Savage Hearts (Queens & Monsters #3)(109)

He doesn’t explain that, and I don’t ask. If he wanted me to know, he’d tell me.

“What’s going on with the Italians?”

He sighs heavily, passing a hand over his face. “They’re bloody mad, that lot. Do you know they still have arranged marriages?”

“They can’t want you to marry one of their lasses now!”

“No, not me, obviously. But Caruso’s got it in his head to marry his daughter into the Mob.”

Gianni Caruso is the head of one of the Five Families. Since the capo of the Cosa Nostra was killed a while back, the Sicilians have been jockeying each other for position. No one has come out on top yet.

“Why us?”

He says drily, “Because we’re so handsome and charming.”

“Or because we have something they want.”


“Do they have anything we want?”

“Aye. Territory. Distribution. Trade routes. Cash. We had a tentative accord when Diego was in charge, but it dissolved when his memory did. But it hardly matters, considering I don’t have any male family members to sell into slavery.”

My mind starts to turn. I say slowly, “What if you did?”

Declan looks at me sharply.

“Second-in-command is about as close to a son or brother as you have.”

When he understands what I’m suggesting, he says flatly, “You’ve lost your bloody mind.”

“You said you wanted me focused. Nothing like new pussy to get your mind off the old.”

He lifts his brows. “Now you’re scaring me. Also, watch your mouth, mate. Riley’s my sister-in-law.”

“Do you have a picture of Caruso’s daughter?”

“Spider! Knock it off!”

I down the rest of my whiskey, set the glass on his desk, and stand. “Show me her picture.”

“You can’t be bloody serious!”

“Look at my face. Does it look serious to you?”

“This isn’t like adopting a puppy. You can’t take it back if it doesn’t work out. This is a bloody lifelong commitment we’re talking about!”

“You just made one. Why can’t I?”

He roars, “Because you’re not in love!”

“This wouldn’t be about love. It would be about business. And frankly—I mean this with no disrespect to you or your wife—from what I can tell, a business arrangement with no feelings involved would be a helluva lot easier.”

“I’ll pretend you didn’t say that.”

“Just show me a picture of the lass.”

He walks over to his desk, flattens his hands on the top, and leans over it, glaring at me.

“You don’t understand. You could never walk away. If she gets fat or grows warts or has the laugh of a hyena, you’d be tied to her for the rest of your life. If she slept with every bloody man she saw, you’d be tied to her. Forever! Her family would kill you if you tried to leave. And I couldn’t stop it, because you’d have agreed to it beforehand!”

I hold his infuriated gaze and say calmly, “Just show me a bloody picture. If the lass is fat and has warts, I won’t mention it again.”

He stares at me for a few moments longer, then curses and drops into his chair. Muttering oaths under his breath, he opens his laptop, clicks around for a while, then sits back and silently stares at the screen.

“So? Warts?”

He looks at me then back at the screen. “No warts.”


“Not exactly.” He turns the laptop so the screen is facing me.

I’m looking at a picture of a young woman with long dark hair, dark eyes, and a sweet, heart-shaped face. She looks all of twenty and innocent as a doe.

I say gruffly, “Not exactly is right.”

Declan groans. “Jesus Christ.”

“Set it up.”

“You’re fucking insane.”

“Set it up, boss. Talk to Caruso. See if he’ll bite.”

I turn and walk toward the door, listening to Declan piss and moan behind me but knowing he’ll consider it once I’m gone.

Kings have to move the pawns at their disposal. It’s just what kings do.

As for the pawns, well, they might not have a king’s power, but they can still make themselves useful.

And, if given the right opportunity, they can have a little fun while they’re at it.

Being the good guy hasn’t gotten me anything so far except heartache.

It’s time to be bad and break something innocent.

Thank you for reading Savage Hearts! Continue with Spider’s story in BRUTAL VOWS, book 4 in the Queens & Monsters series.


Thank you to Sarah Ferguson, Letitia Hasser, Linda Ingmanson, Shannon Smith, Stephenie Meyer, Eleni Caminis, my husband, Jay, all the wonderful members of Geissinger’s Gang, and you, my readers. Plus everyone else I’m sure to remember as soon as this goes to press.

If you haven’t yet read the Dangerous Beauty series, that’s where Pakhan and Killian are originally found. Killian also appears in the Beautifully Cruel series.

About the Author

J.T. Geissinger is a #1 internationally bestselling author of twenty-eight novels. Ranging from funny, feisty romcoms to intense, edgy suspense, her books have sold over five million copies and been translated into more than a dozen languages.

J.T. Geissinger's Books