Ruby Shadows (Born to Darkness #3)(30)

“Well, I guess we should go.” Gwendolyn looked at me uneasily, as though she was apprehensive that I might accuse her in some way or perhaps try to touch her again. On that score, she need not have worried. I was determined to leave her strictly alone until it was necessary to pay the Sin Tax again.

“Yes.” I reached for Kurex’s reins and led the huge steed onto dry land. He snorted and stamped once, as though pleased to be on solid footing again. Gwendolyn followed quietly, throwing one last uneasy glance over her shoulder at Charon. The ferryman waited silently until we were all ashore and then pushed off, gliding across the tarry waters again to meet his next customer.

“Well, that was…creepy.” Gwendolyn shivered.

“Mmm.” I nodded neutrally.

“Look,” she began. “About what I said to you—”

“You need not apologize or explain,” I said. “I understand that you’re wary of me—you don’t trust me or my intentions.”

“It’s not that exactly,” she objected. “It’s just…well…”

“What?” I turned to face her and saw that her creamy café au lait cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. “Why, mon ange, you’re blushing.” I reached up to stroke her cheek but she flinched away. “What is it?” I asked again.

“I just don’t understand why I can’t control myself better with you,” she burst out. “I mean when you touched me I just…I couldn’t help myself. And I don’t like that—I don’t like feeling like I might not be able to…to stop. I mean, what happens when we have to pay the Sin Tax again, for the next circle. What happens when—”

“Gwendolyn…Gwendolyn.” I dropped Kurex’s bridle and took her by the shoulders. “If you’re afraid that you won’t be able to stop yourself from going too far, don’t worry.”

“Of course I worry!” Her eyes were wide. “I don’t want to lose half my power. I don’t want to end up like—” She stopped abruptly, biting her lip. “I don’t want to end up stuck in the middle of Hell without enough power to help myself,” she finished.

“You won’t,” I said gently. “I won’t let you. Would it make you feel better if I told you I wouldn’t let you go so far—not until the very end and not unless it is absolutely necessary?”

She looked at me suspiciously. “You’re saying you’ll stop? That you won’t take my virginity?”

“Not unless there is no other way to pass through to the seventh circle and enter the Abyss,” I said.

Gwendolyn shook her head. “But why would you do that? Why would you promise that? I thought that was the main thing you wanted from me—the only thing you wanted. Why else would you agree to come on the quest with me and help me close the door I opened?”

I raised an eyebrow at her. “Did it never occur to you that I agreed to help you simply to get closer to you? Because I crave the pleasure of your company?”

“No,” she said flatly. “It didn’t.”

It was yet another indication of the way she didn’t trust me. Inwardly, I sighed.

“Well, it should have,” I said lightly. “Just because I am a demon of lust does not mean that bedding you is my sole intention.”

“Wait a minute.” She held up a hand to stop me. “You’re a demon of lust? That’s your thing?”

“It is my area of expertise.” I shrugged. “What of it?”

“Well, I mean, that explains everything.” She sounded relieved. “I mean if lust is what you do, no wonder I lose control when you touch me. No wonder I can’t help myself.”

“And it has nothing to do with the fact that you have even the slightest bit of emotion for me,” I murmured. “Or the fact that we belong together—that you fit so well in my arms it is as though your body was made for my touch.”

“I…” She bit her lip, her eyes uncertain.

“Come.” I took up Kurex’s reins again and tugged to get the horse moving. “We have a bit to go yet before we are in sight of Baator and it is an uphill climb.”

* * * * *


I followed Laish silently as we climbed up the steep hill that led from the banks of the Styx to the city we were aiming for. Could it be true what he had said about me having feelings for him? And what about all this “we belong together” crap? I mean it was just that—just crap—right? It was crazy, a witch couldn’t belong with a demon because a demon has no soul to bond with. Which also made them completely incapable of long term relationships.

But if everything he’d said was a lie, why had he promised not to take my virginity unless he really had to? Why had he promised to wait until the end of our trip, so I didn’t have to fear being powerless (or nearly powerless) in Hell?

Something was definitely going on and I didn’t know if I bought what he was selling—that he was honestly just helping me because he liked to spend time with me. But if he wasn’t doing this to take my virginity, then why was he doing it?

My thoughts spun like this, in dizzying loops, until we reached the top of the steep hill.

“Behold,” Laish said softly as we looked down onto the other side. “The great city of Baator. Also known as the Sinking City.”

Evangeline Anderson's Books