Ruby Shadows (Born to Darkness #3)(41)
“I don’t think so…” I tried to back away from him but he caught me by the arm. “Hey, let go of me!”
“Have to make certain you’re well my lady.” He leered at me, pulling me closer to that disgusting boar’s head as well as his uncovered crotch. A rank smell like rotten fish and dirty, hairy flesh drifted up to me, making me gag. “It would never do if Lord Laish came back to find his concubine dead from neglect on my part,” he went on.
“And it would never do if he came back to see you molesting his lady, either,” another, deeper voice growled.
I looked up in relief and saw Laish striding down the hallway, a look of utter fury on his face. With each step he took, he appeared to grow larger until I wasn’t sure how the hallway could contain him.
“My Lord!” Druaga dropped my arm at once and stepped back, his erection wilting somewhat. “Forgive me—your lady was attacked and I was just—”
“Taking advantage of the situation,” Laish finished for him, his eyes blazing. “Tell me, Druaga—how did Gwendolyn come to be attacked in the first place? And who exactly attacked her?”
“It…it was those kids—the ones we saw outside the hotel,” I whispered, feeling faint. I thought…they seemed so harmless.”
Laish’s eyes widened. “Devilkins are anything but harmless. Did they hurt you?”
“I…” I shook my head, feeling too faint to answer. God, what was wrong with me? Was I still in shock or was it something else?”
Laish rounded on Druaga who by now had put some distance between us.
“How did the devilkins get into your oh-so-well guarded hotel? How were they able to attack Gwendolyn?”
The boar-demon’s face grew dark and he drew himself up.
“If you’re suggesting that I somehow planned this episode—”
“That is exactly what I am suggesting,” Laish growled. He was at the end of the hallway now, towering over the other demon with a terrible look on his face. For a moment I thought I saw his eyes go all black, like the devilkin children’s eyes had—but I blinked and they were ruby red again.
“You cannot believe such a thing,” Druaga protested. “Or even if you do, you have no proof. I came and rescued your lady from certain death and despoilment! You owe me a debt for saving her life and her honor—not unwarranted threats.”
I expected Laish to disagree with him—or maybe rip his head off his shoulders—he certainly looked angry enough to do it. Instead, he nodded briefly.
“You are correct—I have incurred a debt to you.” He glared at the boar-headed demon. “Though I am certain you engineered the situation for that exact purpose.”
Druaga put a hairy hand to his chest, looking offended.
“Most certainly not, Lord Laish! And just to show that I would never do such a thing, the only payment I ask is that the two of you break bread with me on the morrow, before you leave.”
“So…” I cleared my throat. “You want us to have breakfast with you? That’s all?”
“That is all, lovely lady.” He leered at me, making me feel sick. Or was it the shock again? Whatever it was, I was feeling more and more faint and dizzy by the minute. “I simply want to be able to say that I broke bread with one of the Princes of Darkness. It will increase my status in Baator immeasurably.”
Laish nodded curtly and seemed to shrink back to his normal size.
“Very well, I have no time to argue with you,” he growled, frowning at Druaga. “One meal together—just you and me.”
“And your lovely lady, of course.” The human eyes in the boar’s face gleamed. “She must come too.”
“All right—but I want it known that this meal will pay the debt for saving her life.”
“Yes, yes…of course, my lord.” Druaga nodded and bowed obsequiously. “I will send an imp to lead you to my private quarters tomorrow morning.”
“No,” Laish said sharply. “Not your quarters—here will do.”
“As you wish.”
“Fine. And now I must see to my concubine.” Heedless of the smashed sandwich and the plastic shards of the ruined Sponge Bob container, Laish gripped me by the arm and pulled me back into the suite.
Chapter Fourteen
“Strip!” I said at once, as soon as I had the door closed and securely fastened.
“What?” Gwendolyn took a step back from me, fear flashing in her eyes. “What do you…?”
There was no time to explain. What Druaga had been telling her about the venom of a devilkin’s bite was no lie. I had to be certain she wasn’t bitten anywhere—if she was, I had to get rid of the venom immediately and cleanse the wound. Without saying a word, I quickly began peeling the red silk dress from her lush body, needing to see for myself that she was safe and unharmed.
“No, wait…please!” Gwendolyn tried to bat my hands away but I couldn’t afford to be gentle. Devilkin venom begins working at once and, if left in the system too long, is completely lethal.
I disposed of the red dress, throwing it in a ball into the corner and reached for her panties.
“Stop!” She tried to take a step backwards and almost fell. “Oh…” She put a hand to her head. “So dizzy.”