Safari Island Shifters: The Complete Collection(12)

“What?” Max punched Chet in the arm from the back seat. “Congratulations, man. That’s really great. She seemed like a really cool girl last night.”

“Good luck,” Finn said.

From the tone of his voice, Chet could tell he didn’t think there was a good chance of this date ending in a love match. He was surprised. Finn was normally very optimistic.

No matter. They were in front of the girls’ bungalow. Whatever was going to happen was out of his hands. Even if Finn didn’t think vacation romances were possible, Chet believed it would work out. Addison was fated for him, and nothing could mess that up.


“This is a disaster,” Lily whispered as soon as the lights were out.

Addison agreed, but there was nothing they could do about it now. The first part of the dinner had gone great. She had learned a lot about Chet, Finn, and Max. All three actually seemed like okay enough men, but they weren’t people she would want to date. Contrary to Chet’s opinion, she was not in love with him. In lust, maybe. He was infuriating, but also very good-looking—the best-looking guy she’d seen while on vacation. But just because she wouldn’t be opposed to a fun vacation romp didn’t mean she loved him.

They’d even gotten some good pictures for the deal they’d made with Ward. All in all, it had been a very good day until the food started arriving. They started talking about school and Lily said that she didn’t understand why anyone wouldn’t get a college degree. It was laziness, she said. Addison had heard that particular opinion many times. It was na?ve and very short-sighted, but it didn’t upset her. When Lily went on her little rant, Addison didn’t even look up from her bleu cheese and grape starter salad.

Finn was very offended. His mood had switched almost immediately. Then when the waitress was bringing out their soups, she spilled Chet’s all over his lap. It was scalding hot, and Addison had no idea how he could walk. He excused himself to the bathroom and when he came back the waitress dropped his bean burrito all over him. It was comical, but Chet stood up and swore at the poor girl.

It was out of frustration, of course, but Addison couldn’t believe the outburst. The whole restaurant got quiet and looked at them. It was so embarrassing. The show had started late, so they were going to be stuck sitting with the men until the wee hours of the morning. Then there was going to be the awkward drive home.

To add to the list of surprises that evening, the leads in the show were complaining of sore throats, so the understudies were performing—and the understudy for the lead actress was obviously sick too. It was an utter disappointment.

“I have to go to the ladies’ room,” she told Chet. Lily gave her an imploring look, but Addison shook her head. She didn’t need a bathroom buddy.

The ladies’ room was empty, as she expected. The show had just begun, so she figured she had a while before anyone bothered her.

She sat on the sink and kicked off her heels. Using her phone, she checked to see what buses were running after the show and was happy to see there was one back going to their resort. There was no need to ride back with Chet and the twins.

She could hear the opening number ending and figured she’d better get back to the table. When she opened the door, she ran smack into Chet’s solid chest.

“Oh!” She tottered on her heels, but Chet grabbed her before she could fall.

“Hey. You were taking a long time.”

“I had to use the bathroom.” Addison smoothed her curls back into place.

“Or you were utterly bored by this performance.” Chet shook his head. “You guys got screwed. This is a first for the restaurant, according to the hostess. The lead actors and their understudies are probably all drunk.”

“I thought you weren’t allowed to get drunk while you were working.”

“You aren’t, but this is a special occasion. It’s Parker’s first night. Unprofessional, but it isn’t like they have anything to worry about. None of them will get fired, and messing up one show won’t piss off their bosses. I’m really sorry.”

“It isn’t your fault.”

Chet looked at his watch. “I have an idea. Why don’t we get out of here? We can take a walk on the beach.”

“I can’t leave Lily. You’re our ride home, too, you know.”

“We’ll be back before the show is over. It’ll be a lot more fun on the beach than watching that woman attempt to sing for two hours.”

Judging by the opening warbles of the next song, Addison had to agree. She nodded. “Fine.”

Chet pointed to the door to her left. “We need to go out that way so Lily and the twins don’t see us.”

Addison followed him through the busy kitchen and outside. There, she breathed in the warm air.

Chet grabbed her hand. “This way. I know a hidden little spot on the beach.”

They walked about a quarter of a mile and went through some sparse trees. Then, Chet hung his blazer on a tree branch and started unbuttoning his shirt.

“What are you doing?” Addison asked, amused. “I think you got the wrong idea.”

“Want a ride?” He hung his shirt up on top of his blazer and kicked off his shoes.

Addison couldn’t help but stare at his rippling abs. He was bronze all over, and so muscular. Her eyes couldn’t help but follow the deep V down to the treasure below. She licked her bottom lip as he slid his jeans off his hips.

Lola Kidd's Books