Ruby Shadows (Born to Darkness #3)(22)
The dog whined again and barked sharply at the massive demon. I bit my lip and crossed my arms over my chest protectively. Great, we’d been busted trying to sneak into Hell. What was going to happen now? Laish was just a minor demon. Would he get in trouble? Would he—?
“Cerberus did not attack the female because she is mine and I forbid him to harm her,” Laish said, stepping forward.
The demon, who towered over both of us, squinted down at him.
“Do I know you? Who are you that the hound of Hell obeys your orders?”
“You know me, Yerx.” Suddenly, Laish seemed to grow bigger and more menacing, just as he had at Grams’ house. “You know me very well,” he rumbled, his voice deepening to a threatening thunder.
I looked at him in awe—was this the other form he had talked about—his true demonic form? But his face hadn’t changed any—in fact, he didn’t seem that different except for his size. Maybe this was a partial transformation? What would happen if he changed completely? What would he look like? And did I really want to know?
Apparently the partial change was good enough for the huge demon.
“My Lord Laish!” It threw its massive frame on the black paving stones at our feet. It was so big I swore I could feel the ground shake when it hit the earth. “F-forgive me,” it stammered, pressing its huge, ugly face to Laish’s shoe. “I did not recognize you in your mortal form. I meant no disrespect—please don’t have me skinned alive or banish me to the lake of fire! Not all of us can survive it as you did!”
Laish stepped back and seemed to shrink down to his normal size again.
“That is quite all right, Yerx,” he said mildly. “An understandable mistake. I will not punish you—this time.”
“Oh, thank you, Master! Thank you!” The demon babbled, still groveling at his feet.
“That’s quite enough, Yerx.” Laish’s expression was one of distaste. “As I said, I won’t punish you this time—so long as you keep my secret. I am taking my concubine to my home in Hades and I don’t wish anyone to know it. Hence my attempt to bring her through the gates clandestinely.” He frowned. “Unfortunately, some fool let Cerberus off his leash and so my plan was spoiled.”
“I’ll have whoever did it whipped until they bleed,” the demon promised. “And your secret is safe with me, I swear it, my Lord.”
“Very well.” Laish sighed. “As long as you are here, Yerx, I might as well make use of you. Or rather, make use of your horse. It’s a long walk to the river and I confess I wasn’t looking forward to it.”
“Of course. Of course!” The demon hopped up at once and grabbed the snorting black horse’s reins. “Take him as far as you like, my Lord. He will return on his own when you release him.”
“All right.” Laish stepped forward and took the reins. He turned to me. “Come, Gwendolyn. Let us go.”
“On that thing?” I shook my head as a familiar fear from childhood rose up. “Uh-uh, I don’t think so.”
He frowned at me. “You’re fearless, Gwendolyn—some might even say reckless. A moment ago before I stopped you, you were going to pet the hound of Hell. Now you fear to mount a horse?”
“I don’t love dogs to death but a dog—even a three headed one—is still better than a horse,” I said defensively, taking another step back.
“Come, mon ange,” Laish said. “Don’t be ridiculous. This steed is perfectly safe—observe.” Nonchalantly, he put his foot in the stirrup and swung aboard the huge black horse which snorted and stamped but did, at least, stay still for the operation. The thing was so big it looked more like he was mounted on an elephant than a horse—or maybe that was just my fear talking.
“I…I don’t want to.” Still, I hung back. I had bad memories of my last time on horseback—very bad memories that involved a hospital visit, a broken collar bone, and my Grams crying her eyes out with worry. I wanted no part of that again.
“Gwendolyn…” Laish’s deep voice was soft and patient. “I swear to you I will not allow the horse to hurt or throw you. I will hold you myself the entire time we are astride it. Come…trust me. Remember you said that you would try?”
I had said that, hadn’t I? But why did he have to test me so soon?
“Come, Gwendolyn,” he said again. “Every moment you delay is another moment the Hellspawn has to track us.”
The thought of the headless thing with its long yellow teeth and slimy tongue-tentacle finally got me moving. Trying to stay right in the middle of the huge horse and away from its front and back hooves, I carefully approached.
“That’s good, mon ange.” Laish leaned down and held out a hand encouragingly. “Take my arm and step up on my foot. I will swing you up in front of me.”
It was a long reach to get my foot up to his, which was stuck firmly in the black leather stirrup. I felt ridiculous even trying because the red silk dress was riding up and I felt sure that the massive demon behind me was staring at my ass. Finally, though, I managed to get my foot on top of Laish’s and grasp him by the forearm.
“Up we go,” he said and suited actions to words by heaving me lightly up the side of the huge horse. Before I knew it, I was sitting in front of him in the big black saddle.