?”

“Yes. Where are my parents? I want you to put them on the phone right f*cking now.” She snorted. “What have you done to them?”

Kathi S. Barton's Books