Save the Sea (Saved by Pirates #3)(9)

“We can’t go any further,” Ryland says just as I’m about to step onto the bridge. I feel it suddenly as I stand under the statue of the dragons and the rose. There’s a power coming from the bridge, and when I concentrate, I can see that the bridge is faintly glowing a blue colour now. I look back at my pirates, the three of them standing watching and supporting me even if they can’t follow me here. I know if I was in danger, they would find a way to bring the mountain down to make sure I was safe. Their love gives me strength to hold my head high, knowing that the next things I do will be so important to our future.

“Be safe, but we trust you,” Zack says, placing a hand on Ryland and Hunter's shoulders as he stands in the middle of them.

“I will be back soon,” I tell them firmly, and lift my head, as I turn and walk across the bridge.


Chapter Five


Water sprays against my face as I slowly walk over the bridge, to the open cave entrance on the other side that comes into view. The bridge is covered all the way down, with carvings of dragons and of a man controlling water. The sea god is depicted as well. There are words I can’t read inscribed all the way down it. I wonder what they say, what they speak of, and if it’s of any use for me to understand the sea god. I stop near the edge of the bridge, tracing my finger over the upside-down triangle I spot carved on the banister of the bridge. It looks just like my mark. I wonder if another changed one has had my mark before, if maybe the mark is reborn time and time again.

“Cassandra of Onaya. The first female changed one to live in many, many years. It is an honour to meet you,” a man says from the shadow of the cave. The man steps forward into the dim light, his face hidden under a cloak. He lowers the hood as I step off the bridge, and move to stand right in front of him. It is the master I met when I landed here yesterday, the one that advised me. Dante seemed to trust him. I run my eyes over his fragile form and realise he is a lot older than I first thought he was. His white hair matches his pale eyes. I find myself focusing my eyes on his changed mark, still finding it strange to see other changed ones. I doubt I will ever be able to get used to it.

“Master Light, there is another female changed one who lives. She is queen and should be respected. It is not her fault what happened to her, and she is one of our kind. We must not forget her. I will not,” I say, hating that she is overlooked like this. She may not have her senses, and she may have lost her mind, but she should be remembered. She is queen after all, and that demands respect on its own.

“You are correct, of course,” he says, but his tone doesn’t suggest he cares much for my opinion of the queen. I doubt anyone will care much for her anymore, but she is Hunter and Ryland’s mother. I feel nothing but a deep sorrow for her and hope I can save her somehow. “Come inside, we have much to discuss.” I follow him into the cave, which opens up into a massive room. There is a table made out of solid white crystal in the centre of the cavern. There are four other figures wearing hoods sitting at the table, and Master Light walks ahead, holding out the seat at the top of the table for me.

“Please sit, Cassandra,” he asks me. I take a seat where he indicates as he sits on the other side of the table. I smooth my hands over the stone, feeling the circle patterns etched into it. It is utterly beautiful and precious. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a piece of crystal this big before.

“I am Master Light, as you well know,” he introduces himself again, “please introduce yourselves, masters.” They all take their hoods down at the same time, and I look at the masters on my right first. One is the purple-haired man I encountered last night. He nods respectively, which is much different from the look I received when I saw him last. I don’t know why, but I instantly don’t trust this master. There is something about him, and I will be watching my back around him.

“My name is Master Igor,” he says bluntly, quickly turning away and not waiting for any reaction from me. I look over to the man on his other side, who appears so much different. This man has five large cuts over his face, almost covering up his mark but I can still see it. It’s a circle, with some swirls inside. His grey eyes watch me with a lot of intelligence hiding behind them.

“Master Hid, at your service,” he says, bowing his head.

“There is no need to bow to me,” I say, and he chuckles.

“Your chosen are the princes of Calais, that makes you a princess by all accounts. If that didn’t garner my respect, what I have heard you did with the king earns you my respect for the rest of your life. Respect is earnt in actions, and you have done just that. A girl from Onaya, with nothing more than a mark, nearly killed the king and then vowed to go back. Most people would be scared, scarred, and destroyed from what I heard happened. But you are strong, resilient, and so very impressive, Cassandra of Onaya,” he says, and I stay silent, not knowing how to respond to that statement. Anything I did was to survive, until the king took everything he could from me and promised to take more, to destroy my world. I won’t let anyone take my chosen from me, and fighting back is the only way I know I will be able to survive this. I thought I did what anyone else would do, but maybe Master Hid is right.

“You also have my respect, Cassandra. I am Master Pirate,” I turn at the sound of a deep voice to see the man who spoke on my left. He is a huge man, with an arrow mark on his forehead, black wavy hair that falls around his face, and a serious expression.

G. Bailey's Books